Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Look At The "Gospel" Ministry Of Mike Todd

There are many voices within Christianity claiming to represent the message of Christ. There are some that are heretical and teach a totally different Jesus and a false Christ. On the Dunamis word, by history, we have documented many of those so called "teachers" and them engaged in such charlatanism...

However, there is a new generation of alleged Christian leaders, or those who lead within Christian circles that present their message in a controversial style and format, but who, at the end of the day, endeavor to speak truth.

What and who is Pastor Mike Todd and is he one of those persons? 

I can honestly say that I have not followed, neither am I a follower of Mike Todd nor his church, Transformation Church. I do not know his history, other than he is a musician and a music producer, and was a significant part of the music ministry for the late Dr. Myles Munroe. I do not have an axe to grind and nobody is calling me telling me how bad Pastor Todd is or giving me "dirt" on the Pastor. In recent years, my attempt has been to stay from controversial "church-isms" of the day. Why? Because all the garbage that is being presented today, in the name of  "Christ", is far too time consuming and I simply don't have enough time nor the energy to keep up with the TRASH-men and women who pose and present the issues within the Body of Christ.

As I see Todd, I see some commendable things. A young family man, husband, father, one involved in not only his church, but also his community, a bit edgy in ministry (I haven't kept up with his messages) but at the same time I couldn't help but hear how this young man, according to many, is/was gay or at least gay affirming, preached inappropriate messages and was just plainly a misrepresentation of Christ in the pulpit. Now, that is what is commonly said in some circles, and as I stated, I ain't looking for details and information. 

Yes, I have seen the clips of teachings associated with his message "Relationship Goals" in which Pastor Todd opined over God's creation of man. In a portion of that message, Pastor Todd suggested that two genders (male and female) were not enough within humanity, further suggesting that there possibly should have been an "in between option" to gender identity. While Pastor Todd presented this in the context of stating that our personal opinion makes no difference to the rules and ruler of the Kingdom of God, he does this while continuously waffling over the issue even saying that if he had been a part of the creation of man, he would possibly have suggested that God do it differently.

Now, as if that weren't enough, he goes on to say that he understood how, in his words, “freakin' unfair” it is to "feel something everyday of your life, and it not line up with the God you love", suggesting that the feelings or love of the homosexual towards the same sex, or feelings of the transsexual being trapped within the wrong body, is some sort of torture from God towards humanity.

Yes, his opinions on this are certainly ridiculous notions to say the least when analyzed. His suggestions are not only heretical, but also fall in line with modern culture which asserts that God is not as "righteous" as man, in this case he (Pastor Todd), has become in our years of existence. The very notion that mankind could have potentially created itself better than the creator, or that man is more understanding and merciful towards his own plight, with no recognition of the impact of sin upon humanity itself, is not only arrogant, but is silly, and at best really stupid. I mean, if anything, that message, or at least the analogies drawn in that part of the message were either a complete mistake, or rooted in spurious doctrine and even false doctrine or notions of God and his nature, which Pastor Todd has gone on to attempt to defend without deference to the life changing power of God in the spirit and the life and lifestyle of those who place their trust, hope and life within him and actually repent from sin. However, with all that said, Pastor Todd is only human and subject to mistakes like all of us. Maybe his assertions in that are a mistake or based on a flawed interpretation of scripture. 

What would make him even think this way? It could be that Pastor Todd had put his rationale together basing his approach upon his interpretation of Paul's words in 1 Cor. 9:22:

"To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."

Maybe Pastor Todd felt that his words in this message were a form of making himself "all things to all men", or establishing common ground or understanding to reach a person in that condition or position...I don't know. (Maybe I have given him an apologetic, that he didn't have) But, I understand the criticisms because even if he was using that scripture as a basis for his teaching method, that was wrong as well. Who knows???

In any event, this young man seems to have pushed the envelope to gain attention, but, how is a message known, by its "intent" or by what is actually said, especially since in nearly every setting I have noticed that eh consistently asks people to hear his "heart"...

With that said, rather than begin with the controversial elements of this young man's ministry, (too late!!!) I have chosen to present his presentation of his own apologetic.  I don't intend to "correct" this young man, nor do I intend to "drag" him in the least. We have ALL made mistakes and said some things, even in messages, that we wish we did not say. While I can't speak for his motives, at least I can begin on a positive note and watch this young man continue to grow without destroying him or his influence.  I really do wish him the best, but he really doesn't need to be controversial, nor fringe in his theology to get the message of Christ to the masses. Just be a Servant of the Lord. He will make the difference. 


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