Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Misquoting Who? Another Ehrman Fantasy Rebuffed Out Of The Gate

New Testament Historian and alleged biblical scholar, Dr. Bart Ehrman, Professor of NT studies at UNC has forged a career and padded his bank account significantly calling into question the entire Biblical narrative of both Old and New Testaments. To be frank, he should be the main person on his knees thanking Jesus and the God of the Bible, because he has made his living solely off of God and his work as recorded within scripture. Ironically, he owes God everything he currently enjoys!

His books are best sellers and referenced by many atheists and Christians. His publisher allows him to promote his works through multiple video casts and podcasts aimed at not only driving sales, but creating interest and stirring as much controversy as possible so he can come in hot and be in the forefront of Biblical and scholarly discussions.

In a videocast promoting his book "Misquoting Jesus" Dr. Ehrman claims that the doctrine and teaching of the "Virgin Birth" was an error promoted by only 2 gospel writers (Matthew & Luke), was not known as being of any importance by NT authors, primarily Paul, and was essentially a later development within the text and in particularly the gospel narratives themselves. He claims that Matthew Chapters 1 & 2 and even Luke 1& 2 were probably inauthentic later insertions to the text to affirm certain theological beliefs regarding Jesus origin over time.

Ehrman, who I have consistently named and given my annual "Anti-Christ Advocate Award" because of the complete fantasies by which he endorses and subsequently dupes the public. He is certainly a "learned" scholar. However, his aim is to deconvert individuals from Christianity, and cause those students, who pay to be in his classes, to doubt their faith and I suppose, become little Ehrmans and go out doing the same for as many Christians as they meet...

For starters, I wouldn't pay this devil a dime to sit in his classes. I would not advise any parent to subject their child to his style of Biblical illiteracy...yes I said "illiteracy"...To expound...Dr. Ehrman, who no doubt, believes what he says, is blind as the devil as it pertains to TRUTH, which can be known with certainty. satan too, knows a lot more than we do as humans, but he is blind and illiterate. While this is not the point of this article, Dr. Ehrman would claim that historical truth cannot be known with certainty, and that supernatural truth can never be established from historical narratives and as history, and as such, any supernatural events, can only, at best, be a matter of faith, which is subjective and less stable and reliable than truths that derive from non supernatural causes...(Yes, that is another article that I can do later) ...These, of course, are my words, but would be an accurate assessment of Ehrnman's basic propositions in Biblical or historic Christian truth in particular.

With all of that said, and I hope you can see that I clearly and plainly disagree with much of what Dr. Ehrman asserts and contends, and certainly his moral rationale of his alleged work, I have however, bought, paid for, and read a couple of his books including the awful, "Misquoting Jesus". Certainly, in order to examine his work and offer commentary, I have to research his work and make sure that I am representing his positions accurately. I certainly wouldn't want to lie on him like he lies on God!
So far as Jesus being "misquoted" and Christianity not promoting the message of Christ, for sure, if we, as Christians, don't know what Jesus said, Dr Ehrman certainly doesn't know... How could he claim to know that something,... anything,... was "misquoted" unless he has the original or is able to work things back to the original? Then who gave him the original, or by what "magic" does he conjure up substantive truths that have escaped Christianity, and the minds of Christians for over 2,000 years but have suddenly come down to him? In other words, everyone in the world and history, were simply of lesser intelligence and ability until he came on the scene...Too bad he was born too late, he could have certainly "corrected" Paul, the Apostles and even Jesus himself and then we would all know the truth for sure!!! What arrogance and utter nonsense in the name of a "friendly" Professor, or someone dedicated to "knowledge". We see the exact same approach of satan (aka the serpent) as he presented his own set of truth to Eve in the Garden. it was satan that was telling the truth while God, by not telling the complete truth, was also telling a lie. Ehrman, moves in the path of "his father"...

I'll leave that alone, but PLEASE!!!!

Nevertheless, Dr Ehrman deals with the concept of "the virgin birth" in his December 2023 video below. Of course, he has the inside track on why Matthew was wrong, why Isaiah 7:14 was a misinterpretation based on a misapplied Greek word and mistranslation from the LXX, and why Mary was not a virgin when Jesus was conceived as Christians believe.

Thankfully, I have already done some of the heavy lifting on the issue and have preserved my thoughts and what I believe is the correct Biblical teaching on the issue in 3 podcasts also below that I did in 2017. Although Dr Ehrman offers no new information in this interview, making it necessary to update or clarify my position, he does give me fodder to expand and build upon the information I present which I will do in a future writing and podcast.

I hope you enjoy these presentations. Even Dr. Ehrman's...I think lies such as those he presents, should be examined in light of the TRUTH that we know and have received from holy scripture.

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