Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

We DECRY Hamas Aggression. Hamas Are Terrorists, NOT Freedom Fighters!

At The Dunamis Word, both print and podcast, Dunamis Insurance & Business Services & all enterprise associated with and related to New Bethel COGIC, we want to be clear that WE DECRY  all forms of hate, and in particular at this time JEWISH HATE. 

First, Israel IS NOT an occupying presence in the Middle-East. They are a Nation with a history dating back over 4,000 years, who won a right to obtain and possess the land given to them by God. Although we can vigorously debate theology, the fact remains that God has never disinherited his children to adopt us who have come to him through and by the shed blood of Jesus HIS son. As children of adoption, we stand to make it known that we yield to God and not to the world, nor the world's interpretation in this fight.  

The Jewish people were, once again, attacked in an unprovoked manner by which no more than thugs, terrorists and demons in the flesh, raped, pillaged and mutilated CIVILIANS and BABIES. The attack by Hamas was not relinquished only to military conquest. Their attacks embraced the killing of the innocents in order to illicit a response and display the utmost in hatred, which is a characteristic that is not of God. 

We further condemn expressions of hate demonstrated on college campuses and elsewhere, including in Russia, where a mob recently went on a hunt to find and kill passengers on an arriving Jewish airlines flight. These are evil, abominable and deplorable acts unfitting of civilized humanity and apropos to demons in their hatred of God and despising of humanity. 

Therefore, we invite you to stand along with us for Israel and against Jewish hate as we continue our fight against the devil in all his forms. Thank you. 

Supt. Harvey Burnett

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