Various Items Of Interest

Monday, July 3, 2023

Abortion & Miscarriage Are NOT The Same...Don't Be Confused

 The political landscape is heating up. On one hand we have the RIGHT, in its corner ready to duke it out and in the other corner, the LEFT ready to punch as hard as it can to come out of the shadows and win the day...

With that said, you have all the pejoratives that can be had emanating from both sides of every conversation...believe me, I am NOT exempt...I've done my fair share of calling idiots, "IDIOTS",  and liberal leftist devils, "dEVILS"...ok, so I told on myself here...But with all that said, we have a LOT to fight for and that begins with the most innocent among us...our children! 

Now, I don't mean "our" in the since that your child belongs to some community or me and that the community and others know better than you how to raise them...No, you raise them, cloth them, feed them, transport them (yours) and I do for mine, but "ours" in the since that they belong to us individually. That is important because the "liberal left" believes in the concept of "community children". They feel that "they" know better than you how to raise YOUR child and children, what to teach them and when they should be exposed to whatever they should be exposed to. It's truly a devastating car wreck of a philosophy that causes much of the pain and debate we experience today.  

In addition the complete biblical illiteracy of the masses and people driving and promoting policy is so far gone it seems nearly impossible to reign in the apostasy filled train of bad and horrific ideas, ideals, interpretations and goals.

ABORTION Still A Lynchpin Of Unrighteousness

In the midterm elections, though the economy was (and still is) TOTALLY JACKED matter what President Biden attempts to convince us, abortion, which was defederalized by what is called the Dobbs decision, was said to be the reason that countless politicians with horrible, anti-God, anti-family agendas either got positions in congress or retained positions in congress against what was supposed to be a "red wave"...Come to find out, people voted FOR abortion over their wallets, over mandated vaccination and loss of jobs, over illegal immigration and nearly every abundantly and clearly seen problem that we face...the public wanted "abortion" more than lower gas prices, a better economy, and stable and sound moral values in schools and public spaces. 

To justify their "baby blood lust" many of the individual resorted to the bible to explain that baby killing is OK...after all, "God condones baby murder"....

While I could spend a volume on just that UTTER STUPIDITY alone, I heard a novel idea using Numbers 5: 11-31 as a pretext for the acceptance of invitro baby murder.  I want to share with you what I shared with them in our "In Defense Of The Faith" facebook thread as I believe that the answer was not only timely, but essential as we continue to reason with the living dead in our neighborhoods, communities and even churches regarding this issue... 

Real quick...It's a SAD preacher, I don't care if he is a Pastor, Bishop, Adjutant, Assistant poohbah, head poohbah or whatever he OR she is, that endorses and or encouraged abortion or racializes the plague of abortion as if it is acceptable...Best believe, when a preacher endorses abortion, do a Hunter Biden investigation on him and you'll find some cancelled ABORTION CHECKS that he has written to cover his DIRTY DEEDS and sins...Yep...he has more than likely, paid his illicit lover to get rid of the baby so he can "continue to serve the Lord" without embarrassment. YEP, that is a demon, ready for hell if he doesn't repent of his murderous, pimpin' and philandering ways, or that of a relative that he or she wants to protect so their sins won't "reflect" on their ministry...Just perversely STUPID!

OK...where was I....OK...Back to abortion...This is what I wrote...feel free to comment and we'll discuss it further at that time...Blessings!

"Now would somebody PLEASE tell these folk that Numbers 5:11-31 had NOTHING to
do with abortion! 
The passage deals with finding out if a woman had committed adultery and became pregnant.  
In this case, if the husband suspected infidelity, the scripture calls his suspicion "jealously", he could bring her to the Priest, and with her permission, the Priest would prepare a potion for her to drink that would ultimately have an effect of diminishing her ability to bear children or causing the womb, if she is pregnant with another man's baby, to miscarry. In this case, miscarriage was associated with judgement. However, this was the exception not the rule. 
To miscarry is not abortion!
All miscarriage ARE NOT judgement! 
Approximately 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage in the United States. This is approximately 750,000 to 1M babies lost and lives changed as a result. 
My wife and I suffered the miscarriage of what would have been our 2nd child, who would be approximately 23 years old now. So we are aware of the pain of miscarriage, however the event was not about judgement, nor was it an endorsement of abortion. 
The problem is people's misuse of scripture to justify their sinful and evil works.
GOD establishes relationship with EVERY being conceived, whether born or unborn. 
How do I know this? If GOD established relationship with JEREMIAH in the womb, as according to Jeremiah 3, "before" he was formed by "calling" him and "knowing" him, then scripture affirms the personhood and individualism of beings even preformation. 
So scripture, which should be the primary source to inform our worldview, is a solid precedent to assume that even while we were unformed, without heartbeat and or nervous system and completely unaware, we ARE YET A PERSON. An individual with life and being created in GOD'S image. 
Whether recognized by anyone else, GOD'S recognition of our individual self is well beyond human perception and does not depend on human verification to be factual and real. 
Only GOD can give life and he can take life at his discretion and for his purpose. That is not abortion. 
In Egypt, God delivered plagues some of which Asjannes and Jambres, Jewish magicians and sorcerers (2 Ti. 3:8), in their mocking of GOD, could reproduce but could not stop and or reverse. 
Mankind can kill babies invitro and is experimenting with gene manipulation and the creation of superhumans (not a theory, these are FACTS) however the results, that end in death, is tantamount to murder. These people are mad scientists. They are not GOD and do not have the right to create or take life and the judgement of GOD will be their end as they must stand and give an account for their evil. 
Too many Christians minimize or are oblivious the sanctity of human life. They have no consideration or connection to understanding that life is to be protected and preserved and as such only GOD is in position to demand its termination. For our pulpits to be silent on this while big on "my blessing", "my deliverance", and "my breakthrough" and other forms of religious "psychology" preached from the pulpit, is shameful and well beneath the purpose of our place in the world as both salt and light. 
Life is more than about living comfortably or living our best life now. It is about honoring what GOD honors and serving him through service to humanity and doing all that we can to preserve and protect life and making the quality of life better through the ministry of the Gospel. 
I hope that the church could revert back to substance instead of being enthused with the fluff, pretense and shallow means that she has adopted in modern times. 
Pastor Harvey Burnett"

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