Various Items Of Interest

Monday, July 17, 2023

Sound Of Freedom. See It TODAY

The Sound Of Freedom has rocked Hollywood to its core. A move made over 5 years ago, rejected by elite studios, even hindered by mysterious "glitches" in certain theatres and presentations, and criticized because it was said that it would make the over 2 million person pedo sex trafficking/human slavery movement even "worse"...NEVERTHELESS, has kicked in the door on the issue of child and human trafficking and abuse. 

Now look...we all know that this movie, like any other, was made for Hollywood/theatre. Believe me, things this complicated could never be solved in 2 hours and with such dramaticism. However, we all know that what this movie displays and talks about is real, is devastating and one of the largest unseen crimes in the world. 

Sex Slavery & The Church?
What many don't want to grapple with is that sex slavery has been in the church for a number of years. There are many different rouses under which it exists. There are musicians who carry a certain amount of children with them from place to place and city to city, distributing  children to their associates for sex and pedo-perversion....There are preachers and ministers such as those I have discussed HERE, caught in their psychotic pedophile sins, who have perverted a generation of kids and thank God, have certainly been met with the judgment of God and will stand before the world in account for their sins. These crimes against humanity and against the most vulnerable exist and a healthy church takes sound steps to make their environment a safe and healthy one. 

Then, there are some in a more ominous role...those who don't personally engage in these sins, but sit quietly and are VICARIOUSLY LIABLE AND PARTICIPANTS by their silence! YES, you know who the molester is, and say nothing for fear of losing your relationship, your funding, your "benefits", YOU'RE EQUALLY AS GUILTY of the perverted filth and are good for HELL too!!!Ya GUILTY and I know you will pay for the pain and suffering that you have placed upon the innocent!  

So, this blog, its leadership and churches associated with it, has uncovered this SIN sickness and utter perversion and been in the lead of organizations demanding accountability and a cessation of this evil among us and we are thankful for a word, role and support on the GOD SIDE of this issue. 

It's our prayer that this movie and its contents will provide the necessary and ongoing incentive for churches to clean house and dive headlong into stopping an issue that has contributed to the downward spiral of mental, spiritual and emotional distress that has taken over our streets from coast to coast. WE MUST PROTECT ALL OF GOD'S CHIRLDREN whether from ABORTION, RAPE OR ABUSE...WE STAND AND WE FIGHT!


Go HERE to claim your free ticket or to pay it forward so that someone else can see it too. 


Monday, July 10, 2023

Special Request...This Is What I Do With My Time

 Hello Everyone, 

I love all of what I do and it can certainly be challenging and rewarding at the same time. Consider support these young men who are doing their best to make a positive contribution to society. 

Sean and Kenneth are some great and positive young men. Sean, is a first year club participant and has big upside and potential in the sport. Kenneth is a system veteran and very hard worker with plenty of promise. BOTH are excellent and good young men and fun to be around. Nope...NO disciplinary issues, and never a problem, either at home or on the track. In a world that celebrates so much wrong, show these young men, WE celebrate what's right too!

Click the button and donate today. Every penny will be spent on travel, lodging and food during the trip, across the country to Eugene, OR (aka: Track Town USA) for an unforgettable finals experience. 

We often see some young people doing wrong, but these guys are definitely not in that crowd. Outstanding young men. Let's support them, their efforts, and encourage them into the future. 


Friday, July 7, 2023

Google Shows It's Anti-Christian & Freedom Of Speech Bias Against This Post

 Of all the posts I've ever written, this one seems to have gotten in the craw of the anti-Christian and anti-free speech advocates at Google and blogger in particular. entitles "Freedom Of Religion...Olympus Has Fallen" 9/2015 waaaaaay back right after marriage was redefined by Supreme Court fiat, I said all these things, but for some reason Google doesn't want you to see or hear these things and I guess, I have no RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH in the Google blogosphere....


"Our foe did not come only to destroy our things or our people, they came to desecrate a way of life...defile our beliefs...trample our freedom. And in this not only did they fail, they granted us the greatest gift, a chance at our rebirth. We will rise, renewed, strong, and unified. This is our time. Our chance to get back to the best of who we are: to lead by example, with the dignity, integrity and honor that built this country, and which will build it once again. May God bless you, and may God bless the United states of America." ~ President Asher (Aaron Eckhard) [Movie: Olympus Has Fallen 2013. Director Antoine Fuqua])
As I note, these are the closing words by President Asher in the 2013 movie, "Olympus Has Fallen". Even though the movie dealt with a fictitious foreign enemy and a takeover of the countries highest office of leadership, reality sometimes mimics fantasy. I don't think that we are faced with any a greater danger than that emanating from the nations highest systems of government which not only includes the ideological takeover of the executive branch of government but also a takeover of the nations judicial branch as both impose a new and foreign type of morality on the American people.

Please allow me to be clear. In this case, our "foe" is not the homosexual or even the common citizen seeking to survive and pursue peace and happiness in this world. The "foe" are the ideologues and historic revisionists that not only seek to co-exist in a nation where freedom, including freedom of religious practice and worship has been a founding principle, but the aim is to subdue the culture upholding and praising perversion while at the same time criticizing and even ridiculing values that have built nations, and brought hope to people all over the world for generations, and in specifically has been the guiding light of America.  

Continued Erosion Of Freedom & Rights Of Conscience By The Courts
It is no secret that the agenda of gay and homosexual normalization, and the access to marriage in particularly has been championed by the courts and not the voice of the people or legislatures of the majority of the States of the United states of America.

Kim Davis
Rowan County Clerk
One of the most disturbing recent occurrences is the finding of "contempt of court" by a Federal Judge in the case of Kim Davis, the former (I suppose) Rowan County, KY, County Clerk, which was duly elected by the public (the people) to carry out her job. Not only was Mrs. Davis found to be in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, but she was was subsequently jailed as well for standing for her religious freedoms and rights of conscience. Please see Kim Davis release and return to work HERE.

Mt. 24:9 ~ Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

The backdrop for the court's actions of course is the sweeping ratification by the United States Supreme Court that reverses any ban on gay marriage in any State. In other words in the court's view, gay marriage is sanctioned in all corners of the United States and should not be prohibited in any venue by any citizen or office of the United States.

Some have taken the Supreme Court's decision and President Obama's support and direction of the nation and the world towards the acceptance and normalization of gay marriage as "gospel" and the way that a truly free society should operate and function in spite of religion and religious views. For President Obama and those that believe in his version of pluralism and secularism, religious beliefs and dogmas are flexible, subject to wholesale change and revision and always tempered by the belief that man best directs his own destiny. ie: One creates one's own God and serves him as it is right in one's own eyes...(2 Kings 17:33, 41)

Are Our Religious Views & Values Subject To The State? 

It can hardly be argued that the bible teaches cognitive dissonance against the State, rule or authority. We are consistently told that we should honor magistrates (Titus 3:1) and governments and even pray for them. (Rom. 13:1) However, we see that when it comes to standing for and doing what is right in God's eyes, the biblical characters did not obey the orders of the magistrates or the powers that were in control. They quickly and readily hastened to the call of the Lord, even if it meant that their lives were made uncomfortable:

Acts 5:27-32 ~ 27-And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, 28-Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. 29-Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 30-The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. 31-Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 32-And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

In the case of gay marriage and gay marital acceptance, what we have is a perversion being hailed as a desirable and acceptable moral value. It is the conscience of all of them that know the truth to NOT promote a lifestyle that is both immoral, dangerous and detrimental to society. At the same time, most believers also recognize the human elements involved. Gay people are people too, deserving of courtesy and respect. However, the problem is not courtesy, nor is it respect. The problem is subjection to a lifestyle and proclivity that is immoral, unbiblical and even in secular society, damaging both to the individual and society in general.

Not A Funny Matter

This event has sparked may sharp criticisms on both sides of the issue. Some have said that Kim Davis is a "public" servant, therefore has a greater obligation to serve the public no matter her personal beliefs...some have said that the judge went way over the top (a sentiment to which I certainly concur) and other have said that this is one proof of why the bible and even religion itself has no place in a free society...Others have simply laughed Mrs. Davis and her beliefs to scorn, telling her and us that we are out of date and out of touch and have no clue as to what "reality" says in this case or any other case where religious values are in conflict.

While the latter is just stupid...I mean the equivalent of a child climbing on its parents lap and slapping him/her in the face for not buying the right baby formula or the right diapers...The only reason that the baby has anything at all or knows anything at all is because of the parents that have cared for him/her in those things and more. The only reason we enjoy ANY freedoms at all in America is because of religion and Christianity in particular, not in spite of it... The jokes and abundant ignorance of the pundits against the ample evidence of history is utterly fantastic, and only displays the needs of the historic revisionist to actually attempt to change history in order to make their case asserting that America would somehow be better off without God and or religion....

Although, I would agree that America is certainly not a "Christian nation" in the sense that every mandate and dictate that it embraces is Christ centered, it doesn't take but a cursory examination of the structure of our society to observe that the principles and values that this society embraces, and that most every free nation embraces are principles also deeply rooted in in biblical moral value constructs emanating primarily from concepts and teachings of the Ten Commandments and biblical Christianity.

The revisionists display their long staff of ignorance by continuing to assert that the founders of this country sought to establish freedoms in absence of religion. Nearly ALL the evidence points contrary to their assertions. Here is a small smapling of some of the evidence in support of my position:

The Declaration of Independence (1776) 

This document invokes an understanding of God in the very establishment of human freedoms and what are called "unalienable" rights, which are rights not conferred upon man by other men, but rights conferred upon every human being by a transcendent being, aka: God himself:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Not only did the signers and creators of the constitution avow the "creation" of men meaning that man and mankind was purposeful and not some act of chance or random selection or inclusion of life, but that men were given certain qualities, traits and "rights" that were not on the table to be traded away or traded for. There "rights" came from a source other than men and mankind and were transcendent in value and nature. The founders held these things as "self evident" meaning that there was no great inquiry necessary to observe, see and experience these things.

The Articles Of Confederation 1777:
Article III. ~ The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever.
Under Article 3 of the Articles Of Confederation was placed in tact to DEFEND those who were attacked due to or because of their religion. Religion was acknowledged as being a durable and enduring part of society, not some sort of weird exception to the norm or the way things were.

The Bill Of Rights (Added to the US Constitution 1791)
 Amendment I  ~ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This is probably the most rehearsed Amendment to the US Constitution in all of American history, because upon it rests and identifies the type of freedoms that we have as Americans and enjoin. There is no "penalty" for having a position of free speech or opinion. There is no "restriction" or line which is drawn to say that "freedoms stop here". Freedoms simply exist and Congress cannot prohibit these freedoms and continue to stay faithful to the founding document. Notwithstanding that the courts seems to have found a way around this, by becoming something that it was never authorized to do...being a dispenser and a creator of laws through and by activism.

It is this branch, the Judiciary, that was never intended to establish or create law that has become the new dispenser of rights and freedoms and the restrictor of freedoms based upon the "rouse" of "interpreting" the law supposedly in effort of making the law fair for all men and women. With the Executive Branch of the government leading the way, the Judiciary has dome more damage for the moral and social values of the country than any other branch of government in modern times.

Here are some other opinions about rights and freedoms, especially as they pertain to religion and Christianity in particular that we should be aware of.  

John Adams, 2nd President, signer of the Constitution & Bill of rights:

"The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity. [Works, Vol. III, p. 421, diary entry for July 26, 1796.]
James Madison signer of the Constitution, writer of the Federalist Papers, on "Conscience as Property"
"Conscience is the most sacred of all property; other property depending in part on positive law, the exercise of that being a natural and unalienable right. To guard a man’s house as his castle, to pay public and enforce private debts with the most exact faith, can give no title to invade a man’s conscience, which is more sacred than his castle, or to withhold from it that debt of protection for which the public faith is pledged by the very nature and original conditions of the social pact. – “Property” in The National Gazette (29 March 1792)
Other quotes PRO RELIGION and Christianity in particular from people very influential in the founding of America and acceptance of societal values can be found HERE

False Interpretations Of The Bible

One of the most ridiculous things that has arisen out of the entire controversy over gay marriage is the myriad of various false interpretation of the bible and biblical moral values. Prior to him being President, Barack Obama said:
"Moreover, given the increasing diversity of America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers. And even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's, or Al Sharpton's? Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount - a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application? So before we get carried away, let's read our bibles. Folks haven't been reading their bibles." ~ Senator Barack Obama, "A Call To Renewal" Washington DC 6/8/2006

Many have followed the same confusion linking food laws such as restrictions on shellfish and other "unclean" animals to laws and prohibitions to sexual immorality. Then others link prohibitions of mixed fabric garments to laws on sexual morality as if to say that because they can't understand why there were fabric restrictions that certainly there are no sexual restrictions.

Now, does that even make sense? Since there are no sexual restrictions, because certain fabrics couldn't be mixed, and that makes no sense now, then certainly anything a person or persons want to do sexually is permissible???

Then, because there are differences in how to carry out a Christian life and walk we should simply allow all things or whatever we feel to take place???

What the President and others that share his confusion and erroneous sense of interpretation do is assume that Christians are demanding a theocratic government.  Muslims may demand such by implementing Sharia and seeking to make Sharia a part of American Law, under which they are judged separately from others, Christians offer and make no such conclusions or impositions on the government. Christians seek fairness, morality, justice and equability in the law, not a theocracy because we know that this world does not belong to us and that Jesus did not come to establish an earthly kingdom, but a kingdom that endures forever.

These arguments are simply red herrings diverting away from the moral truth that god demands sexual purity among people and that purity is for the benefit and freedom of people, not for their demise and destruction. He know how we were created, even as the founding fathers acknowledge, and he knows best how we perform. God did not create a deceptive creation and a false or fake man or women. he created a man and a woman that was real with orderly affections and passions one for the other.

Olympus Has Fallen, Can It Get UP?

President Obama said that his Presidency would be the one that all gay people would be especially proud and fond of when looking back on history. The President certainly did not lie about that one. What he did not say is that his Presidency would probably be the most sad one for religious and personal freedoms for all Americans including Christians in this country for sure. he failed to say that his assault on marriage would have lasting implications and that his redefining morality to include sexual perversion as normal would only open the gate to anything that man and mankind could think of in the future.

Already the pedophiles are following the same rout of the President and the gay advocacy movement claiming that adult/child sexual relations should be considered normal and could even be "healthy" and "wholesome" for the children who otherwise learn everything else from adults...The Polygamists, bigamists and polyamourous only seek support for their actions and activities which a just society once condemned. Now, how and under what doctrine can any of them be condemned if secular society is right about what it is imposing?

Thus the problem is revealed...the door is open to all perversion of any kind and that is primarily thanks to an activist court and a President set on changing the culture in one of the most unbiblical manners the root and foundation of the family.

At a time when families should be flourishing, we are yet laying polluted in our own blood, but thank god there is a PHYSICIAN in the house and HIS name is Jesus. only HE can heal us of this disease called flesh, and self exaltation. Without HIM we can do nothing!

Jeremiah 9


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Sexual Abuse...Still Yet An Issue Within The Church

Most of our readers know that this blog and its contents are strongly positioned against clergy and church related sexual abuse and SINS. If you are new and don't know the issues, or are unaware of the issues, please feel free to click HERE to read some of the past articles I have written over the years and from time to time. 

Let me be clear, my issues are not with church transitions, such as the fiasco currently rumbling within the Grand Ole Church as it pertains to the church of deceased Bishop Hutchins and General Board Member Brandon short, other than the spiritual welfare and stability of all them involved, I COULD REALLY CARE LESS. I don't care who takes over or who does what, wins what, is appointed to what, or what the national church is doing during the election process either. None of those issues  "float my boat", although I stop short of saying that any of those issues are unimportant. They are important, just not to me and this blog...and I don't care to waste my or your time on those issues, at least, not at this point. 

What Is A Matter Of Importance???

What matters to me is how churches prevent, handle, and respond to clergy and church related abuse and sexual abuse, and even church related crimes such as those alleged by a former COGIC Pastor (notice, most are always known as "former" when their garbage comes out) Bobby C. Smith whose case will finally hit open air next week. If you didn't know about this case, it is a matter of PUBLIC INFORMATION, here is the video in summary on this case from one of the only current voices I respect exposing these devils. You know him as "Dawson Speaks"

I mean this is SAD!!! Dawson said it all, but after digesting that complete and utter FOOLISHNESS and pathetic self exalted and out of control FREAK-COONERY, I guess maybe we can get back to the point of this article....My Lord, that garbage is like getting stuck in a quick-sand tar pit....

A Second Pandemic?

As a result of the primary pandemic of covid-19, there was a second pandemic of child and female abuse as well. There are a growing number of studies and research being conducted on it but it is notable that sexual abuse and abuse in general within society rose to all time high levels.

According to an April 2020 article at NPR:

                 "By the end of March, with much of the country under lockdown, there was a 22% increase                     in monthly calls from people younger than 18, and half of all incoming contacts were from                     minors. That's a first in RAINN's history, Camille Cooper, the organization's vice president                     of public policy, tells NPR.

                 Of those young people who contacted the hotline in March, 67% identified their perpetrator                     as a family member and 79% said they were currently living with that perpetrator. In 1 out                     of 5 cases where the minor was living with their abuser, RAINN assisted the minor in                             immediately contacting police.

                 "As a result of looking at the information that we had from those sessions, it was clear that                     the abuse was escalating in both frequency and severity," Cooper says. "So a lot of the kids                     that were coming to the hotline were feeling pretty vulnerable and traumatized. And it was                     a direct result of COVID-19, because they were quarantined with their abuser. The abuser                     was now abusing them on a daily basis."

According to the United Nations, violence against women during lockdowns was notable all around the world:
"Across the 13 countries surveyed, 2 in 3 women report that they or a woman they know has experienced violence at some point in their lifetime. Nearly 1 in 2 report direct or indirect experiences of violence since the start of the pandemic. 

The most common form is verbal abuse (50%), followed by sexual harassment (40%), physical abuse (36%), denial of basic needs (35%) and denial of means of communication (30%). Seven in 10 women surveyed believe violence against women is common in their community.

Most women believe that COVID has made things worse. Nearly 7 in 10 women think domestic violence has increased during the pandemic, and 3 in 5 think sexual harassment in public has increased. In many cases, heightened demand for shelters and other forms of support has remained unmet due to operational constraints.

For Romela Islam, the abuse by her husband began long before COVID-19. But it was not until December 2020 that she and her 4-year-old daughter were able to escape. Islam found refuge at a women’s shelter, and the two have begun to build a new life. Reduced shelter capacity, however, means many women have not had this same chance."

While much of this abuse and violence took place within the context of families and isolated groups, the church, even though most went online for services and just threw away any biblical and traditional  design for worship for fear of infection or running afoul of the socialist oriented governmental fearmongering (fyi: New Bethel COGIC NEVER closed) all of that, sexual abuse still managed to increase, wives and children still managed to be abused, raped and everything else that displays the sin-sickness of society. 

The question is, how did the church expect to escape the same results or similar increases in ungodly behavior since in nearly every category, including this one, the church mimics society?

Is It A Cover-up Or Just Plain Old Silence?

Since my first article in 2007, which dealt with the absolute embarrassing Freak-Coonery of Junaita Bynum (1 or 2 or whomever she claims to be at present) and Mr. Weeks, with the exception of Dawson, since the disappearance of Eder DL Foster of Witness Freedom Ministries who also started the "Report COGIC Abuse" website (which is no longer a website although information on Elder DL and his actions can be found HERE,) external reports of sexual abuse and clergy misconduct (SIN) that have taken place within COGIC led or affiliated churches have virtually disappeared and vanished from the internet. This is amazing!

Are we to imagine that the church, our church in particularly, which had a case of sexual abuse and pastoral degeneracy on the scene almost every month for a time, is somehow an anomaly and completely free of sexual abuse, pastoral misconduct and other sins? Maybe its a miracle that a church that had, over many years, been confronted with Pastoral sins and abuse, and either excused themselves from more than a few sexual abuse cases, suddenly was healed overnight and now nothing is wrong and everyone healed and made whole???

NO! We know better. If we don't we should. There is simply a tighter lid on things. People are being instructed to be silent and victims still yet being shamed when information is brought forth, so much until others fear to say anything. Fact is that sinful behaviors still and yet exist. 

I never have solicited anyone to contact me or I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council with stories just to have a story. I have never attempted to take my articles to any news organizations or condense contents into a best selling book...although one or two regarding other subjects are on the way...In fact, I have NEVER taken a payment or promise of position for silence on issues or subject matter pertaining to COGIC or any other church, pastor, preacher, teacher or organization...and further will NEVER be engaged in such. 

This is why it is disturbing that if persons such as myself and others don't drive issues, or  bring them up in public, you'll not see issues going anywhere. You'll see business as usual continue as if nothing is wrong. 

Current Actions

Believe me, I love our Presiding Bishop J Drew Sheard. He is a very encouraging friend of this ministry and me personally. However, I DID NOT fail to send him a victim's advocacy proposal by parcel delivery shortly after he was inaugurated as our Chief Apostle. As of this writing, I cannot say that I have heard from him regarding my proposal, the information I sent or any other policy regarding this issue, however I cannot say that he is not concerned about the issue as well...I do know this...he is one of the ONLY Bishops in this church that extended his ministry to me, without reservation, when I called upon him some years back regarding unrelated issues. However, the Presiding Bishop is not the King of this church and this is not a "totalitarian church. There are many others, that are aware of these efforts who haven't lifted a hand or finger to assist, promote or develop plans on the issue. I am confident that if this church moves in this area, it will be under his leadership and direction and will move many years into the future to both heal victims and stop church related abuse.  

What Can YOUR Church Do?

Since our initial efforts, the Grand Ole Church has implemented background checks and sexual harassment training and even adopted an impromptu (at that time) written sexual harassment policy (as I found out during a deposition in a pastoral case) While those are at least positive things, there is much more that can and should be done. The good news is that each church does not have to wait for the national church to take positive steps to address the issues. Every Pastoral leader in the country can undertake agenda to make their church a truly SAFE CHURCH environment that will serve and advocate for survivors of sexual abuse.  

First,  I contend and always have believed that the church must first make themselves accountable to teach, and train each congregations on the issue and issues involved. It goes without saying that folk need to be SAVED first, but even in that, many people have been taught wrong views on church leadership, marriage and interaction within the church. For example, a popular bishop in Detroit once taught that a husband and wife shouldn't even kiss, to keep from giving rise to "the flesh". Now, that is a ridiculous sentiment, but how many people may have actually believed and adopted that garbage into their marriages? And how many marriages were exposed to FREAK-COONERY in part because of bad and unwholesome teaching???

Secondly, while this may be embarrassing to some, as a matter of Christian education we cannot function within modern society without knowing this information and the problem. The church must require pastoral and ministry training on issues of sexual abuse on an ongoing basis, and consistently teach leaders and lay-members how to diminish the environmental potential within each church for such sins to occur.  Something as simple as rotating ministry leaders, especially youth leaders, every 6 to 12 months could not only save children from abuse but also save ministries from public embarrassment. Third, setting up internal councils of review and implementing a national victims advocacy (NOT PERP) policy,  and victim focused resolution teams, could allow the church to actually minister to her most venerable and those healing from these sort of sins.

There is a lot more that we must do than have church in every major city, raise money, spend money at hotels, play music and shop, IF our mission and goal is to be like Jesus and HEAL & SAVE The Lost!

This is an issue that is not important until it is you or someone you know at the center of abuse. That is why it is good to lay a foundation now. To set things in order and to do RIGHT before the Lord. No matter how many singers we have, NO SONG washes away the fear, shame and utter helplessness of sexual abuse and church related abuse and misconduct. 

Quick Word: Many of you who have experienced this type of abuse or grooming are too embarrassed to speak up because you don't know how you allowed this to happen. I want you to know, no matter how it happened, it was wrong then and it is wrong now and no matter what, YOU need healing and GOD has healing for you. No minister or church personnel was every authorized by God to abuse and or take advantage of you or your family in any way. There is strength, help, hope and healing and a BALM in GILEAD. Call today (800)730-2990 ext: 802


Monday, July 3, 2023

Abortion & Miscarriage Are NOT The Same...Don't Be Confused

 The political landscape is heating up. On one hand we have the RIGHT, in its corner ready to duke it out and in the other corner, the LEFT ready to punch as hard as it can to come out of the shadows and win the day...

With that said, you have all the pejoratives that can be had emanating from both sides of every conversation...believe me, I am NOT exempt...I've done my fair share of calling idiots, "IDIOTS",  and liberal leftist devils, "dEVILS"...ok, so I told on myself here...But with all that said, we have a LOT to fight for and that begins with the most innocent among us...our children! 

Now, I don't mean "our" in the since that your child belongs to some community or me and that the community and others know better than you how to raise them...No, you raise them, cloth them, feed them, transport them (yours) and I do for mine, but "ours" in the since that they belong to us individually. That is important because the "liberal left" believes in the concept of "community children". They feel that "they" know better than you how to raise YOUR child and children, what to teach them and when they should be exposed to whatever they should be exposed to. It's truly a devastating car wreck of a philosophy that causes much of the pain and debate we experience today.  

In addition the complete biblical illiteracy of the masses and people driving and promoting policy is so far gone it seems nearly impossible to reign in the apostasy filled train of bad and horrific ideas, ideals, interpretations and goals.

ABORTION Still A Lynchpin Of Unrighteousness

In the midterm elections, though the economy was (and still is) TOTALLY JACKED matter what President Biden attempts to convince us, abortion, which was defederalized by what is called the Dobbs decision, was said to be the reason that countless politicians with horrible, anti-God, anti-family agendas either got positions in congress or retained positions in congress against what was supposed to be a "red wave"...Come to find out, people voted FOR abortion over their wallets, over mandated vaccination and loss of jobs, over illegal immigration and nearly every abundantly and clearly seen problem that we face...the public wanted "abortion" more than lower gas prices, a better economy, and stable and sound moral values in schools and public spaces. 

To justify their "baby blood lust" many of the individual resorted to the bible to explain that baby killing is OK...after all, "God condones baby murder"....

While I could spend a volume on just that UTTER STUPIDITY alone, I heard a novel idea using Numbers 5: 11-31 as a pretext for the acceptance of invitro baby murder.  I want to share with you what I shared with them in our "In Defense Of The Faith" facebook thread as I believe that the answer was not only timely, but essential as we continue to reason with the living dead in our neighborhoods, communities and even churches regarding this issue... 

Real quick...It's a SAD preacher, I don't care if he is a Pastor, Bishop, Adjutant, Assistant poohbah, head poohbah or whatever he OR she is, that endorses and or encouraged abortion or racializes the plague of abortion as if it is acceptable...Best believe, when a preacher endorses abortion, do a Hunter Biden investigation on him and you'll find some cancelled ABORTION CHECKS that he has written to cover his DIRTY DEEDS and sins...Yep...he has more than likely, paid his illicit lover to get rid of the baby so he can "continue to serve the Lord" without embarrassment. YEP, that is a demon, ready for hell if he doesn't repent of his murderous, pimpin' and philandering ways, or that of a relative that he or she wants to protect so their sins won't "reflect" on their ministry...Just perversely STUPID!

OK...where was I....OK...Back to abortion...This is what I wrote...feel free to comment and we'll discuss it further at that time...Blessings!

"Now would somebody PLEASE tell these folk that Numbers 5:11-31 had NOTHING to
do with abortion! 
The passage deals with finding out if a woman had committed adultery and became pregnant.  
In this case, if the husband suspected infidelity, the scripture calls his suspicion "jealously", he could bring her to the Priest, and with her permission, the Priest would prepare a potion for her to drink that would ultimately have an effect of diminishing her ability to bear children or causing the womb, if she is pregnant with another man's baby, to miscarry. In this case, miscarriage was associated with judgement. However, this was the exception not the rule. 
To miscarry is not abortion!
All miscarriage ARE NOT judgement! 
Approximately 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage in the United States. This is approximately 750,000 to 1M babies lost and lives changed as a result. 
My wife and I suffered the miscarriage of what would have been our 2nd child, who would be approximately 23 years old now. So we are aware of the pain of miscarriage, however the event was not about judgement, nor was it an endorsement of abortion. 
The problem is people's misuse of scripture to justify their sinful and evil works.
GOD establishes relationship with EVERY being conceived, whether born or unborn. 
How do I know this? If GOD established relationship with JEREMIAH in the womb, as according to Jeremiah 3, "before" he was formed by "calling" him and "knowing" him, then scripture affirms the personhood and individualism of beings even preformation. 
So scripture, which should be the primary source to inform our worldview, is a solid precedent to assume that even while we were unformed, without heartbeat and or nervous system and completely unaware, we ARE YET A PERSON. An individual with life and being created in GOD'S image. 
Whether recognized by anyone else, GOD'S recognition of our individual self is well beyond human perception and does not depend on human verification to be factual and real. 
Only GOD can give life and he can take life at his discretion and for his purpose. That is not abortion. 
In Egypt, God delivered plagues some of which Asjannes and Jambres, Jewish magicians and sorcerers (2 Ti. 3:8), in their mocking of GOD, could reproduce but could not stop and or reverse. 
Mankind can kill babies invitro and is experimenting with gene manipulation and the creation of superhumans (not a theory, these are FACTS) however the results, that end in death, is tantamount to murder. These people are mad scientists. They are not GOD and do not have the right to create or take life and the judgement of GOD will be their end as they must stand and give an account for their evil. 
Too many Christians minimize or are oblivious the sanctity of human life. They have no consideration or connection to understanding that life is to be protected and preserved and as such only GOD is in position to demand its termination. For our pulpits to be silent on this while big on "my blessing", "my deliverance", and "my breakthrough" and other forms of religious "psychology" preached from the pulpit, is shameful and well beneath the purpose of our place in the world as both salt and light. 
Life is more than about living comfortably or living our best life now. It is about honoring what GOD honors and serving him through service to humanity and doing all that we can to preserve and protect life and making the quality of life better through the ministry of the Gospel. 
I hope that the church could revert back to substance instead of being enthused with the fluff, pretense and shallow means that she has adopted in modern times. 
Pastor Harvey Burnett"

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The "Prophecy"???...What Is Going On At New Birth?

Like Kotter, I'm back!!! 
For those who don't have a clue what that means, click HERE...

OK, A LOT of things have happened since I have been away from the "pen" aka: computer blogosphere, but you know what, the more things change, the more they stay the same...

THANK YOU to all those readers who continue to come to this site for information, edification and a biblical examination of this world and what we experience in it.  Like the song says, I believe "the best is yet to come"...

There is so much going on, one can easily be overwhelmed with the news...political, social, education, international affairs...I mean what is not in turmoil at this time? That's why I AM NOT sitting idle, waiting on a phone call or as the song says, "for the world to change"! Nope, not me...TIME to move forward, away from the influence of man, organizations and whatever and whomever hinders the vision of God in my life...

With all that said, I just HAD to deal with a prophecy recently received regarding a certain pastor/community leader/marijuana farmer...YES, you guessed it....JAMAL, is back at it again...Well, let me get it right...he didn't do anything. It was an alleged "word from the Lord" that came to him in a particular service that has people all over (believe me, only them that know the real and heard this mess or even care) are talking about it. 

A Message From The Lord???????

Be clear, the ONLY way we should examine the Word Of God is through the lens of the Word Of God. Sorry to be a "party pooper" but GOD says what he means and means what HE says! The first way I know that this alleged "word" isn't from the throne room is because God is not confused...he doesn't deal in "imperfections" or "character flaws"...he deals with SINS, SALVATION and FAITH. In addition, any minister commissioned with delivering HIS word, is charged above all things, to be faithful in delivery and failure to do all results in condemnation.  

Secondly, how can a person say "YES" to God and continue to deal in unrighteousness? ie: at some point, a person continuing in sin, has said...NO!...They are not yielding to God. This causes everything said further to come under suspicion and rightfully so. 

Significance? Why Does This Matter? 

We can answer this question by stating that it mattered to the early church or biblical church what God was saying, how he was saying it, and through whom it was said. Have you read 1 John 4? And that is just the start.

This is very significant. First, every believer should be able to "hear" the voice of the Lord. Beyond that, are we to assume that God somehow doesn't care about the firestorm of turbulence and even life changing effects left in the wake of those who sin and continue their evil? I mean, I could go on, but GOD himself brought what can only be deemed to be judgement into an environment in which 400 counts of sexual abuse and misconduct occurred and thousands were damaged as a result. Then, from Baltimore, a man who had completely torn up his family with illicit lovers and a horrible community standing, took over, but somehow, you tell me that God doesn't seem to care???...Then, this "word" goes on to pronounce that the prayers of the one that did the most egregious evil probably recorded in American Black church history, are still being received and answered (ok, argue about that, but we let God be God) and that a man who was caught in sins and destroyed people the same way, multiple times only has "imperfections" and "character flaws"???

BOY BYE!!!! Hasta luego!!! Au revoir!!! GOOD NIGHT!!!!
So long and such a SAD song!!!! 

My goodness, is that what we think of God? We have been seduced by those who continue in their sins (operative word, CONTINUE) as they have seduced the masses into accepting nearly anything "in the name of the Lord" even if it is inconsistent with God's character as revealed within HIS Word!

OK, look, take a look at this "prophetic word" and analyze it for yourself...I have spoken far too much, but, I said in response and I will say now..."HANANIAH has spoken, now Let GOD speak" (and I mean no insult or harm towards the messenger, as I DO NOT know him)

For sure, noone has to argue over it, we'll just watch it play out and in the end, GOD WILL SPEAK!