Various Items Of Interest

Friday, August 12, 2022

Do We Still Believe In Punishment & Restitution For Theft Or Crime In General? What Of REPARATION?

Proverbs 6:30-3 ~ Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

 Looking at the news today, among many other things, which will go unnamed here at this time, we can see much animus against many of the George Soros backed liberal prosecutors around the country who have refused to do their jobs and protect their community from criminals who are bent on destroying lives and using the system as a revolving door to commit more crime and violence. 

In Chicago, like many other major cities, not only can you fake an actual hate crime and nearly get away with it, in fact have the prosecutor argue with the judge over your sentencing, but even when thieves are caught, smash and grab crimes are barely even challenged. You have young people and others who see an opportunity to bust in stores, steal jewelry, and other items and merely run out and do what they will do. During the riots of 2021, because most were not protests, a young looter said that he felt justified by taking clothes and other items from the stores he was targeting because they had been "making money off my community" for years without giving anything in return...[I would say, YESSSS...if it weren't for the jobs, taxes for the services they were enjoying and the resources that he was taking...YEA!!!]

 Then switch to California who has about the worst Governor in history, outside of the one in Illinois and the "God's messenger" one of New York, current robberies are hitting business owners many of whom are struggling to pay adjusted insurance premium rates. After these incidents, many insurance companies are cancelling policies and coverage due to increased and excess risk. Then, in many cases, when these thieves are caught, no matter how much is stolen, criminals are usually released on bond, given a court date and many of them refuse to show up. Some make it to the dreaded traffic stop, where a quick search leads to either death or another quick catch and release event...(well may as well tell it like it is)

 Then There's The Church

To think that crime has escaped the church, or what some call "the church", you would be delusional. Recently, Pastor or Bishop Lamor Miller-Whiterhead and church were robbed at gunpoint. Critics said it was "due justice" for the church robbing the community every Sunday. {WEEEEELLLLL} Back to the issue...Allegedly, this Bishop and church were lifted of nearly $1MM in jewelry on a Sunday AM with about 25 people present in the congregation. I think I could say more, but it seems that this situation speaks for itself, although I can readily add that I have never taken more than $100 to the pulpit at any one time, in most cases...Oooooh question: DO CHECKS COUNT?

Anyway, it seems that thieves do not care, where or when they do the thievery or their crime of choice, and increasingly they don't care about the consequences. It seems that if we leave it up to the liberal elite politicians and community advocates who always invariably have plenty of security, and locks and chains on their personal possessions, low life peasants, such as me and millions of others like me, have no justice, recourse or equity in return.  

Have They Learned? A Deeper Issue...

While all of this is intriguing and the news focuses ad infinitum on every criminal and prosecutor who doesn't do "right"...the real problem is that this behavior has been learned by the way America has conducted her business since the Emancipation Proclamation was signed and slaves were freed. 


The case of US Army Veteran Jessica Elaintrell Smith, who, along with co-conspirators, plead guilty to stealing military equipment and selling it on EBay for profit. Although she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and 2 additional years of probation for her crimes, she was also ordered to pay RESTITUTION to the tune of $1.2MM and must meet certain minimum payment requirements even while in prison.  

This young lady faced her sentence with courage and stated the following:

“I know my apology does not absolve me, but I will seek forgiveness from everyone involved, and forgiveness from myself,”

In other words, it seems that this young lady understands that the commitment to do right is contained in more than just words. That actions must somehow be associated with them. 

In Analysis

So here, we have in one case among many thousands, a thief who has stolen, and not only is told to serve their time as a result, but also expected to PAY, a physical amount to RESTORE or REPAIR what was stolen and address the injustice that was done to the Government. 


One would be hard pressed to  say that SLAVERY is nothing less than THIEVERY. Yes, it comes with a host of other brutal and dehumanizing issues, but at heart and base, SLAVERY IS THEFT. A theft of person-hood, individualism, labor and remuneration for that labor. 

While America remains the ONLY civilized nation to fight a war in an attempt to end slavery and unify a nation [which I'll bet Brittney Griner wishes she would have considered in place of the Communists that she and others like her so admired prior to that 9 year sentence] she (America) has never made good on her RESTORATION and physical REPAIR of her acts that she readily admits were tantamount to evil.

REPARATIONS are a BIBLICALLY based method and manner to address the evil of thievery and other evils.

Germany knows this...Both East and West have contributed $25BB in cash reparations and $700MM in goods and services to pay Israel for the millions of Jewish people that were killed in Germany during the Holocaust and for the nearly 400,000 survivors who migrated back to Israel and other nations needing assistance as a result of Hitler's evil reign. This includes paying a lifetime stipend to those who survived the ungodly and horrible experience. 

Wrong was done. An apology was made...but RESTITUTION had to be made as an act of civility and contrition. 

What of the descendants of Foundational Black American slaves? The slaves and eventually their descendants called Freedmen? Since payment was overlooked and skirted by them, now their descendants make claim and their grievance known to the government under their 1st Amendment right.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

 Descendants of Foundational Black Americans, who were stolen and had their labor stolen from them and their descendants until now, are making a PEACEABLE assembly to redress their grievances to the GOVERNMENT of the United States. 

If we truly believe that there should be a PENALTY to theft, and that although apologies are good, RESTITUTION is also in order, there is no way that anyone can look past reparations and the request for reparation as a bad argument.

Descendants of Foundational Black Americans don't want reparation simply because we're Black...The nation doesn't exist to endorse a race or color (allegedly)...Descendants of Foundational Black Americans demand and petition the government for reparation because of our lineage, what was taken from our ancestors and what was promised in return, which has not, to this day been fulfilled. It is only right, that this country, the United States Government, who has recently delivered over $1BB in security aid and other sorts of assistance to foreign nations, engage the process for the benefit of these descendants of Foundational Black Americans, who had no other choice but to survive or die under an evil and even cruel taskmaster who was endorsed and supported by our Government with actions commensurate to the day. 

By the way...we'll get back to the church in a minute...covid only stopped some of her antics briefly and now people are looking for brighter and better ways to support evil...the sellout of "CHURCH GIRLS" to perverted evil and cussin' DOE...Both you are on the radar...this is so sad!


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