Various Items Of Interest

Friday, August 13, 2021

Vive la France!

I recently discovered that many of my most current readers are from FRANCE. For this I am thrilled and say DIEU VOUS BENISSE!

I also say, JE SUIS AVEC VOUS!!!! and or JE PLEURE AVEC VOUS!!!

Whichever would carry the most weight from my heart at this point...believe me, you have my heart!


As the reality of the new COVID ID continues to test free countries, the resolve of free people, and economies all over the world, the FRENCH people continue their fight for a revolution against the new world mark and standard of freedom. 

It seems that the world and world leaders in particular have forgotten the definition of segregation and what actually happened in Germany under the Nazi regime.  Before I start, many critics will say, what the Nazis did has nothing to do with covid 19 and medical safety. I say...hold on, just a little bit, because the parallel is more tight than biblical critics parallel theories of the bible.

The Nuremberg Laws

Shortly after the Nazis took control, a new set of laws was introduced called the Nuremberg Laws. These laws were aimed at defining who was a true German/Aryan and who was a Jew and enshrining the difference between the two in law. 

You see, Hitler's rise was based on racism, separatism and what appeared to be "common sense" reforms, at least based on many culturally commensurate ideas and values at the time. It seemed that the German economy was stagnate and this was, according to advocates, because of outside influences and ultimately the Jewish people in particular who were looked at as those who stole opportunity from true German citizens and either deserved deportation or death.  

FAKE Science or REAL Hysteria?

Unbelievably, the Nazi's contended that being an Aryan and being a Jew was some sort of unseen biological certainty or that race could be distinguished by one's literal and physical blood. Heritage or physical lineage and certain physical signs such as blond hair and blue eyes confirmed the relationships of people and helped categorize them as either preferred or inferior, and in some cases repulsive and acceptable to be extinguished or put to death. Amazing thing is that I don't think Hitler himself had blond hair or blue eyes, but that went seemingly unquestioned. 

You see, there were all kinds of associations tied to fake premises and beliefs that worked their way into law and made people, even many within the church, accept the brutality and dehumanization of racism, segregation, exclusion and even murder of the innocents based on perceived and invisible "dangers". 

Hitler's Views Of The French

Hitler is said to have admired the French people because of their FIGHT and because they were not quitters. He pointed out that 3,700 French had stood against 37,000 Germans and Italians at Bir Hakeim and deserved respect. He loved French culture and art and ultimately only took half the country for a certain period of time and claiming visits to France as being something he was glad to have experienced and relished for his most faithful fellow murderous leaders.  

With all that admiration Hitler yet claimed the French to be second class citizens and lower or beneath the lowest of Germans or the true Aryans. 


A pass called the Ahnepass (ancestor pass) was issued that had to show the lineage and bloodline of the holder in order to participate in society. This was one of the Aryans certificates necessary to live in society, to advance, hold a job and get about freely. Noone else was welcomed within society and people without a pass did not have rights of freedom. It had to be proven who was a true Aryan.  Papers were checked right there on the street and violation or no papers could not only lead to jail time, but also to death right there on the spot  in the name of "the Reich"

The pass was something that just came along with bondage and evil. It was a tool to restrict freedom from some, while extending freedom to others. The pass was discriminatory, a segregationist tactic, and evil perpetrated upon society, creating winners and losers based on racial identity and ultimately fake science, conjecture and supported by many who knew better, but complied and conformed. 

I just want to take the time to encourage the French people and allow them to remember why they are a FREE people today. In part because they never yielded to dictatorship, and the evil of oppression and should continue to be unyielding in their efforts to be free. 

The Marcron government has forgotten his pledge of freedom in favor of a disease for which there is a 99.98% recovery rate. 113,000 (bless their souls) out of the 6.4 million people infected with covid, have lost their lives,  Marcon and his governmental associates have forgotten how the French people at one time stood in the gap of freedom for the world. Covid has been used to reverse freedom and fuel bondage.

Yes, the same ridiculous sentiment is being accepted and adopted in America, as many leaders have been chomping at the bits to reverse American freedoms and embrace socialism and marxism. The only thing they were not expecting, is that many people have come to America LEGALLY who fled socialist and marxist systems and will not stand for the same things that destroyed their homes and dreams to exist in this new world filled with hope and dreams.  

To the French people, all I can say is, it is TIME for another FRENCH REVOLUTION! Vive la France!!! I am sure an AMERICAN REVOLUTION won't be far behind!!!


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