Various Items Of Interest

Friday, February 5, 2021

Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell

Watch the exposé "ABSOLUTE PROOF" by clicking HERE

One thing you won't do is find any of this information mentioned or even debated on your local or even national news.

You will find haters and lazy reporters claiming that this information is "false" without even saying why and on what basis they make their assumptions and they will say that the information has already been heard and dismissed by the courts, which is also not true. In fact there has been 2 cases in which evidence has been heard and BOTH are continuing to progress through the system in the respective states. 

Then you will find "cancel culture" through public web sites such as twitter and facebook and others who want to cancel alternate voices simply because they do not wish to hear them and then the disinformation that has been steadily delivered to the Black community and various community groups that have taken their toll on the American psyche so much until many can't recognize irrationality and you know what I believe about the church, many of whom have lost all discernment when it comes to deciphering TRUTH and substantive issues. 

Why is all this? 

Follow the money. Big company owns the news and too many big companies are under Communist influence and many of those under the influence of Communist and Social control own big company!

Ask yourself, how is it that only big name companies could stay open during the pandemic while small business was required to close...Ask yourself why politicians, who in many cases relied on the church and petitioned the church for votes, were some of the first to claim that church and religion was "non-essential". This is even against the GUARANTEED protection of "Free Exercise Clause" of religion in the United States Constitution, which is unabridged by a pandemic as many lawmakers and judges have now and finally concluded.

We should ask why the courts, while even reading the State laws and State Constitutions, which in many cases stated verbatim that under the LAW no entity in the State could change elections laws and rules other than the legislatures, were allowed to proceed with changes by judges and sole election commissioners?

I don't even want to mention the machines as is thoroughly covered in the video, but we should ask why, our favorite news personalities and organizations are not covering or demanding full disclosure of the truth...

I have already said...We have been under an attack by China and their Communist Government. This was done against the world, with the WHO in tow and that was in response to many policies of the Trump administration.

Lawsuits & Litigation

I believe as time goes on, we will see this picture more closely, but it doesn't sound like the lawsuits leveled against this man are unwelcomed. In fact those lawsuits will allow abject exposure of information and may even been withdrawn due to the fact that ALL information will be exposed for companies seeking judgments. In essence, to claim defamation guarantees that if there is any nefarious activities or fraud, it will be exposed. 

My Pillow

In a facebook forum, they were saying that noone should buy a "My Pillow" again. I responded by saying that I was going to buy as many as I can. They asked "why"? 

Well, after reviewing this information, I plan to buy as many My Pillow products as I can to help keep the business and Mr. Lindell bringing quality services and information to the community. 

Click HERE to order My Pillow company direct. 


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