Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Bethel Ministries Fasting, Prayer & Restoration 2021 Complete Services & Live Streams

Welcome to our first 3 day fasting, prayer & online restoration  services conducted by Pastor of New Bethel Epiphany Ministries and the founder of the Dunamis Word blog, Supt. Harvey Burnett. Please feel free to be a part of this great move of God and we do appreciate you praying along with us.  

Day 1 Noon Opening Prayer


Day 2 ~ Morning Manna Session


Day 2 ~ Noon Prayer "Kingdom Of God"

Day 2 ~ Evening Prayer "Pray Through To Know HIM"

Day 2 ~ Evening Exhortation "Against The Lie"

Day 3 ~ Morning Manna "Reconciliation & Restoration"

Day 3 ~ Closing Noon Prayer


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