Various Items Of Interest

Monday, January 25, 2021

Color Communism & Common Sense. TRUE Black History And The Plot To Use The Black Community Against America

I must say that of all the posts that I have done, this would have to be one of the top 10 both in personal interest and public urgency, but I suppose, that because so many people love sensationalism, it won't reach the top 20 in my listing of nearly 700 posts on this blog. Why am I so pessimistic? Because this video and subsequent read, reveals some deep truth regarding the current condition of America and the Black American community and does not blame White people, using this new buzz word "systemic racism" (that even liberal Whites have adopted to describe systems that they have implemented) for the current condition of social and political unrest that we are experiencing today. 

Yes, this information is deeply revealing. It reveals a concerted effort to use a system of Boule Blacks and common Blacks, by never allowing racial injustice to heal. This information reveals communism in its mission to overthrow the United States and I have personally seen, witnessed and documented these forces in action. What makes it so bad is that this revelation is nothing new. It has existed since prior to its formation as a way to change America, undermining its values and eliminating the CHURCH and its voice as it upholds freedom and morality in a free society. 

COLOR COMMUNISM & COMMON SENSE was written by Manning Johnson (12/17/1908 - 7/2/1959), who was the former Communist Party USA pick for representative in New York's 22nd congressional district in 1935. His book, can be read in its entirety HERE



  1. Wassup Rev. Hadn't been here in a while, but I see you are still carrying the mantel for holiness. In my opinion, this post is right there at the TOP! Given the deception the devil uses with all his cancel culture ideals and Critical Race Theory philosophies, everything explained in this video was RIGHT! Many have crept in unawares under the guise their concerns for the oppressed.

    But truth of the matter is it is the LORD who gives out all gifts and talents, and He call each of us to be good stewards over the things or lack of things He has blessed us to have. Remember the one who was given FIVE (5) TALENTS. He used them wisely to gain FIVE (5) more.
    And the one given ONE (1) talent. What did he do with the ONE talent he was given? He HID his talent in the ground. We are not going top start off on the same playing field. We just have to be reminded to use wisely what the Lord gives us so that He will tell us "Well done thy good and faithful servant.

    Thanks for this outstanding post. Very timely given the days of these times. Amazing how the devil uses the "oppressor" as well as his work he does even in the "oppressed".

    1. Yes and glad to see you again and it's been a long time. You are telling the truth, equal results is not equal opportunity. This "systemic racism" issue is nothing more than communist inspired propaganda designed to divide and continue anger and hatred. It is not revelatory as some think. It's simply hate repacked in justification and that by design.


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