Various Items Of Interest

Monday, October 26, 2020

Kingdom Voting by Pastor Dr. Tony Evans Series 1-8

 In a time so filled with opinion on every side of the issue, Dr. Tony Evans has taken the time to put together a refreshing series of teaching on Kingdom Voting. 

We have had some of the most scripturally corrupt narratives emanating from some of the leading Christian organizations, it is good to finally hear someone else who approaches politics and voting from a Kingdom perspective and who promotes a biblical understanding of how the future is shaped through the life of the believer. 

Frankly, this election cycle breaks down to 4 areas of importance to me

1- Freedom and its definition

2- Abortion and the right o the unborn to life

3- Israel & America's relationship to her

4- Civil anarchy and dissidence

First, as Dr. Evans points out, there is no freedom without a foundation of biblical morality and values. I don't care what any atheist or materialis says, as I have listened to participated in thousands of hours of debate on the subject, the biblical basis and foundation for freedom is basic and primary to every society in which freedom is the essential or primary value or virtue and materialistic constructs of freedom, justice and equality only borrow from and mimic biblical constructs of these concepts. They, materialistic ideas, cannot and do not stand on their own and there is and remains to be NO materialistic justification for these values. Plain and simple, the Democratic party, and Joe Biden in his FLIP-FLOP, WISHY-WASHY platform in which he lies and changes positions to suit the crowd that is at hand, DOES NOT value or contend to contain the foundation of biblical moral values and certainly accepts homocratic values (values based on the subjective directives of men and mankind) espoused both by the Democratic platform and those of his most radical associates. Further, as stated, Joe has openly proven that he will say and accept anything to make a good sound bite. 

Secondly, it is highly inconsistent to hold that life is valued when the lives of the most innocent aren't.  Yes, life considerations should be from PRE-BIRTH to grave. The contention that a person (a woman in particular) has power over her body is certainly true, but IT IS NOT TRUE that she or anyone else has the right to indiscriminately kill the unborn. Democratic leaders embrace baby murder, even late-stage partial birth abortion which is simply murder by another name. The bible says that Jesus was a "CHILD" in Mary's womb, (Is. 7:14,  Matt.1:23) not a clump of insignificant cells. Further, God has a relationship and identity of the unborn (Jer. 1:5) and EVERY life, no matter the quality of that life, is valuable to God. 

Third, for 8 years under President Obama, the United States ran from relationship to Israel, In fact they treated Israel as hostile and an invader of their own land favoring Palestinians (which there has never been a country of Palestine) over Israel and her right to her land. Under Donald Trump America, like never before, acknowledged JERUSALEM as the Capitol City of Israel, against world sentiment and moved its embassy there and due to brokered economic peace, Israel is now the center of peace and expanded relationships with neighbors who previously vowed to harm the state. This is unprecedented, and the news underplays this greatly, but it is a Kingdom principle found in the book of Genesis...

Gen. 12:3 ~ And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

America has aligned itself with the blessings of God and a reversion will certainly remove these accomplishments. 

Fourth, the critics blame anarchy that we have seen around the country and in many larger cities, on the alleged racism of President Donald Trump. The fact of the matter is that the person responsible for the reversion of millions of Blacks to the Democratic Party, President LB Johnson, was and continued to be one of the most racist individuals and Presidents in history as detailed HERE. Presidential racism is not the cause for anarchy. Leaving the foundation and principles of biblical freedom and wanting to revert to socialism and even communism is the reason for unrest. The anarchists, have no values of freedom and hate what is true and right and the FREEDOM, through struggle that this country stand for.

Listen I could go on, but I would like you to take the time and listen to this highly important series. I believe it will bless you greatly.

 Message 1

Message 2

Message 3

Message 4

Message 5

Message 6

Message 7

Message 8

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