Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Murder Of George Floyd: Anarchy & Protest Are NOT The Same

The murder of George Floyd (and I did say MURDER, as he was killed openly and in the streets by someone who thought he had the privilege to do so)  illicits the best and worst of America. One one hand we show why and how America is different from any country, by allowing its citizens to contend and protest for change and to decry this horrible act. On the other hand, we observe anarchists bent on destroying American values of freedom, capitalism and parochial values by looting, creating public disturbance, and causing as much discord as possible. 

While police reform is and has long been in order, and certainly there is yet racism within the criminal justice system that does not allow Black citizens, and Black males in particular, the opportunity for equal and fair justice, countries like China who have an abysmal human rights record for all of its citizens, need not say a mumbling WORD about American injustice, because citizenship rights do not exist. The Chi-comm nation is what it is, a communist governmental system by extension, responsible for millions, if not billions, of deaths and suppression of its citizens for extended and extensive periods of time. Ooh yes! We remember Emperor Mau Zedong, who's "Great Leap Forward" policy led to the deaths of 20 million to 46 million Chinese people from 1958 to 1962. In addition, after all the current and more recent murderous policies including a "one child policy", and a denial of human rights, their government can really SHUT UP!


Be clear, the MURDER of George Floyd was wrong, like many of the other Black victims (both men and women) who have suffered death and tragedy at the hands of police in America however,  rioting and looting has nothing to do with political or social reforms, nor the cause of George Floyd's deathBe sure the ONLY reason that such actions are being taken by left leaning anarchists with extreme right wingers in tow, is because some want to see the whole American system of government overthrown. They want socialism, communism and Nazi like policies to reign and exist within the United States. Although they have a right to those feelings, I am glad that Americans continually rise to see extremist garbage for what it is, and as vocal as they become, they will not gain any ground because they are wholly inconsistent in their demands, and their values are wholly incompatible with American values of freedom.

My Statement; A DUNAMIS WORD On The Issue

With and during all of this, I have not sat silently. As I witnessed the confusion festering in my own community. I was recently prompted to speak and write on the issue. Hopefully the following statement will also resonate with you, the readers of the Dunamis Word, as it has with many readers on Facebook.
My statement on Peoria's response to George Floyd's death, Criminal Justice and rioting and looting: 
Our streets should not be a war zone. People looting are not grieving George Floyd's death. They are THUGS and CRIMINALS who need to be stopped. Their actions are immoral and only ADD TO the immorality of what Black men in particular have experienced in America. 
Your smash and grab THIEVERY does not represent any cause of policy or societal change. Go to Communist Russia and China and see how long your actions will be tolerated. You find from DAY 1 that your actions will not be tolerated. 
You should THANK GOD for a constitution that preserves your rights and affords you the opportunity to change what is wrong. The system is by no means perfect, but it is a system of citizens not criminals! 
Enough of associating lawlessness with pain. NO, I DON'T ACCEPT THAT INFANTILE ARGUMENT! I have been in pain, but I did not steal, nor did I kill! Pain is no excuse to destroy our community nor our country. 
Our predecessors faced more pain than we have ever faced. They were beaten for education. They were denied equal chances and opportunities for success. They were considered the lowest of society, but they formulated the HIGHEST standards of moral values that shaped families and communities and held things together to open the door to all the privileges we have today. 
You have denigrated their memory. Spit on their graves. Shown the greatest disrespect and disregard for their efforts. For the lives of them that have been lost, you have defiled their character and pushed their voices from the grave aside simply so you can have Jordan's that you did not pay for and stolen clothes to cover your ugliness...but you are UNCOVERED! 
THERE will be no arguments in HIS court. Only works done in righteous will stand and last. You have forged a weight of iron upon your children and families for the cost of fashion, you did not pay for and for confusion that displays your thought process.
We MUST speak the truth to YOU! You may be a Lion but your roar is powerless and your rant ineffective. 
Confusion is your your plight because hatred is your method. It begins with the hatred you have amassed for yourself and your future. It extends to the hatred you have for your fellow citizens who now suffer further by not having institutions who can safely supply their food, medication and clothing needs. You have shown that you could not possibly have any care for George Floyd, who many of you never met, while you despise the neighbors in your very own community. 
PASTORS, LEADERS, THOSE WHO LOVE NOT ONLY THE BLACK COMMUNITY BUT OUR NATION..MAKE A STAND TO REACH, TEACH AND EDUCATE these on more than civil process, but moral and value centered process. RESTORE family values as these enemies seek to disregard family and what it means.
We must make a stand. This generation does not have the moral wherewithal or the mental stamina to advance. 
The comparison of riots is not apropos here. The basis and the moral focus of the anarchy is. When we look at who is better by the actions of these anarchists, we see noone is made better. They stand in shadows and throw stones to prove that there is no real plan to progressively move from where we are into new light.

I for one WILL NOT FOLLOW them into their darkness!

1 comment:

  1. I'll say this and I know it's unpopular to say. First of all George Floyd wasn't the saint & martyr he's being made out as. He's a multiple felon who's done various stints in prison for drug possession and armed robbery. One such time was when he put a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman and beat and robbed her. Also, and I hate to say this, had he not resisted arrest then the cop's wouldn't have used force in the first place.

    Second, there is no epidemic of cops going around killing black men for no reason whatsoever than skin color. In 2019, there were a little over 1000 fatal police shootings nationwide. Only 235 or so were of black men and the overwhelming majority of them were armed or presenting a physical threat to officer's. Also, a black suspect is about 18.5 times more likely to shoot a cop than vice versa. This has been documented.

    Third, young black men ages 14-35, while accounting for 3 percent of the total US population, commit about half of all murders. That's not including attempted murders and other violence. Chicago right now is a bloodbath. I read that in the month of June there have already been 23 murders in Chicago and we're only 10 days into June. This isn't counting Detroit, Baltimore, Philly etc and if we're being totally honest with ourselves, we know that it's 14-35 year old black men causing this bloodbath. When people are wary of young black men, it just isn't the color of their skin as most people wouldn't be wary of a 60 or 70 year old black man because black men that age typically aren't committing violence.

    This is why cops have to be so militarized and heavy handed in these communities. To keep even a semblance of order when they have thugs walking around with knives, high powered rifles and high caliber handguns and murder and violence everywhere. In Mayberry, New Hampshire where the last murder was in 1970 and crime consists of teen girls shoplifting and the occasional Saturday night bar fight, then cops can be like Andy Griffith and Barney Fife.


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