Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Candace Owens & Dr. Marc Lamont Hill

Should George Floyd be seen as a Black hero? Should we be happy with alleged peaceful protests that ends in riots and looting of stores? How do we address the social unrest and change society positively?

This is a very good discussion that seeks to bring clarity to the current movement for social justice and American racial equity.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

St. John's Church Pt. 2 ~MACN "Make America Communist Now"

A Place Formerly Known As St. John's Episcopal Church
In Pt.1 of this series, I looked at how St. John's Church was a center of controversy when President Trump, exercising his freedom as a citizen, decided to go to St. John's church as a sign and symbol that anarchists don't control the streets and the life of American citizens. Now say what you wish about President Trump, like any other citizen, he and his delegation had a right to travel or go anywhere they wanted to without threat or encumbrance from anyone.

DC Under Siege
Little did I know at the time what would happen nearly a month later when ANARCHISTS, under the guise of Black Lives Matter, which had been so proudly painted on multiple city streets under the direction of confused Mayors, and most specifically DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser, that the alleged "peaceful protesters" would attempt to establish their own anarchist community centered around St. John's Church, naming it the Black House Autonomous Zone (BHAZ) and further defacing the church with the acronym.

In all, Tuesday morning, June 23rd, the day after this attempted siege, the ABC news show, Good Morning America, spent 1 MINUTE...yes, that's right, 1 MINUTE on the subject, saying that protesters in DC were attempting to pull down "an historic statue"....with NO MENTION of what had been done at this church or at this newly attempted "autonomous zone". They did however spend over 30 minutes trying to convince the public that covid-19 was surging, attempting to link that surge to return to work and State reopen orders, and Donald Trump's failure to wear a mask publicly, when the truth is that people have been protesting for a month with NO MASKS and not following any social distance guidelines. That is why the virus is surging IF it is at all. I mean what did they, real protesters and other anarchists, really expect to see and experience?
Mayor Muriel Bowser

Back to the issue at hand:

Now, it is more than clear to see that these anarchist actions in DC, as well as the prior looting and shootings, had nothing to do with George Floyd or criminal justice reform. More increasingly, and as these alleged "peaceful" protests continue, they have nothing to do with George Floyd or police reform. It is becoming more clear that current protest and anarchist efforts are directed by leaders of global and America change organizations and in this case led by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization (which asks for public donations, but is not a registered charity and appears to be illegally operating as a political action organization as well, which would more than likely be another violation of law, which these individuals and groups do not regard) and other like minded organizations.

The intention? Clearly to redefine American life, by bullying themselves into power, like anarchists do, secondly, remove a sitting President from office as Patrice Cullors, one of the founders of the BLM Organization has stated publicly, and finally, totally upend American society and make America a Marxist State.Recently Ms. Cullors stated:
Patrice Cullors BLM Co-founder
"Well, I’m hands down — Trump not only needs to not be in office in November but he should resign now. Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out. While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure Vice President Joe Biden around his policies and relationship to policing and criminalization. That’s going to be important. But our goal is to get Trump out." ~ The Lead with Jake Tapper 6/19/2020
In 2015 Ms. Cullors affirmed her dedication to Marxism in another interview:
“Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,”...“ (the founders of BLM) build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.” ~ Patrice Cullors in an interview with Morgan State University Professor Morgan Ball in 2015
MACN ~ Make America Communist Now!!! 

Pastor, I Thought This Protesting Was About Social Justice...

Although some of the protesters had legitimate objectives and goals, the death of George Floyd was a cover up for what BLM and other anarchist and Marxist groups really wanted. What they wanted was to disrupt American society, as they say in their written statements, gain mainline acceptance of their ideals, and facilitate a complete American values upheaval as stated earlier. Because the George Floyd death was so open and horrific, these anarchist gained extra currency across cultural lines. Ultimately they got White, Asian and Latino people marching, chanting their names and disrupting city services. What many of those in the multicultural groups did not know was that they were vicariously calling for the end of American freedom and for a new MARXIST State of Communism.

These anarchists could not have dreamed that American businesses and organizations rooted in capitalistic and free society philosophies and ideologies, would bow down to them as we have seen in recent days. They could not have dreamed that unwitting American youth and others would help BLM anarchists and Marxists send a message to completely redefine what it means to be an American, completely reinterpret the past, and usher in a new, globalist centered future, where language and agreements do not matter, and only the show of force and strength is respected. (like EVERY Marxist State that has ever existed) ie: In the end these Marxists are classic BULLIES and haters of freedom, who want their way and as stated embrace Marxism and have no regard for American law, jurisprudence or society in general.

Now, for readers of this blog, those observations are nothing new, but are nonetheless shocking. Might I remind you that BLM is anything but a social justice organization as I have written HERE nearly 4 years ago. We are in a fight for America and American values.

Shaun King Ideology Against Religious Expression & Freedom

A natural progression of Marxist ideology, is the elimination of religion. Here is Karl Marx on the issue:
Karl Marx
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness." ~ Marx, Karl. "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right" 1843.
Now, this statement has been the source of much controversy, but it states that Marx admits that religion has some value. According to the DEA, Opium relieves physical pain and creates a euphoric feeling, but is highly addictive and can lead to death. What Marx is trying to say here is that religion relieves pain of the oppressed but that relief is only an illusion and that illusion is deadly. Marx is stating that he believes that eliminating religion will help the people find "real" or "true" happiness and thereby produce a state of total equality which is a primary, yet ILLUSION of communism.

In light of the aforementioned, and like clockwork, recently, one of the BLM protest leaders Shaun King, stated that all Jesus statues should be toppled and all stained glass windows depicting Jesus should be broken as well, because those things were remnants of White Supremacy...

Here he is encouraging Blacks (his NEW SLAVES) to do his bidding by toppling statues of not only Confederate icons, which also displays his conscience disregard for law and due process, but now Jesus (primarily Catholic depictions) claiming that they are all images of slavery and mistreatment.

Well, this IDIOT is simply wrong, uneducated on the issues and displays his lack of understanding of both history, biblical narratives, politics and advocacy for social change. Many Marxist will never acknowledge that the abolition of slavery in the modern world is a product of this Jesus, who advocated for freedom, both spiritually, morally and physically of all men. Yet, to him and many critics, this JEWISH Jesus is simply another White man...GO FIGURE!

What makes it so much further damaging, is that this gentleman was Senator Bernie Sanders lead campaign manager. You mean to tell me that former Democratic Socialist, and Presidential candidate, "Uncle Bernie" had someone right by his side and in his ear that was an American deconstructionist???

THANK GOD Uncle Bernie's Campaign failed and was REJECTED by the American public!!!! To think of policy being produced that sought to completely undermine the system of law, and American moral and social values is nearly unthinkable. As much as needs to be changed, it is nearly fearful to think what things would have been like under a Sanders or even Clinton Presidency.

Negotiating The Return Of A Seattle

At the same time Black Lives Matter ANARCHISTS/MARXISTS are trying to take over cities, destroy public property, and destroy Capitalism [while they drive and buy clothes, cars and homes, developed and produced by the same White capitalists they say they hate] City and governmental officials are "NEGOTIATING" (can't believe I am even saying this) "NEGOTIATING", for the return of 3 to 6 TAXPAYER paid for city blocks in Seattle, WA.  captured and taken by these alleged peaceful protesters in the name of "social justice".

Naming themselves CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest aka: Communists Hoping to Overturn Peace) captured a Police Station, which the Mayor told the Police Chief to vacate, took over about 6 blocks of the City of Seattle, WA, claiming that social justice reform was the goal, and in a 2 weeks here was the result:
At least 1 Rape
At least 1 Murder (19 year old BLACK Man)
At least 1 Hospitalization critical condition (35 year old Black man)
At least 1 Shot (17 year old Black man)
Businesses Owned by both Blacks & Whites, Shut Down
Reports are that at least one victim of a shooting was alive when AMT's attempted to go in for medical treatment, but because the Police was the escort, these alleged "peaceful" protesters would not let them in and the young man died. Now, you will hear no BLM rally about that...CHOP KILLED A BLACK MAN!!!

St. Johns Church After Trump
St. Johns Church After BLM

The Rev-Runds

Probably one of the most interesting things in the whole fiasco, has been the absurd silence of the REV-RUNDS, I pointed out in the first segment. Remember, they rose when Donald Trump merely stood in front of the church and called his action the most egregious, and ungodly actin of all time. 

They called down FIRE from heaven on President Trump and claimed that the reason they stood was because they were tired of seeing the church used as a "Photo-OP" Rev Rund Budde said that she felt Trump should have come to the church for prayer and healing of the nation...


Where is ANY of it now??? Here an ANARCHIST group which denies not only American freedom, but also the biblical God, appears at the church and WRITES THEIR NAME ON IT, DECLARING, WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE PASTOR, BISHOP OR ANY OF THE ALLEGED CONCERNED REV-RUNDS, THAT THIS CHURCH IS NOW THEIR PROPERTY, AND PLACE B-H-A-Z on the pillars and NOT A WORD FROM ANY OF THE ALLEGED CLERGY LEADERSHIP?!?!?!

I'm simply going to take the advice of Jesus and this is what I will do for spaghetti backed, spiritless grand standers:

Matthew 15:14 ~ Let them alone: they be blind leaders of 
the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, 
both shall fall into the ditch.

Well, YES, we've got some issues. These issues however have little to do with Donald Trump and no matter what he does, these issues would continue. They will continue until these Marxists and Communists reshape America into the value system that they embrace.

It's not about statues, but then it is about statues. They could care less about the racism associated with these icons and states. They, the anarchists and Marxists, are concerned about the values, the fight for freedom and the independence of a nation that these icons represent.

This makes it very tough to endorse a President who will bow and or bend to this in any manner as Joe Biden will do. Appeasement or anarchists and Marxists is not an answer and should not be a consideration. Corporation have dug themselves a hole, by being socially irresponsible and unaware of the serious philosophical and social issues at stake. 

For sure the church is under attack and needs to get our house in order. For Pastors to grandstand and not know the real issues involved is atrocious and only points toward a church, not directed by God, but directed by men.

I would say to the careful. Marx is DEAD. His associates are DEAD as well. During their day they tried their best to eliminate the Church, religion and Christ...YET, HE EXISTS TODAY, and is active in the lives of billions around the world. In addition, we've only just begun to fight. In addition, we have a promise, that no Marxist, communist, or anyone else will ever overcome or defeat:

Matthew 16:18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell 
shall not prevail against it.

At the end of the day, the BLM organization, is wholly different from the Black Lives Matter movement and criminal justice reform philosophy. With all its hate, the organization will soon go back to the same HELL from which it came, without question, taking countless men, women and business with them.

I expect the world to be the world, but the CHURCH should stand for greater and should be able to discern the CON of the Black Lives Matter organization.

Conservative and traditional values are not accepted by BLM and they will not teach them. The lesbianism of their female leaders, DEMAND that the world changes to embrace them, and they use the horrific and bona-fide concerns of the death of Blacks and in particular Black men at the hands of the police to make a case that they should be in charge of all policy and that the system of America, along with its Government needs to change.

It is PITIFUL, that to stand up among these haters, it to label one's self as anti- (whatever)..Joe Biden said that if one doesn't vote for him, one isn't Black. While that certainly isn't true, we can see that while groups like BLM and individuals like Biden say they hate identity politics, they are the first to use it when it comes to promoting themselves and their cause.

Hopefully companies that have made the mistake to embrace the BLM organization, will come to life and distance themselves from Marxists which promote policies that further damage the American family and in particular people of color, aka: BLACK PEOPLE and marginalized minorities. Hopefully they will wake up while they still yet have an opportunity to make significant and real change in the area of race and police relations instead of drinking the SLOP that the BLM organization dishes up daily. We'll see...believe that. 


Article References:

Union Journal City News: Cullors Admits To Marxism

Personnel Today:Global Businesses Embrace BLM

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

St John's Church Pt. 1~ The Over The Top Rant

The aftermath of the George Floyd murder has displayed a many divisions, not only in America, but also in the American church.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde is the first elected female Episcopal Diocesan Bishop of Washington. Having previously served in Minnesota for 18 years, she is known for being outspoken  various political and social issues, especially as it pertains to gay rights, and claims to having presided over multiple homosexual union ceremonies and services, prior to the ratification of homosexual marriages in the State of Minnesota. In other words, she openly and unashamedly violated the law, claiming that she was under a mandate to do so according to her calling from God. 

Selective Outrage

Although the hypocrisy of her church (The Episcopal Church) and personal belief has long been exposed as nothing less than a wholesale reinterpretation of the bible and biblical moral values, none of that causes the "glass house living bishop" to think twice about condemning President Trump's security personnel's authorization to clear a path through a section of alleged "peaceful protesters" outside the White House, towards the St. John's Episcopal Church.

While this has been out of the news now, about a month or so, in Part 2 of this article, I wanted to look back and also look at how this church has been commandeered to be an anarchist stronghold, called the Black House Autonomous Zone (BHAZ) similar to the failed CHOP Zone in Seattle Washington. This is really amazing, as things are moving so fast, and noone would have thought, that the very grounds that were used to make a political statement by these alleged "Black leaders" would be the same grounds defaced AGAIN by the alleged "protesters" without a word of condemnation from any of these actors. Remember, it started with disdain over moving a crowd for what was called a photo-op. For now let's continue with part 1 The Over The Top Rant. 

The REV-RUND'S Response

As we reflect, in response to the event, not only did Bishop Budde deliver politically oriented missives on many news talk shows regarding how un-Christian Trump was and is in his actions, but she had the nerve to invoke biblical, Christian moral values in the discussion:
“After speaking so harshly and with militaristic overtones to the nation, he had the park of peaceful protesters cleared with tear gas and officers in riot gear to make a symbolic gesture, holding a Bible as if to spiritually condone a message and a posture that is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything as a church we stand for,”
She said, "antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything as a church we stand for"
Now, might I refer you to what I wrote previously in this article? This Lady, not only is part of a gay affirming church that believes that homosexuality, lesbianism and more than likely, transgenderism, is compatible with holiness and biblical Christianity, and has illegally performed ceremonies and services to prove it, says that what Trump did, is "antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything as a church we stand for"???

Lets get to something more REAL in substance, because the bishop had to have inhaled or injected some substances prior to her TV debut on the subject....

We now know that President Trump didn't order anything outside of expressing his desire and determination to make it to St. John's Church. It seems that Attorney General Bill Barr along with others ordered that the pathway be cleared for the President and his delegation to move forward through and to the church. According to all available reports, these "peaceful" protesters were told 3 times clearly to move themselves out of the way so that government officials could come through. Some took heed and relocated themselves and some did not. What is clear is that these alleged "peaceful" protesters (at least the ones who refused to move) continued to refused to move out of the way and faced the consequences of their refusal to move. It has also been found that at least one agent disbursed tear gas upon the crowd that refused to move.

Now, there has been and still is much debate over whether this was a right or wrong move. The same individuals supporting people for exercising their freedoms, evidently do not think the President or officials have any freedoms or at least think their movements should be restricted. I mean look at it, why can't ANYONE, including the President travel without personal, physical threat to anywhere he or she wants to go? Especially considering that, if left up to the Mayor, the church, which was firebombed the night before, would have probably been burned down.

Senator Chuck Grassley said this:
"We expect leadership from our President and particularly in times like this. And I think that when there was destruction to a church or any other historical thing that America would put great confidence in that should not be destroyed, I think a president ought to bring attention to that terrorist activity, and go there and do ... what he did last night." ~ CNN Politics
This is certainly no defense for the President, but I believe the criticism and reduction of his desire to do a "photo op" is off base, the pastoral response certainly OVER THE TOP and response centered more in radical politics than in truth.

The Preachers Of DC

As stated, after this event, an apparent hoard of Democratic, left leaning, politically motivated clergy, took to the same location to hail the error of the President's ways as well. Now, I wonder if ANY of them have ever received an invitation to preach at this building or to this "congregation", but that is another story...but here are some of the "highlights" as they charged and commanded President Trump to repent of his SINS...
"One of the most egregious crimes against humanity is the crime of rape and what I saw yesterday was the rape of a church and of God's holy word" ~ Pastor A Michael Durant 10th St. Baptist Church Washington DC
You mean to tell me, a sitting President, exercising his FREE RIGHT to travel to a church and stand in front of the church taking a picture is tantamount to "rape"? And that of "raping a church"? This is far too over the top and a ridiculous sentiment, comparison and analogy. 

Let's continue:
"We call upon the President Sir to repent, to repent, to repent" ~ Bishop Edwin Brown Full Gospel Baptist Church  
OK, repent for walking to a church, taking a photo, or something else? Exactly what should he "repent" for? "Raping" the church? OVER THE TOP Reverend!!!
"We will not divert our attention from the way that White Supremacy and racism has burned and desecrated the Black, & Brown and Indigenous bodies of this land." ~ Pastor Mike Wilker Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Co-Chair Washington Interfaith Network.
Now, he was the only White Pastor to speak, and as you can tell, his comments would go on to compare Trump's actions to those of Hitler who according to him allegedly used a photo-op and division of the Christian church to divert attention away from the "Jewish bodies" which were being "burned" under his, Hitler's,  regime. Only problem is that the photo circulating of Hitler holding what appeared to be a bible in a photo op, was FAKE!!! Yep, not real at all...Then HOW does the President exercising his freedom to walk anywhere in the United States, AFTER having warned those alleged "friendly protesters" to move out of the way, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES, equate to White Supremacy, and desecrating the "indigenous People of the Land"? 

Just so happens I AM one of the Indigenous people. I am the descendant of a Chief tribal leader of the Ojibwa Grand Portage Band aka: Chippewa Nation. I don't see how going to a church to attend and or take a photo, added to the desecration of my people and ancestors. That is the LEAST thing that added to the harm of my people. Another OVER THE TOP IRRATIONAL statement made for what I see has just become a PHOTO OP!

Let's continue:  
"...I know you stood right here and held the bible in your hand; but it is clear you don't have the bible in your heart"..."You (Trump) are representing everything that we are standing against. We are outraged by your abuse of power..." "Mr. President, we find the misuse of the bible and the church as a mere photo opportunity deplorable and disgraceful" ~  Rev. George Gilbert Jr. Social Justice Rep. of the Progressive National Baptist Convention USA
Now, Rev. Gilbert went in for the direct kill. To him Trump had the bible in his hand, but not in his heart. OK, that is descriptive of a sinner or someone who is not saved. He goes on to call Trump's actions "deplorable and disgraceful". Well. would not the actions of all sinners be "deplorable" if they violate God's word? I know Paula White has hailed him as some great guru, but has Trump ever publicly claimed to be a Christian? Believe me, he has said some incredibly stupid things, to which I agree, but has he claimed to be a Christian in any forum? SO why should and how does this pastor expect the bible to be "in his heart" when he has made no such claim that it is? 


So this REV-RUND is standing in front a church, which he probably has never been asked to speak at,  led by a pastor who AFFIRMS the gay lifestyle, by not only conducting gay marriage ceremonies, but by having done so illegally "in the name of God" while in MN, as a part of a church that has multiple gay bishops and is a gay affirming denomination somehow misses the condemnation of the REV-RUNDS???...Yet...a PERSON, exercising their freedom, walking in safety and peace to that same church, set ablaze less than 24 hours before, doesn't have the bible in his heart and displays deplorable and disgraceful acts???

Nobody is asking anyone to like him, but to show the greatest HATRED is certainly NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BIBLE BEING IN THE HEART, and is further DEPLORABLE AND DISGRACEFUL in my humble opinion REV-RUNDS!

I'll conclude with this little insightful caveat from another of the REV-RUNDS on site:
"He may as well have been holding up a phone book, that's how much he knew about the bible" ~ Pastor Keith Byrd Zion Baptist Church Washington DC, 2nd Vice-President Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc

One thing is for sure, the REV-RUNDS on site certainly didn't know much about the bible either, no matter where they allegedly matriculated from nor stand within their respective organizations. To grandstand in front of a gay affirming church/organization because someone exercised their freedom to do the same thing, is utterly preposterous, displays a complete lack of spiritual insight and begs the question, did you REV-RUNDS simply want a photo op, or to fight for biblical moral values and against tyranny? The former seems more in line with their actions. Especially in light of the fact at what has happened as the "protesters" have become anarchists and seek to set up their own autonomous zone. 

Yes. we know that the streets are filled with real peaceful protesters, and we want to foster the right of free speech, and truly peaceful protests at all costs, however, the President enjoins those same rights as well, and no matter who is in office, the office is the highest in the Land and deserves RESPECT. Yep, when our President travels or commutes, no matter Democrat or Republican, as an American Citizen, I want him (or her) PROTECTED at all times, free of threat and or bodily harm and I don't want anyone to come close to hurting or hindering him or her because as I see it, that is MY President no matter whether I like the policies or not.

Donald Trump's Presidency will be the most controversial Presidency in American History, however he is President and deserves his rights too.

In part 2 of this series we will discover the rise of communism, and the real reason for all of this and how the church and it's leaders, especially them depicted here have been played like a drum. So sad, but so true. 


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Murder Of George Floyd: Anarchy & Protest Are NOT The Same

The murder of George Floyd (and I did say MURDER, as he was killed openly and in the streets by someone who thought he had the privilege to do so)  illicits the best and worst of America. One one hand we show why and how America is different from any country, by allowing its citizens to contend and protest for change and to decry this horrible act. On the other hand, we observe anarchists bent on destroying American values of freedom, capitalism and parochial values by looting, creating public disturbance, and causing as much discord as possible. 

While police reform is and has long been in order, and certainly there is yet racism within the criminal justice system that does not allow Black citizens, and Black males in particular, the opportunity for equal and fair justice, countries like China who have an abysmal human rights record for all of its citizens, need not say a mumbling WORD about American injustice, because citizenship rights do not exist. The Chi-comm nation is what it is, a communist governmental system by extension, responsible for millions, if not billions, of deaths and suppression of its citizens for extended and extensive periods of time. Ooh yes! We remember Emperor Mau Zedong, who's "Great Leap Forward" policy led to the deaths of 20 million to 46 million Chinese people from 1958 to 1962. In addition, after all the current and more recent murderous policies including a "one child policy", and a denial of human rights, their government can really SHUT UP!


Be clear, the MURDER of George Floyd was wrong, like many of the other Black victims (both men and women) who have suffered death and tragedy at the hands of police in America however,  rioting and looting has nothing to do with political or social reforms, nor the cause of George Floyd's deathBe sure the ONLY reason that such actions are being taken by left leaning anarchists with extreme right wingers in tow, is because some want to see the whole American system of government overthrown. They want socialism, communism and Nazi like policies to reign and exist within the United States. Although they have a right to those feelings, I am glad that Americans continually rise to see extremist garbage for what it is, and as vocal as they become, they will not gain any ground because they are wholly inconsistent in their demands, and their values are wholly incompatible with American values of freedom.

My Statement; A DUNAMIS WORD On The Issue

With and during all of this, I have not sat silently. As I witnessed the confusion festering in my own community. I was recently prompted to speak and write on the issue. Hopefully the following statement will also resonate with you, the readers of the Dunamis Word, as it has with many readers on Facebook.
My statement on Peoria's response to George Floyd's death, Criminal Justice and rioting and looting: 
Our streets should not be a war zone. People looting are not grieving George Floyd's death. They are THUGS and CRIMINALS who need to be stopped. Their actions are immoral and only ADD TO the immorality of what Black men in particular have experienced in America. 
Your smash and grab THIEVERY does not represent any cause of policy or societal change. Go to Communist Russia and China and see how long your actions will be tolerated. You find from DAY 1 that your actions will not be tolerated. 
You should THANK GOD for a constitution that preserves your rights and affords you the opportunity to change what is wrong. The system is by no means perfect, but it is a system of citizens not criminals! 
Enough of associating lawlessness with pain. NO, I DON'T ACCEPT THAT INFANTILE ARGUMENT! I have been in pain, but I did not steal, nor did I kill! Pain is no excuse to destroy our community nor our country. 
Our predecessors faced more pain than we have ever faced. They were beaten for education. They were denied equal chances and opportunities for success. They were considered the lowest of society, but they formulated the HIGHEST standards of moral values that shaped families and communities and held things together to open the door to all the privileges we have today. 
You have denigrated their memory. Spit on their graves. Shown the greatest disrespect and disregard for their efforts. For the lives of them that have been lost, you have defiled their character and pushed their voices from the grave aside simply so you can have Jordan's that you did not pay for and stolen clothes to cover your ugliness...but you are UNCOVERED! 
THERE will be no arguments in HIS court. Only works done in righteous will stand and last. You have forged a weight of iron upon your children and families for the cost of fashion, you did not pay for and for confusion that displays your thought process.
We MUST speak the truth to YOU! You may be a Lion but your roar is powerless and your rant ineffective. 
Confusion is your your plight because hatred is your method. It begins with the hatred you have amassed for yourself and your future. It extends to the hatred you have for your fellow citizens who now suffer further by not having institutions who can safely supply their food, medication and clothing needs. You have shown that you could not possibly have any care for George Floyd, who many of you never met, while you despise the neighbors in your very own community. 
PASTORS, LEADERS, THOSE WHO LOVE NOT ONLY THE BLACK COMMUNITY BUT OUR NATION..MAKE A STAND TO REACH, TEACH AND EDUCATE these on more than civil process, but moral and value centered process. RESTORE family values as these enemies seek to disregard family and what it means.
We must make a stand. This generation does not have the moral wherewithal or the mental stamina to advance. 
The comparison of riots is not apropos here. The basis and the moral focus of the anarchy is. When we look at who is better by the actions of these anarchists, we see noone is made better. They stand in shadows and throw stones to prove that there is no real plan to progressively move from where we are into new light.

I for one WILL NOT FOLLOW them into their darkness!