Various Items Of Interest

Friday, April 17, 2020

Do Our Governors Know The Bill Of Rights?

Recently Tucker Carlson took the Governor of New Jersey Phil Murphy to task over some of the restrictions issued by his executive order. He claimed that liquor stores remained open because of mental health issues and the empirical evidence of addiction and addiction recovery, but had no answer for what evidence that had been given to address the psychological well being of individuals who have, in essence, been banned from religious services and worship.

This was very telling and based on the responses during this segment, we should ask, Do our Governors actually "know" the Bill of Rights? From this Governor's response, the answer to that question is highly suspect. 

At 11:00  

Carlson: "By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights?"
Gov. Murphy: "That's above my pay-grade Tucker, I wasn't thinking of the Bill Of Rights when we did this"
Governor Murphy went on to say that because he had met with and gained approval from a "variety of leaders in the State" meaning religious or faith leaders that his actions had somehow been sanctioned or were allowable.  

At 13:25
Gov. Murphy: "...we have to find a different way to worship"
Carlson: "...Government is not allowed to tell people how to worship...

1 comment:

  1. Although this is not legal advice and we are not lawyers:

    First under the American Constitution, no governmental official has the right to tell the church how to observe their faith or when they can. The Free Exercise Clause does not allow a State controlled church or a church where governmental official can mandate how it observes or practices its faith within the confines of the law. Executive orders ARE NOT law! Only Legislatures can pass State laws. And at any rate, the churches are protected from laws passed that deny free exercise...



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