Various Items Of Interest

Monday, February 5, 2018

Michigan State & Sexual Abuse...Inexcusable!

From I Am My Brother Keeper Christian Advocacy Council on Facebook:

Noone has anything against Tom Izzo or Mike Dantonio.  They are great coaches and probably human beings...HOWEVER, Izzo can't take the position that all his focus and concern is now on "the victims" of Michigan State' Larry Nassar probe when he had at least 3 players who were said to have raped and even beat a woman (women) and at least 2 of them that ADMIT that they did it. 

Dantonio allegedly had many more players than Izzo, but stood up at a news conference and denied any offences by his players. 

So far as Izzo's players, according to what the players ADMITTED, they, had sex with a female student to which she claimed and reported that they threatened her life (rape) and she reported it immediately and Izzo and the now resigned athletic director knew of it and did nothing.

Izzo is pictured here with former player and coach Travis Walton who allegedly beat a woman brutally and sexually assaulted her after their relationship (if any) crossed certain lines. 

Walton of course denies all complaints saying that he was never "charged" with sexual assault and that he had a consensual relationship with the accuser.

Once again, all this happened under Izzo. Of course Izzo was not responsible, but he did NOTHING for victims then...

So WHY NOW? Why claim that silence is to benefit and in honor of the victims, when there has been nothing but silence towards the perpetrators of the crime? 

Mike Dantonio is the same. A score of Michigan State players allegedly abused and gang-raped women on campus. Yes, GANG-RAPED! They were never suspended, scholarships never rescinded, and they continued on while their victims lives were altered and changed. In one case a young lady KILLED HERSELF, committed suicide because of the stigma, shame and maltreatment from the University. 

This is SHAMEFUL and DEPLORABLE behavior and I cannot believe that there is any concern for victims when the criminals and alleged assailants were NEVER dealt with, suspended, handled or corrected. 

This is the problem I have with Michigan St. For people to claim that they are so concerned about victims, there was NO concern when the victims were allegedly being crated by their players and those who were in their circles. 



  1. OKAY Rev...I got to be honest. I would not doubt the sexual abuse that took place with that Dr. No excuses for THAT At ALL! T think you get where I'm coming from all the BOMBARDMENT in the MEDIA and the whole fake fortune of this #METOO movement. That's just my OBSERVATION. I'm going to site some more things as I observed. Here GOES...

    I watched a lot of the testimonies on that ONE EYED DEVIL, and noted a lot of those we were "victimized" appeared to be disingenuous. There were no tears, many read from scripts and lacked emotions of someone who lost her innocence. I don't know REV. Don't get me wrong. Sin comes in all form, fashion and color. But this one here Rev, all these girls, in the company of many peers, and support of the many parents and grandparents and cousins and uncles and aunties, abused by this ONE man, for ALL those YEARS...I don't know Rev...

    1. I concur. Especially when the girls admitted that they let him do what he did and they didn't even say stop. What will end up happening is that whether or not a woman says yes, no or just goes along with it, if she decides after the fact that she feels she was raped, the man will be held responsible.

    2. You MUST be a pedophile too...they are the only one's wo defend other pedophiles...

    3. LOL I like how you deleted the comments because they caused so much cognitive dissonance. Why does god approve rape???

    4. He DIDN'T Idiot!!! And what, if anything that you or your radical buddies point to has already been refuted concerning the subject...See I hung out with atheists and all these JUNK arguments you raise for over 5 years...and There was not a single truth to this issue no matter what your materialistic friends brought up...

      And as I stated, the ONLY one that defends a pedophile, is another pedophile...answer you rape and fondle children?

    5. Rape of Female Captives Deuteronomy 21:10-14

      “When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive’s garb. After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her, and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife. However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion.”

      He even gives a ritual about the proper way to turn your female captive into your concubine or sex can't make this up!!!

      Does the bible say this or not say this??? I'm just quoting the good would be hilarious if someone was told to read a scripture to start Sunday service and this one was the one they picked!

  2. Sounds like one who has not spent time with victims...Don't worry, most people haven't.

    One thing in dealing with victims is this, we can't expect all victims to act and or respond the same. There is no book or guide on how one deals with tragedy or responds to the tragedy. One cannot assume that because one smiles, or doesn't smile, complains or doesn't complain that grief is authentic. There is no isolated forensic standard or characteristic or trait whereby we know that one is telling the truth.

    Yes, it is possible that people that have been victimized for years don't act as such. Look at those kids recently taken from their abusive parents. Some of them were grown, in their twenties.

    Stockholm Syndrome even allows victims to have feelings for those who victimized them. In such cases, the victims often offer to testify on behalf of the offender.

    Patty Hearst was one of these. She was kidnapped and was supposed to be held for ransom, only to side with the kidnappers, commit crimes with them and even obstruct in the search for her. Now, she was criticized and Clinton finally pardoned her, but this was something that nearly everyone knew that she had been a victim, but certainly didn't act like one.

    That's an extreme case, but one can't look at a woman's testimony and or look at how she delivers it and say she is lieing. Can't do that with a man's either.

    One thing is for sure, if it's a lie, it will come out and be revealed.

  3. R Stupid...

    We don't pile on here... What we do is present a point, address the points raised, refute arguments and THEN move on...

    All the garbage that you post isn't worth used toilet paper...So I don't care...You defend a pedophile and it is suspect that you are one by your defense of it...Even atheists defend what they love sin, therefore you defend it, even if it kills children, adults, hopes and dreams in the process...YOU should be ashamed...

    Now if GOd doesn't exist, you think humanity is just so decent that atrocities (any one you can name) would not happen or exist? I'd like to know why you think that if you do...

  4. R Stupid has a Tyler Perry Mudea way of bible reading..."There was Noah in the ark watching Jonah and the whale pass by when they saw Peter standing on the shore eating some fish, etc..."

    That's how you read the stories in the bible-LOL!!!! That is too funny, and lets's me know you're noplace CLOSE to serious. I have debated serious atheists with good're not one of them!!!

  5. I HOPE you ain't the same one pissing on those women for pleasure and brainwashing, defiling and holding them young girls hostage...You're sounding a lot like what I could image that he would sound like in that closet...

  6. And one more thing by the way, what you quoted said the men took the women to "BE THEIR WIVES" no sex slaves...Now unless you're reading impaired, I don;t understand how you can go from being a wife to a sex slave in the text???...However, you have already posed a question regarding your blow up wife/girlfriend/ or go figure!!!!

    1. Who said I'm an atheist, I just quoted the bible, that's all. The bible says what it says whether I'm an atheist or not. Yeah, after slaughtering the girls families, I'm pretty sure that they had a choice in the wasn't a "will you marry me" it was more like "marry me or die"! You really think they wanted to marry the men who just massacred all of their friends and relatives with swords, knives and spears? What do you think would've happened if the girl refused to marry him and refused to have sex with him? Her moments on this earth would've been numbered.

      You can delete my comments all you like but we both know the truth and we both know what the bible says. If it were Satan commanding and approving of these things, you'd use those verses as proof he as evil....but since it's god it just causes so much cognitive dissonance that it makes you mad when someone points it out!

  7. LOL.....YOU KNOW the bible says these things and you can't refute it! And the funny thing is, these things come from god not the devil! If it were the devil saying these things, you'd have no problem using those verses as proof that the devil is evil.....god says these things and it causes so much cognitive dissonance you get mad and delete the comments. Delete them all you want but you and I BOTH KNOW that the bible says those things and they were ordered/approved by god. The same god you say is good and loving!

  8. Who said I'm an atheist, I just quoted the bible, that's all. The bible says what it says whether I'm an atheist or not. Yeah, after slaughtering the girls families, I'm pretty sure that they had a choice in the wasn't a "will you marry me" it was more like "marry me or die"! You really think they wanted to marry the men who just massacred all of their friends and relatives with swords, knives and spears? What do you think would've happened if the girl refused to marry him and refused to have sex with him? Her moments on this earth would've been numbered.

    You can delete my comments all you like but we both know the truth and we both know what the bible says. If it were Satan commanding and approving of these things, you'd use those verses as proof he as evil....but since it's god it just causes so much cognitive dissonance that it makes you mad when someone points it out!

  9. OK, Sylvester, I have some things to say to you that aren't about this topic, but first, if that is really you, I want to apologize because I believe that you really wanted to do right at one time, but you had some blind, and spaghetti leaders and guides around you that were powerless to really help you.

    If that is you, you KNOW in your heart that handling those young ladies like that was and is wrong and probably feel trapped by pedophilia of these teenagers and barely legal girls who do nearly anything for money including allow you to degrade them. I believe that you really don't want that, but it's way to easy to have and get.

    Sorry that the church folk were so weak and into the same and similar things that you had nothing to really pull you through...I really am sorry for that!!!! Believe me, THEY will give an account for trading truth for lies and for not being what you needed when you needed it the most...

    With that said, brother, I AIN'T giving you no pass!!!! Like I had to leave my lust and degradation to be saved, you have to leave yours too, and there is NOTHING that you can tell God that will cause him to wink at or waive your sins...

    I've talked about you on this blog to the extent that I knew you weren't saved or an example of salvation, but the fact is that people are yet influenced by you and what you do. Yet, I don't know you, but believe that you were looking for that lifeline somewhere and could not find it...All I know is, FIND IT NOW!!!!

    Teach those girls what a righteous man can be and sow in righteousness while there is time left. If you found this blog and found me, this is an divine appointment...You can tell, I am not some of the gossip blogs and what I am saying is not only biblical, but centered in biblical truth...Certainly I make errors, but I lead no one into sin or unrighteousness or even error...

    If this is you, I challenge you to change right there and right now. I;d love to meet you, not for a facebook photo, but for a breakthrough in your life. I read your story. Playing and signing in the subway to the largest stages on earth, and I know you've given away nearly as many hits as you've sung if not more...But IT'S TIME, to come home!!!!

    Know that this little preacher, in the heart of a wicked city said, it's time!!! Get that burden off your back and those demons out of your spirit and mind!!!

    You say you read...Read 1 Cor. 10:4...Read John 8:32...God wants you to live in and be free!!!! There is no peace in abusing yourself, women and or anyone else. In fact, sexual perversion is the closest thing to suicide that there is believe it or not. It is a low view of self that drives one into perversion. Yes, there is life on the other side, but you have got to want it.

    You're welcome to read and comment anytime, but I invite you back to the waters of saving grace that is able to change and turn around your whole life. Kirk and them missed their chance to tell you. But I will tell you...REPENT, Trust Jesus with your whole life...clean out that house, I don;t believe you can even rest there. That's what lingering spirits do, they plague you...

    But do what you KNOW is right to do, and what you don't know, as the Lord. He is there and if he uses me, or someone else, HE will give you an answer of deliverance and freedom.

    So thanks Sylvester...If you want to keep at this, if you really need better answers, keep it coming...just give me one at a time and believe me, God has the answer to each one...if you really want light, he'll give it to you!!!!

    And if this is an R Kelly impersonator, you need Jesus too and the same advice to him goes to you.


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