Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sexual Harassment. Terry Crews Speaks Out

I continue to say that the church must make sure that it has safe practices and a system of reporting because just in case you didn't know, our adversary, the devil, is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1 Pet. 5:8-9)

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  1. It appears somethings are not right about his story. This dude is an actor, and he is full of drama. I don't doubt he was groped. But all the extra, he grabbed his steering wheel and his anger subsided when he remembered what his wife said 3 years before is not believable. His saying he got PTSD when he flashed back in not convincing. His filing a police report almost a year later is laughable. His abuser came back a second time and he did not retaliate is a joke, especially with h8s wife close by. I don't believe most of what he said. All these stories, folks coming out years later are UNREAL!

  2. Thing about it is, that you can take your comment and attach anyone that brings a claim to summarily dismiss it. This is EVIDENCE of the shame and difficulty associated with this type of occurrence and event.

    This is what I call the "second victimization". Instead of scrutinizing the perpetrator of the crime there is undue and even harsh criticism on the one bringing the claim and it all ends with "why didn't they report it years ago?" When, in many cases, such as his, he reported it right away to the people in his circle. Now, do you "think" that Adam Sandler is sitting in a dark room somewhere oblivious to what's being said? Or that he is some type of coward as to not say anything especially since his name has been evoked? Then your whole diatribe overlooks the FACT that the company investigation found the man GUILTY of the criminal activity! He is suspended because of it...

    So now, what you are doing in criticism, is overlooking the facts, recreating the story and placing a greater burden on the victim, even though the bulk of his story is evident even if the details can be gathered under greater scrutiny and examination.

    Your whole method is why this issue is so vitally important to review and educate and help people to rethink if not uproot the traditional manner in which they have examined instances like this.

    Now, the issue today is "why all these cases?" As if to say that the incidents are not credible because there are multiple people making multiple claims...However, have you stopped to consider that America and certain men in certain status, may have a cultural issue?

    Hugh Heffner was just bemoaned in his passing by many people and some even in the church. Heffner's legacy was the objectification of women...and "in house" approach to doing whatever one wants in the "privacy" of their home and or business and making the absurd appealing especially among the rich, wealthy elite...

    We are seeing his vision play out...Louie jacking off in his house or apartment in front of women was a Heffner born privilege...Cosby, whether slipping something into the drinks or not, and placing women in a room in his house and doing other things was a Heffner privilege...We can look at most of these people, that was the fast lane...Wienstien and other Hollywood execs that we have known for years that were perverted, did the same thing...They are not street predators. They are in home, in business, in party predators that believe that their money, influence and power, purchases them privilege and rights to do what they do.

  3. The stories need to be told because these folk are not innocent! Instead of looking at the volume of complaints and making the assumption that these women, and men, are lieing, why not examine the unprofessional relationships that we know exist, such as trading advancement for sexual favors and other types of intimidating behaviors?

    Why not demand a cultural revolution that involved greater respect, where a woman aspiring to move up in the company doesn't have to worry about a superior , male or female, grinding on her or groping her or making an indecent proposition when they are alone in a closed room.

    I've seen many landlords, will take sex or a blowjob in exchange for that back-due rent??? YES, they do, and every one of those cowards should be imprisoned!

    Then, let's go back to Hollywood...the stories of Diana Ross STILL she had to sleep her way to the top, not because she wanted to, but because that's what was expected...White and Black men and probably some women in the way...Was this of her own choosing? I don't think so! Was she the only one? CERTAINLY NOT!!!!

    I believe if we interview many right now, we will find that some people have suffered and endured this type of garbage in the name of being "normal" and to open "doors"...It's sad and sick and if Crews had just shut up, he would have added to the idiocy and lunacy of sexual abuse and assault.

    Thank God he's speaking up and I hope as many that have suffered such speak up every day!!! One thing that will stand is TRUTH!!!

  4. I understand exactly what you are saying Pastor. There is no way though, the Satanic industry will ever become revolutionized. NOT until Christ returns anyways.

    I think the thing to do is to discern what's going on, and make the people of God aware, the tricks and traps of the enemy. Satan is the Prince of the air, and he has many who takes his orders and follow him. Many are paid to perform his services. He uses the media to inundate the masses so to deceive them to believe his lies. He's done so to usher in favor for Sodomy and same sex marriage. He has pushed so hard to convince many to believe his gender bending lies, where even a child as young as four years old does not have to identify as male or female. Not to mention his ideal of gender fluid.

    His main intent is to undermine the construct of the family as God intend, male and female He creates them, the two shall become one flesh. He hates the idea of being fruitful and multiply.

    With all these stories involving Crews (although his case was man on man) and Travolta, and Stallone, men who portray as heterosexuals, it appears the devil's charge now is to go after straight men, and with these cases, he digs up hard dirt that goes YEARS back.

    Satan will put the spotlight on these few, yet behind the scenes, the very ones responsible for making these stories public, are involved in all sorts of perversion. I would not doubt this exec who groped Crews is one of them. I'm almost willing to bet Sandler is aware of many of this crew's antics.

    I definitely sympathize with anyone who has been victimize and exploited sexually. Satan however, could care less about the victim, and he will even use them as a part of his ploy in His attempt to destroy GOD'S purpose.


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