Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, November 19, 2017

RADIO SPECIAL: Sexual Abuse, Harassment, The Church & The Hefner Legacy

My thoughts on the issues are quite unambiguous! Thank you!!!

Hugh Hefner...what you may not know and what NO MAJOR NETWORK said of him even in his death:
Hefner's crimes and perversions were actually written and documented in several books

In the book "Down The Rabbit Hole" by Holly Madison a former girlfriend of Hefner:
 "Would you like a Quaalude?' Hef asked, leaning toward me with a bunch of large horse pills in his hands, held together by a crumpled tissue... 'Okay, that's good,' [Hef] said, nonchalantly. 'Usually, I don't approve of drugs, but you know, in the '70s they used to call these pills thigh openers.'"
 Then others he abused includes:

Chloe Goins ~ One of the Cosby accusers too, but she ALSO said that Hefner was a CO-CONSPIRATOR in her abuse. Why was Hefner not prosecuted?

 Linda Lovelace in ~her 1980 book, "Ordeal" wrote Hefner pimped her out , sodomized her and made her attempt to have sex with a DOG...

In 1985, two former Playmates—Miki Garcia and Brenda MacKillop—testified to the Meese Commission on Pornography (at a Federal hearing) on a number of disturbing things that accorded in the Playboy Mansion, including women who were pressured into taking illegal drugs and engaging in orgies with Hefner and his associates. Garcia also said that after she left she was told by yet other models about rapes, mental and physical abuse, attempted murder, drug addiction, attempted suicide and prostitution,"

Dorothy Stratton...NOW about by her former lover was written Peter Bogdanovich published the book The Killing of the Unicorn, reported that Hefner raped (which was redacted by the publisher) her the first night she was there and abused her more and more, and that life in the Playboy dominion was fearful and exploitative for Stratten, Bogdanovich says, to the point that she married an abusive man for protection. Her husband shot Stratten to death, then himself, in 1980. Hefner would later go on to accuse her.

Now is ANY of this worthy of being hailed and praised as some great American icon? Yet, many of you do!



  1. No need to misrepresent my comments, taking it to a PODCAST now. LOL... I think we all get your point from your previous post, the story, the sexual abuse three men performed against these innocent young ladies. I think you WERE TOTALLY WRONG to insinuate folks are upset these women are sharing their story.
    And no... it wasn't "people" who said this was "talking about heterosexuality", it was me. And let it be understood, I said again and I repeat, the devil (THE PRINCE of the AIR) intends to destroy HETEROSEXUALITY and FAMILY, as he rush to use HIS MEDIA to take advantage of stories of "hetero" men like Cosby, Stallone, Travlota, and even Crews. He took pleasure putting less about putting these men on blast, so the masses can buy his lies, even those great "hetero" men you deem as "respected" are deviants. He could care less the pain of the victim. All he need is sinful mankind and he will create his story for the masses to believe. Satan will do whatever so that evil will be called good, and good evil. His Tactic is to DESTROY "HETERO-sexuality".
    So need to boast out of your "passion", almost dismissive in a way, to say "Your thoughts on the issues are quite unambiguous! because you really don't know the all of what Terry Crews said is true. Fact of the matter is Terry Crews is an actor, and a Hollywood one at that. We all have heard how HOLLYWOOD and DECEPTION go hand in hand. In my opinion, Crews was way overly dramatic in his interview, and to me the things he said just didn't seem genuine. Personally, I'd take the stories of the girls molested by these three "preachers" over Terry's any day.

    And as a minister, you really need to cut out all the crude language (B**wj*b, jack***o*f) You don't have to go there.

    Same person as "GET OUTTA HERE!!!"

  2. Well, thanks for listening, but like the song, "You're so vain" think this is about you???

    Please...this issue is no more about heterosexuality than a mouse caught in a mousetrap. Homosexual men are caught up in the issue as well. So that "power of the air" argument against traditional sexuality is GARBAGE!!!! In addition, heterosexual harassment and abuse is no better than thank anything else and is not to be "favored" in some type of rational and understandable way which you "seem" to be trying to's ALL nasty, intolerable and should be exposed and done away with.

    To me, it seem that you are a HATER and that seems to be directed at women and specifically those women making the claims. Calling them and even men into question and further doubting legitimate stories of abuse and harassment that they are willing to stand behind. This is a problem and displays issues with you, not me, on this topic!

    So far as language...PLEASE such a non-starter...So I guess it sounds more acceptable to you to hear than a man "masturbated" in his hotel room in front of some women who DID NOT want such a thing to happen as opposed to saying that he "Jacked-off in front of women who did not want him to do so"?...WHAT really matters here? In fact what's the difference? Language that makes you "feel" better, or a description of what really happened...

    See it's the soft sell of the real issues that are the problem...The man jacked-off in front of women, who did not want him to do such and felt he had a right to do so because he was in his hotel room...Heffner, not only did that but he also had group sex and all kinds of raunchy and debase sexual behavior with women as well in his home...NONE of it is any good...I don't care what language is used.

    All of it is done by some PERVERTED FREAKS who only want to get their rocks off!!!!

  3. Hey Rev, another story just broke out - this one about 85 year old Rep John Conyers. He supposedly settled a complaint in 2015 with a woman who alleged she was fired from his Washington staff because she rejected his sexual advances.

    They've already reported stories about Stallone abusing a 16 year old back in 1986 where a police report was filed, his story now coming out.

    And 80 year old Dustin Hoffman, was accused of sexual harassment by Anna Graham this month. She alleged he groped her and talked about sex in front of her while she was a 17-year-old intern on the set of his BACK IN 1985.

    Not to mention Steven Seagal, 65, accused of sexual harassment by Portia de Rossi, who claims he unzipped his pants during a private office audition. And ON and ON and ON, seemingly a new story EVERYDAY dug up from YEARS AGO.

    So tell me REV, Since you say YOU don't buy the idea this is not a ploy by the "prince of the air" to destroy heterosexuality and the "power of the air" argument against traditional sexuality is GARBAGE, why YOU THINK all these sudden stories are all over the MEDIA (owned by Satanic Jews)? I'm sure YOU think these devils innocently publish these stories (most all allegations BTW) just to make the public AWARE, RIGHT?

    And BTW, most Christians already know the antics of Heafner and what these men did were sinful. Those who claim otherwise are simply not Christians. And about the language, you can use language that's descriptive without being crude. Has nothing to do with anyone "feeling better".

    1. Hey Rev, one more thing - YOU said "Homosexual men are caught up in the issue as well." What issue, heterosexuals abusing homosexuals?

      OR stories about homosexuals abusing another homosexuals? Do YOU advocate against gays abusing other gays? YOU do know these type abuse do OCCUR? Moreso than any other. The devil will NEVER publish these type stories. YOU got any idea why?

    2. Referencing the latter commentary first, I am certainly not contending that gay men don;t molest other gay men. The stories are clear. "Sulu" admitted that he took advantage of several men in his home too. He put the moves on them and they were too ashamed to back out, but his advances were unwanted. we all know about Harry Hay and the NAMBLA. I've written about that here on this blog extensively. That can be found HERE:

      The problem is that many of these homosexual boys were "turned out" by homosexual men and some of those men were on the DL. Like the rev. Tony Leyva who was a preacher, undercover DL, who had the largest child prostitution ring in the Southeastern United States. That dog died, but he molested hundreds of boys and had a network of so called 'believers" living in the Southeast that molested them too. Personally I believe that what Leyva did impacted Paulk, what Paulk did impacted Long and I can't tell you who's next in that sad and sick line of pedophiles and molesters...

      Of course leaders of the gay agenda don't want to publish too loudly that gays molest boys. I would agree that in order to do that the man is gay, and I would base that on gender, but there is much confusion over that issue alone. to me and you, that is the only way it is, but the critic of that position offers some things worth considering. As I have witnessed in an education environment there are many homosexual men and they no more molest or make children uncomfortable, or love them any less, than straight men and women.

      So this is complex, but I don't believe that it is so simple as to assume that homosexual men are chocolate addicts and kids are chocolate. There's much more to the story than that and we can often add to stereotypical fear and anger if we are not responsible with the way we draw these things out.

      Now, back to the REAL issue...PERVERTED MEN!!!

    3. Charlie Rose is another to add to your should I as a heterosexual man feel ashamed of my heterosexuality??? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Heterosexuality is NOT being called into question, and that's where you are missing the argument. What is being called into question is CHARACTER.

      You mix money, achievement, wealth and fame with a sinner and what do you have?...I'll tell you...a SINNER that has money, wealth and fame!!! Nothing more...

      These men, all of them, achieved, overcame great physical challenges, but nothing in their life is an answer for their own personal moral evil. THAT is the MESSAGE...NOT drawing some false dichotomy of heterosexism against homosexuality!!!

      The problem is that with all these men have achieved, nothing has been given them to deal with or control sin. That's the sad part!

      So the message...EVERYONE, even the wealthy and famous need Jesus! So we need to get off one track and look at the issue...It's not the women's fault that these men grabbed them, placed them in awkward and fearful positions and did these perverted acts...None of these women were stripping, or otherwise invoking sexual behavior...they were attacked by men who were out of control and these women should be ENCOURAGED and uplifted but, like most, confronted with this issue, only ask and question the motivation of the accusers...

      What I am saying is that your response is the normal response of people who are either insensitive to the issues or who have not fully studied the issues to know what they are looking at...that is the nature of my response to hopes that you will study this issue and gain a greater sense of the real issues...

      Woman and men do not come forward, because they are confronted with excess criticism just like you exhibit. Then, the focus, as you have displayed is not on the real issue. Attention is diverted from the real issue of fear, intimidation, and perversion to other topics as if what these people experienced is nothing. Well that is NOT the case.

      The only way some perversions can be stopped, is if they are seen publicly. These folk now believe it's "sport" to molest women and of course men too. All that needs to be addressed and stopped and I personally thank God that the women are coming forth...

      You think this is something??? Next stage...The women of the CHURCH will step out and start exposing these "leaders" who have rubbed too far down their back, sat children too securely on their laps, have squeezed breasts and booties in closed conferences and asked their members to remain silent...Watch, one wave already hit, but the next wave in relation to this issue, is on the way...or at least so I believe...We'll see...

  4. One more thing on this. You referenced "satanic Jews"...well, I don't think it matters what nationality a satanist is, but if it does, any antisemitism associated with commentary in that light is NOT welcomed here. I don't believe that a Jewish satanist is any worse than a Caucasian, English or White satanist or Black satanist for that why should nationality or race matter???

    In addition just because they are a Jew in media doesn't make them a I take that as a RACIST commentary and certainly unfounded by any real evidence except for the spurious type of garbage that Alex Jones publishes, and you can tell him for me to simply pay his child support and take care of his ex-wife instead of promoting pizza-gate or any other gate for that matter...


    1. What's up REV?

      Per your statement "I am certainly not contending that gay men don't molest other gay men". I would have assumed you knew gay MEN abuse other gay MEN. MORE of a fact is that HOMO MEN on HOMO MEN abuse occurs WAY more often, given the nature of this type perversion. AND of ALL the STORIES bombarding us all of A SUDDEN LATELY, YOU get ONLY ONE HOMO man on HOMO man sexual abuse story, and that's the ONE against SULU. And even with that ONE, SULU DENIES all the allegation against him supposedly done 36 years AGO. (BTW, I think your charge saying ""Sulu" admitted that he took advantage of several men in his home is INCORRECT) Any idea why the media choose to omit stories about homo man on homo man sexual abuse?

      We all know about HARRY HAY. His name is not a part of the slew of people mentioned in this latest and sudden rush of sexual abuse by the media. HARRY HAY is known as a PEDO, and the devils intends to ABUSE "HETEROSEXUALITY", by putting out SUDDEN, old ALLEGATIONS abuse stories against men imaged on his BIG SCREEN as POWERFUL men like STALLONE and DREYFUS and CREWS and George Takei and SEGAL and Hoffman and lately the CLASSY Black Congressman JOHN CONYERS. Any stories about HARRY HAY right now do not fit in there scheme of his scheme here. I asked YOU REV, why you think they are presenting all these stories, ALL OF A SUDDEN and YOU gave me a menial little blip to PREACH "It's about CHARACTER". IT's NEVER been any TACTIC the MEDIA presents ANY stories, especially ones like these, to INDUCE CHARACTER in ANYONE of ANYTHING. AGAIN like I said, they are showing these STORIES against these "powerful" men as a knock on HETEROSEXUALITY to have the masses believe even their "POWERFUL" men are DEVIANTS. Please Rev, NO sermon on POWER cause we all know the ACT 2 story and DUNAMIS mean power and all that.

      I gotta admit, when you mention Rev. Tony Leyva, I was a little taken back you labeled those abused and "turned out" by Rev. Tony Leyva as "homosexual boys". These boys were 10-14 years old ,Tony lured these boys to the back roads promising of teaching them how to drive, but instead perform oral sex on them, calling it "God's special way for his people to love each other. YOU HARSH REV, calling these CHILDREN homosexuals. I am almost embarrassed YOU labeled these innocent people as SUCH, given YOUR SAID sensitivity about SEXUAL ABUSE. This man WAS A PEDOPHILE, PERIOD. These 10 YEAR OLD KIDS ARE CHILDREN, NOT HOMOSEXUALS. They are not interested in stories about the PEDOS right now. Tony Leyva does not make their CUT. They are going after the "POWERFUL".

      Rev, you are running to FAST and need to SLOW DOWN the things YOU SAY here and the crude LANGUAGE (squeezing boo***e, in your latest post). It's not a good look REV. It's the appearance of EVIL.

      I ask you again PREACHER, why do you think this SUDDEN RUSH, the Media putting out OLD Stories (mainly allegations) about sexual abuse of their "powerful"? The devil is busy REV. He come to seek to DESTROY, Character, not MAKE US AWARE we LACK it. COME ON REV! I am not AT ALL insensitive against any form of SEXUAL ABUSE.

      O...and one more THING, you charge to Satanic Jews as RACIST. I mention it and YOU CRY "anti-Semitism". YOU mention the SAME term to quantify saying ". I don't believe that a JEWISH SATANIST is any worse than a Caucasian, English or White satanist or Black Satanist..." With the statement YOU made REV, one would only presume YOU think they exists. If they do REV, why can't I talk about them and what they DO? Because they are GOD'S chosen people? SATANIST JEWS?

      Come on REV...

  5. Added some content above in the article, but the question is, when all the info came forward on this man, Hefner, why was he not jailed? I mean they rose quickly to place Cosby in jail, and as I stated, he got his perversions from Hefner as is DOCUMENTED in books written by the abused themselves. This comes out in a federal commission and hearing and unlike Kavenaugh, NO FBI investigation and no jail...


  6. To answer your question Rev, why Cosby and not Hefner, it's because Cosby was just a regular peon perverted attendee at the mansion, while Hefner OWNED THE MANSION. Not only did was Hefner OWNER, he was inspired by The Kinsey Report (which shaped mainstream attitudes to sex and became the manifesto of the counterculture and sexual revolution) to start his very own publication - PLAYBOY MAGAZINE.

    In 1972, when circulation of PLAYBOY peaked at seven million, 75% of college men got their ideas about masculinity from PLAYBOY, at an incalculable price to themselves, women, children, and society. All of Hefner's wickedness led to what is known as PORN industry today.

    Hefner was a one of Satan's DEMON. He served his father Satan to undermine all God's pure intentions regards to sex and sexuality. The WICKED ONES in high places would never had him incarcerated. Remember the LORD said, "A house divided against itself can not stand".


    1. That was profound and something I intend to share as I speak on this interesting subject. Thanks my brother!!!

    2. Amen Rev. We just got to remember to not just NOTE evil, BUT that we MUST DISCERN IT!



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