Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, November 4, 2017

COGIC 110th Annual Holy Convocation: Still Asking For Victims Advocacy

With a 2017 theme: "In This Changing World Let Us Hold On To Our Unchanging Faith" The Church Of God In Christ (aka: COGIC), one of the nations largest Pentecostal/Holiness denominations, prepares for it's 110th Annual Holy Convocation Nov. 6 - 14th 2017. The Convocation is the pinnacle meeting and gathering of the Saints of COGIC from all over the world to celebrate the glory, power and majesty of Christ through the year and in every place.

Though the gathering is a celebration of God's goodness, there is a business element particularly at the end of the successive days of worship in which the General Assembly, the church's ONLY rule and law making body, consisting of certain member delegates and leaders, gather to discuss certain matters of church business and operations. What we can be assured of is that "Victim's Advocacy" is NOT on the General Assembly agenda for 2017 which is somewhat discouraging to I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council (IMBKCAC) founder Supt. Harvey Burnett New Bethel COGIC of IL. 3rd Jurisdiction. Supt. Burnett has advocated for victim's advocacy with an element of independent oversight for a number of years in light of past and present allegations of clergy and church related sexual abuse and sins. In a recent letter to Presiding Bishop Charles E Blake Supt. Burnett stated the following: 
"Quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that as a church we are taking the welfare of victims seriously when nearly every measure that has been taken to "prevent" sexual misconduct provide, if not instruct, the alleged perpetrators of the crimes on their due process rights and basically how to secure themselves and their ministerial futures."
Supt. Burnett goes on to say:
"One would think that in light of the serious fallout and devastating effects of sexual perversion that have been displayed on the news, that our organization would take the lead in dealing skillfully with survivors and seek to assure the public that our churches are a safe place for all worshipers, and for those recovering from all forms of abuse. However, to simply say such means little if we are not carefully, thoroughly and honestly evaluated." 
Without a doubt the mission of COGIC to the community is at its zenith. However, the mission is preformed at a time when allegations of sexual abuse are rocking Hollywood, institutions of higher education, politics, the business community and nearly every facet of American life. It would certainly seem that the issues pertaining to abuse are not going away anytime soon. 

To suggest that the church is not reflective of the community that it serves is more a sign of wishful thinking than reality. The unfortunate fact is that some churches feel that they can self-administer their own brand of healing when sexual abuse occurs and many feel that they do not have to be accountable to the larger community and group to which they are a part. Therefore, many issues pertaining to the healing process of those victimized are often reduced to methods similar to trying to close a gaping wound with band-aids. 

What Can We Do?

What we will do is set forth a solid agenda in General Assembly in 2018. I would say as a people and members that we should begin to call more loudly for healing for those who have been victimized and a better and member centered victim's rights and advocacy platform. 

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, I would advise that you DO NOT take a settlement in which you waive your rights to speak on the incident or on your experience. Silence or confidentiality agreements are a further affliction of pain and exemplifies cultural abuse. When it is thought that money can be exchanged for personal freedoms, there is a problem on both sides of the issue. 

We will live blog some of the events next week so please stay tuned right here. 


Letter To Presiding Bishop Blake


  1. The BIGGEST story is that General Assembly, which is REQUIRED by the church Constitution will not be happening this Convocation.

    The livestream can be found here:

  2. Supt. Matthew Brown brought a WORD...stating that Holiness and the WORD in our church is NOT optional!!!!...Excellent message and anointing service....


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