Various Items Of Interest

Friday, April 21, 2017

Regarding The Legalization Of The Casual Use Of Marijuana

Our local news recently ran quite a few articles regarding the administration of Illinois' legalization of casual marijuana in light of "420 Day". One one side the science says that marijuana is totally good for the individual with very little downside. On the other side the science and experience says that nothing good can come from the casual, non-medical, use of marijuana or any other drug. This is what I recently said regarding the legalization of the casual use of marijuana:
"My WORD for 420 Day:
Look, I am against the proliferation of illegal substances and even some that are deemed legal...BUT...if these people want to now make (the casual use of) Marijuana legal then I believe that the new industry should be made to pay reparations out of a significant portion of their profits based on what criminalization of the drug has done to the Black community historically. 
Secondly, there should be a REQUIREMENT to cultivate owners and growers from minority communities. Not just women, but racial minorities and Black persons more specifically. 
This whole industry stands in large part due to organized, but unsanctioned efforts of inner city peddlers and even suburban distributors and peddlers. I believe that the law should include provisions that make it a requirement to include economic opportunities for some of those individuals going forward... 
Why does a preacher say these things? Far too long the establishment controlled by the wealthy, White elite, has gotten wealthy off the efforts and backs of Blacks and minorities with no sharing of profits or consideration of why and how they have become so profitable. The cotton industry is a prime example! It was Black folk that by and large cultivated the fields with blood sweat and tears, while the White elite made the money. 
Here we have the State now considering implementing a new business and is automatically locking out minorities with high and excessive fiduciary standards and no consideration for those who have been effected generationally by the historic treatment or outcome of those who both sell and use this drug. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pastor Burnett On Twitter

Please join me on Twitter. Of course, the message I deliver is not popular with the social elite of the day, nor is it complimentary of the moral relativism that many of our communities have been enamored with, but SO WHAT???  We have a voice, and know what is right, and must say so. 

Here is one of my most recent tweets:

"Sorry, it's the biggest hypocrisy of all to berate Rachel Dolezal for her claim to Blackness while endorsing a man's claim to be a woman!"


Black Conservative Leadership Summit June 15-17, 2017

As I have stated before, the term "Black Conservative" is nearly an anomaly. Especially in light of the leadership of one of the most liberal Black leaders that history has ever seen in the person of former President Barack Obama. It was the nonobjective and unhampered lean to the liberal left that lost the bid for Democratic reelection and that continues to stun TV liberal talk shows such as "The View" and others. It seems no matter how they try to inundate the airwaves with inconsistent moral value statements and most times incoherent philosophical ramblings, that they still come up short, and conclude by telling people to "wake up" or calling them, I mean US, "deplorables". 

Well, ultra liberals such as Whoopie and Joy, and all these other late night pundits, have you ever considered that WE ARE AWAKE? We are awake to moral relativism, the destruction of the family, the disintegration and redefinition of marriage, the inconsistent ramblings that babies, in the womb, don;t have rights, the rise in opiod use among suburban families and individuals, the confusion over what constitutes gender, and the strong desire to make being a woman, along with woman's rights, a myth, while at the same time saying that you are fighting for a woman's rights????

We are awake to the fact that we need a CURE and that CURE should begin within every family and every home and each individual should be educated on where our values comes from and why they exist, and what it means if we allow them to slip. We need help from the ground up and I am committed to doing my part, whether in the church or community to make it a reality. And we have some good friends that are doing their part too. 

May I present, once again, my friend Star Parker and some very serious associates

From The Urban Cure Network

Star Parker, Walter Hoye, Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Eric Wallace, Bishop Harry Jackson and others will meet June 15-17 in Washington D.C., to discuss the Moynihan Report’s predictions about the black family, current research on black families, and why black families matter. 

Fifty-two years ago, the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan issued a warning to America in the The Negro Family: The Case For National Action about how the rising rate of illegitimacy in the black community would have devastating social consequences. 

His predictions have come to pass. Black conservatives will gather in the nation’s capital as part of the Black Conservative Summit Leadership Initiative to discuss the consequences of fatherless households and offer solutions.

Monday, April 10, 2017

A NEW Supreme Court Justice