Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Education. Will Choice Be A Better Choice For All?

How will our children be educated in America? Will tax dollars continue to go to union members? Or will tax dollars actually be used to support the in class education of our children? I draw this out because in one Midwestern school district (Peoria District 150, Peoria, IL) 80% of the education budget funding is used to pay teacher's salaries and benefits. Although the total budget is only $179 Million and deposits in the education fund are unknown at the time of this writing, it was interesting to note in that district, that although every area of education was cut, including busing expenditures the teachers recently were able to negotiate a 3% pay raise and were still not satisfied saying that the increase was not enough. 

This is how the modern union works. It is no longer about fairness and holding administration accountable and protecting the small guy, they are about lush, benefits, expenditures, position and opportunities at all costs, even against public dissent.

School Choice

What may be the answer to this is school choice. Criticized by teacher's unions, and those who support unions, school choice has become the primary conversation around the nation in light of President Trump's recommended Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, who is a staunch school choice advocate.  The critic are already at it pointing to "little" improvement in test scores in Detroit schools under Devos's ideas. However, the same critics don't see a problem with schools basically falling down around the students both physically and educationally. It is usually the unions and their constituents that inadvertently claim that even failing schools are somehow good for the community and students. 


Star Parker and the leadership of The Urban CURE have taken on this issue for a long time and thank God have very much to say on the subject.


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