Various Items Of Interest

Friday, September 30, 2016

Podcasts Are Back Up

We are indeed sorry that the podcasts have not been available for the past few months. They are however available as of 9/30/2016.

ALL Podcasts can be found HERE 

If you like any of the broadcasts and like to listen to them repeatedly, please download and save what you can now. By the new year, 2017, with the exception of a few of them on top of the list, we hope to have a completely new list of podcasts. There are far too many things happening and we must get the word out. 

So THANK YOU for listening and enjoying this work. Continue to pray for me and the work of the Lord and we believe that together, we are making a difference in the Kingdom of the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. Father, we thank you in the name of Jesus for those who are willing to share the truth of the Gospel, and we ask that you open the eyes of their understanding more and more so that they will lift you up in a manner that others will be drawn. Not only by their words, but by the things they embrace in their hearts as well. You have told us that if you be lifted up, you will draw all men unto yourself. We have evidence and know that You are not a man that you should lie. The entire world is in a mess, and we know that it is only the message you give that is able to bring about deliverance. Satan is deceiving many. Break the power of deception and flush out the spirit of confusion. Because you have also told us that you are not the author of confusion. This pastor has asked for prayer. Meet him at the point of his needs and only you know how deeply they run. The Apostle Paul spoke to the church at Ephesus that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, we are admonished to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Teach us Lord, to know how, and to do this on a daily basis for we have not been left ignorant to Satan's devices. Thank you Father that you have given us all things freely to enjoy. Help us to make every day count to your glory. Help us to cleave to that which is good, and to know the difference between good and evil regardless to how seductively evil may present itself, and we will be mindful to give you the praise in Jesus name. Amen


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