Various Items Of Interest

Monday, August 1, 2016

We DENOUNCE The Vaules Of The Black Lives Matter Organization

Saints and friends, I have not written in a long time on the blog, but believe me, I have been thoroughly engaged in the current political and, religious and social fiascos (too many to name) taking place all around the country...

From the Pope and his refusal to denounce the hatred and uniqueness of Islamic extremism by declaring that the "fundamentalists" are the problem with every religion, to the absurd attack of the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump on a Muslim American for exercising his LIBERTY and freedom of speech by calling Donald into account, asking "WHAT have you SACRIFICED for your country?"...BTW: Don, building a business is a PERSONAL sacrifice, not a sacrifice for the country!!!!

Anyway, I have also had the time to study the controversy over the Black Lives Matter movement and with all diligence I must, emphatically and solicitously give a thorough and strong denouncement of the movement and what it stands for in its current form. This is what I recently posted on facebook regarding this organization and their intents:
Someone asked me if I supported BLM some time ago. Please read this statement from their website: 
"We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable." 
We UNEQUIVOCALLY DO NOT support the BLM organization, neither do we agree with any core values that seek the demise or "disruption" of the nuclear family structure.
Further, the BLM movement as they have chosen to set themselves forth is a gay and transgender affirming organization. In our view recognition of gays or transgender individuals is not an issue, however the imposition and subversion of sound moral values and religion in the process is a damnable act and position which the BLM movement would not only seem to support but also proliferate. 
From a social and political vantage point the BLM movement appears to be an extension of a communistic political theory considering all people to be a single community which the government must serve and act towards. 
For these reasons and others, neither New Bethel, NB Ministries, its director and Pastor Harvey Burnett nor any of our ministry constituents endorse, affirm or uphold or encourage the work or efforts of the BLM movement as it pertains to efforts outlined on their official website as found attached to this message."
Yes. we are fully aware that religious liberalism is at an all time fact we have clergy declaring that their "faith" drives them towards a Democratic party who REMOVED God from their party platform, endorses homosexuality as a behavior and endorses and even wants to force the public to pay for abortion and abortion services based on the bad science and horrible decision of Roe v Wade. I mean it is all simply unbelievable!!!! 

However, as it pertains to BLM, there are a couple of issues...1- their values are based on socialism, even communism to some degree and are not biblically centered and or based...example, noone has an issue standing for and or fighting for the human dignity of all individuals, including homosexuals, however, we have great issue with exalting a homosexual lifestyle not only from a scriptural standpoint but also form a morally humanistic standpoint.

All people deserve respect, but we should not be made to regard the SINS of men and mankind as if it is PLEASE take that "I Can't change, even if I wanted to" commercial back to the GARBAGE Ad Council...because it AIN'T true!!!! People change every day and many come out of homosexuality as well. If someone can go into the sin, then anyone can change!

2- The BLM movement is shrouded in suspicious intent and anarchist values...Look, anyone and anything wanting the demise of the traditional family and hetero-sexism is CRAZY and does not deserve the attention that I am even setting forth here...

Being BLACK does not hinge on accepting sins and even encouraging the breakdown of the family and community...As a Black man and a NATIVE AMERICAN, it looks as if the BLM movement is simply an opportunist organization looking to take advantage of negative feelings, while dumping in all the ungodliness they can in the same bank of dissatisfaction and malcontent. This is unacceptable and I deplore the strategy.

I refuse to even go down the rabbit hole of the homosexuals (lesbians I am told) who founded this organization and delivered their Guiding Principles. I can simply read the principles that they are governed by and reject them whole cloth...AWAY with the fight over whether "Christians" should accept this movement and what it represents...It is CLEAR to me that there is no Christian that should allow this secular movement and humanistic values venture invade their spirits and minds.

This is what guides us:

1 Tim 5:22 ~ Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

Believe me, I understand the controversy. There are simply many more Black liberal elites in our pulpits than we ever thought that there were. They are COGIC, Apostolic, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, COG, Assembly, 7th Day, Nazarines, and certainly independent and non-denominational...In my opinion, their call to secularism and a sort of secular, non word based lifestyle is the symptom of the hindrance that we are witnessing in the country today.

Black endorsed by far the most liberal sort of political leader in President Barack Obama and are affirmed in their liberalism by many of the policies that he endorsed and set in place. I will be the FIRST to say that I appreciate the President's representation of a moral lifestyle in his personal interractions with his wife and children and have never been more proud of that as a Black man, however, live BLM, I am SAD that the moral values espoused by this President and this movement is far beneath what Blacks have stood for traditionally....FAMILY!!!!

No, I certainly don;t endorse can a woman who supposedly fights for "children's rights" stand so strongly for abortion???? CONFUSION!!!! Can't endorse that nor the proliferation of homosexual rights, and to the article I will not endorse, any group who wants to break down American society...Yes, we need reform in social justice, but we do NOT need to do that at the expense of the family!

Sorry, I will not sing your praises BLM...I ONLY sing the praises of JESUS!!!!

For all those that think they can mix the values of the BLM movement and a real Christian and biblically based faith...remember this:

1 Cor. 15:33 ~ Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Pastor Harvey Burnett


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and no matter how much they change...they remain the same. Communists attempting to subvert and do away with American values. Sad to say.


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