Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

SirWalter Jones Right Message For The Right Time

Elder Walter Jones, a friend from the Chicago, IL. area, recently spoke out again on the situation that developed between Dr. Earl Carter and what now appears to be not only Presiding Bishop Blake of the Church Of God In Christ, but the church itself. I believe this video says all that I could say on the subject and then some and as such should be studied. 

For the record, I disagree totally with What Dr. Carter is currently doing and saying and would hope that he would stop and simply walk away from the argument. Although, I have certainly pointed out ways in which our church can be better and even taken some of the moves of Bishop Blake to task, I draw the line at character abasement and personal innuendo and, as I have told him personally, lend my voice to support our Presiding Bishop and our church. 

Well, let Elder Jones do the talking. I believe he has something to say:

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