Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Restoration Of Marriage & Right Relationships Pt. 2 ~ Building The Family


In his book, "What I know For Sure, My story of growing up in America" author Tavis Smiley described scenarios that are all too familiar to many Black families, especially individuals in the early days of the Black church in America. He described a time when there was a church service and or a church function nearly every day of the week. He described at time when life in the Black community, was synonymous with church. There were only 2 conditions and possibly three of the average Black family and individual; going to church, coming home from church or going or coming home from work, getting ready to go to church.
In those days there was a different study, rehearsal, preparation or practice for something all the time and every day. If one wasn't in a study, then one was in prayer. You mother, father and the whole family was engaged in something. Church was certainly a lively place, and a place full of activity, but it was also one that made a generation of folk commit to themselves, that once they were free from being required to attend church, that they weren't looking back. Some of them grew, left home, left the church and made true on their promises. Some never came back, although many of them continue to send their children to church even if they stay home.

A Little Different, But A Little The Same

Although the church has changed in its core makeup and type of activities that it offers, many of its practices have not changed at all. One could spend weeks if not months simply traveling back and forth to church everyday, somewhere, someplace if one followed all of the outlined and regimented services that they are "required" to attend. As a District Supt, within the organization that I am a part of, if I were to attend all of the services asked of me, and give all the offering that I am asked to give ever year, not only would I be physically worn out, but I would have no time to pastor a church, yet alone be a husband to my wife or a father to my children, and on top of that I would be broke nearly all year round.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Help Publish Ministering Effectively

"This book tells the story like it is, takes no captives, and provides the very latest information essential to each believer's needs as they grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord. From those new in the faith to the most experienced believer, this book has something that every servant will want in their spiritual toolbox for this end times warfare" ~ Pastor Harvey Burnett on Ministering Effectively

Pastor Harvey Burnett invites all readers of the Dunamis Word to contribute towards the publication and release the his dynamic book "Ministering Effectively". 

"Ministering Effectively" is a ministry defining work designed to support and strengthen the believer as he or she lives out their daily service to the Lord. "Ministering Effectively" is a book aimed at strengthening the believer in his or her faith and challenging modern culture in spiritual and moral truths, revealing paths whereby servants of God can be built up in their faith and encouraged. 

Pouring nearly 30 years of service to the Lord into this work, Pastor Burnett outlines the importance of each and every individual in the Kingdom of Christ, and encourages every believer to come up to the high standard to which they have been called. 

Here is a small excerpt from Chapter 3 "Becoming The Servant Through Repentance & Understanding Human Suffering"
"In the Christian paradigm, objective truth exists, which directs us toward meaning, purpose and an ultimate reconciliation of all things including our suffering. In a materialistic paradigm, there is no purpose to suffering and certainly no reconciliation of anything. What is interesting is that evil, calamity and tribulations can bring individuals to the Cross. People are sometimes criticized as being “weak” for “running” to God or to the church in the time of trouble, however running towards ones help is actually a display of strength. It takes wisdom to seek help when help is necessary. If one is low of food, does it not make sense to go to the grocery store, or to a food pantry, soup kitchen or someplace where food will be served?. If ones car is low on gas, how about a gas station? If one needs a loan for a home, does not one go to a home lender? Is the realization that a home loan is needed a sign of weakness? Since God is able to alleviate pain, why not run to HIM?"
 Please click the "Go Fund Me...Publish Ministering Effectively" link below or the "Go Fund Me" link on the right side of the page to contribute towards the publication and release of this new book.
"Ministering Effectively" will be available in print (hard or soft-cover), online at, Barnes& and many other online book sale outlets, and will be available in ebook and other formats conforming to modern digital delivery standards.

In addition, 15% of all royalties will be contributed to support the ministry and continued outreach of I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council, a non-profit organization that serves victims of church related abuse and sexual abuse. In essence, not only will your contribution go toward the publication of the book, but with each sale that your support makes possible, will continue to uplift and build individuals in HIS Kingdom for generations to come!

Click the link and make a contribution that will have an eternal weight of glory and may the Lord bless you greatly!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Speaking To Dr. Earl Carter

Isaiah 33:15-16 ~15-He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; 16-He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure

Reluctantly, I have had to interject into what appears to be a "spin war" of Dr. Earl Carter against COGIC Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake. The reason that I must speak is because in one of Dr. Carter's latest videos, he invokes my name at about the 14:40 mark (unless he edits the video as he has done and continues to do in some cases after release). One can hear him issue some statements referencing my name. 

Plainly, some of his statements regarding what I have said are misstatements. Some are mis-attributions of statements that I have allegedly made regarding both homosexuality and sexual abuse in COGIC. Some of Carter's statements in that video, attributed to me, were patently false attributions. This means, that I DID NOT say what Carter leads one to believe that I said regarding COGIC or our current condition. 

For this cause, I have taken the time to point out those misstatements in the comments section of his youtube video. I will recapture the statement in full here just in case my commentary gets deleted. 

I spoke as follows:
This is Pastor Burnett 
About 14:40 in this video carter mentions my name and attributes something to me that I wrote in PART. He then adds on a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't say such as my "confirming" that I said that homosexuality and child molestation is in COGIC and that I was speaking of a $100,000,000 lawsuit and that the "lady" and her son was doing what I said they would do years ago....I have been a vanguard for years for victims advocacy in this church, but that is as much as I have done and will continue to do. I never said anything about a "lady and her son" and or wrote about a one hundred million dollar lawsuit, or mentioned a prophecy that I spoke because god has given me NONE.... 
Dr. Carter, you need to be more responsible with information. I can attest that your's regarding my input into that issue is erroneous. 
Pt. 2:
One more thing. Although I would agree that our church needs a renewed spiritual awakening in many areas, similar to other organizations etc, I am in total disagreement with your resolve in character destruction. On my blog I have referenced COGIC over 78 times, Bishop Charles Blake over 34 times, Homosexuality over 68 times and clergy sexual misconduct and abuse over 90 times. I have placed some tough questions and made some pointed statements directly to our leaders, but I draw the line at character abasement. That is ungodly and I do not believe that destroying a person's character is a way to build anything. We can be hard hitting, truthful and even earth shattering without destroying the person. I led the charge against Bishop Charles Brown who allegedly molested his nieces and others. I have interviews that in my opinion are award winning on the issue. However, I did not destroy the man's character as it speaks for itself. Tell what you think he is doing wrong as far as administration is concerned. That is fair. Tell us the shortcomings and missteps. That too is fair. However, I am against denigrating his person and as I have heard your proof, it is only tabloid worthy. I have heard nothing compelling. 
I do not wish to be an antagonist, but PLEASE do not use my name unless your retelling is accurate and in context. 
Thank you.Supt.  Harvey Burnett The Dunamis Word
Pt. 3 
This link: will take you to nearly every story I have done on COGIC on my blog. In these articles I reference Bishop Blake and his missteps and mistakes especially aligning our church with the UDHR. I am no novice in this. This link: 
Takes you to what I did on the Charles Brown issue, even calling for an investigation after the court threw the issue out because of the statue of limitations. One can speak truth without denigrating a person or becoming the ungodly ugly that we speak against. I hope that can be seen in my work. Dr. Carter, you have a good cause, and that cause is reform of our church. However you methods and methodology is flawed and should cease. I was in STL a couple of years ago with a camera as well. I was not escorted off, but I did not call our leaders gay either, especially at the event. If you know this man is gay, then work on leadership reform, not speculative and sensational approaches to spiritual decorum. The Seven Son's of Sceva saw the problem, recognized it and threw themselves into it. They were powerless and came out bleeding, naked, and embarrassed. DO NOT be one of them. Your skills and talents can be used, but not like this.
Thank you
Supt. Harvey Burnett
The Dunamis Word
My Admonition To Carter & All Who Want COGIC & Blake Destruction

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Restoration Of Marriage & Right Relationships Pt. 1 ~ Family First

Gen. 1:28~ And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In my new book "Ministering Effectively" (soon at a book store or available online near you) I was led of the Lord to dedicate an entire chapter to the believer's relationship to family and family values. I believe that faithful observance of duties pertaining to the family is the foundation of a powerful and successful life and effective service to the Lord. Many individuals speak about family, but many less make family and duties to family a priority, know how to serve family, or define the needs of family.

Within the context of church and church service and just plain old living, there is always a reason to leave family or to relegate family to a second class status in the pecking order of daily activities. Secular work takes individuals away from their families in the name of producing an income to survive. Certainly we are commanded by God to work to sustain our household, and this is a valid and unavoidable result in many cases, however even in that, I believe that we must approach service to our families and community in a balanced manner. Not only naturally or monetarily, but also physically and emotionally. In other words, life can't be all work and or ministry and no or very little family physical and emotional connection. The proportion of the ingredients placed within the family setting and environment determine the outcome regardless of the material or monetary ability.

To expand upon this, on Facebook I placed my 5 top suggestions and encouragements on what it takes to make and keep a strong family for those engaged in public ministry. Although I am certainly no expert by any definition of the word on family relationships, there are some things that I have learned over the last 31 years of marriage and experienced as I have sought to strengthen families entrusted to my pastoral guidance that I believe may benefit those in similar situations. 

I hope that this mini-series helps in whatever family setting and situation that you are in and hopefully the contents of these posts can be the basis or foundation for ongoing conversation and discovery of the boundaries of your marriage. Finally, I hope that you will be built up in your faith as you discover the strength found within the bond and unity of a strong, godly and Christ centered marriage and family unit

Here we go:  

Needless to say, marriage and the family is under attack. With the expansion of the definition of marriage to include homosexual relationships, it is certain that the institution of marriage itself will continue to face redefinition from the secular or worldly point of view. Although marriage is not the only institution by which family is defined in modern times, marriage is yet at the pinnacle of the definition of family, and issues and values that flow from the family effect all of society.   

As Christians we should be aware that marriage and family are the first institutions of God. As such, it is revealing that no matter if one is a pastor, or a doorkeeper within the context of the church, family IS ministry. That's right, nobody in the church, and no situation that you encounter rises above the needs of family because family IS ministry. It is not, serve family then do ministry; it IS serve family and all other things is an extension of that. hypothetically speaking, neither "Sister LuLu" nor "Brother Joe" comes before Wife or Husband, and neither "Sister LuLu's" or "Brother Joe's" children, no matter how fatherless they may be (if that is the case), come before your own children.

Isn't It Ungodly To Place My Family FIRST? 

Too often, people in the church attempt to make care for their children a litmus test for the level of love of the leader or other individuals in the church. This is manipulation and I will explain why. First, individuals within the context of the church have no right to ask either your spouse or your children to suffer in effort for you to prove your "love" for them or other members. This sort of demand is indecent, out of order and is contrary to the biblical command for one to "provide" (Gk: pronoeo ~ to apply forethought in looking out for a person's best interest) for their household.(1 Tim. 5:8)  No matter how large or small the church, the lion-share of your time, effort and attention should be on, for, and given to your family. 

One popular minister boasted that his itinerary took him from multiple churches throughout the week and multiple states throughout the course of a month. At the height of his ministry, he was so enamored with "proving his love" for the people that he would minister in 3 states every Sunday and multiple services transported by a private jet. This particular minister went on to lose his family and his ministry due to infidelity and unfaithfulness within his marriage to the point of fathering a child by a youth associated with the church. 

Was My Marital Failure God's Fault?

What can we say? Some blame God for making the call and solidifying it with apparent success of material wealth. In his book "The Remnant, Restoring The Call To Personal Integrity" [Charisma House 2008] author, Larry Stockstill, poses that nearly 20% of the nations over 388,000 churches have leaders who are living a "double life" (Preface pg. 13). That comes out to over 75,000 spiritual leaders who are in trouble as we speak. I would venture to say that most of them consider that God is somehow at fault because their circumstances are at times overwhelming and they can't disappoint those under their leadership or ministry by failing to be there for them. At some point many of these same individuals believe that it is allowable for them to stop and "pick the roses" and serve themselves even in light of the fact that God has commanded them to and protect tend to the garden.    

God is not to blame when there is a character flaw of deficiency. Many times issues arise when we fail or refuse to honor, cherish, and value what God honors. The fact is that if a person truly wants a successful marriage and healthy and blessed family, some trips cannot be taken. Some visits to certain member's, friends or associates homes cannot be made and some events MUST be missed if family is to be served and honored as God has required. 

I don't know how many married people I have counseled over the years that feel that their spouse is the reason for the "hindrance" of their ministry, work, or service. I have spoken to some pastors who felt like their wife was the cause or reason that their ministry could not expand of grow. Some feel that if their children were only "better" or "better acting" that their personal plight would be much better and that they would have more success in ministry. These are highly selfish and in many cases blatantly inaccurate attitudes and sympathies. In fact, if a spouse is deficient, it is up to the other spouse to help relieve the deficiency. Kids are to be trained and reared by their parents, so if they are ungodly, let's examine how much time that the parents have placed in to their success. 

A Right Perspective:  

God records the following about the help given that was meet for Adam:

Gen. 2:18 ~ And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
After creating his wife Adam was not only happy about her and her design, but he was ready to leave all and establish a life with her:
Gen 2: 23-25 ~ 23-And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24- Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25-And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Further, God said this about our children:
Ps. 127:3 ~ Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.
The help that was "meet" for Adam according to God was not a church, a group of people, a stage or even a paycheck. The help that was "meet" or "fit" for Adam was his wife. Similarly, Psalms 127, though only 5 verses, is full of praise towards the family, children in particularly, and the blessings they bring to one's future, one's home and one's community.


Looking back to the beginning and to God's intent provides us a glimpse into God's heart and character. Examining what he intended for the family is a priority if we want to get the greatest and best success from our marriages and families in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

In the book of Joshua, God charged the people:
Joshua 1:8 ~ This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
"Good success" is not the acquisition of land, houses, property or simply material possessions. Good success is being able to maintain integrity, character and godly priorities along the way. The "good success" of God was to be able to freely worship and serve God by honoring and obeying his commands so that our joy would be full.  

Make first things first in life and ministry and God will honor that. Anything to the contrary is not honorable and will not be honored nor favored by God!


MERRY CHRISTMAS! Part 2 is coming up just prior to New Years Day. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

SirWalter Jones Right Message For The Right Time

Elder Walter Jones, a friend from the Chicago, IL. area, recently spoke out again on the situation that developed between Dr. Earl Carter and what now appears to be not only Presiding Bishop Blake of the Church Of God In Christ, but the church itself. I believe this video says all that I could say on the subject and then some and as such should be studied. 

For the record, I disagree totally with What Dr. Carter is currently doing and saying and would hope that he would stop and simply walk away from the argument. Although, I have certainly pointed out ways in which our church can be better and even taken some of the moves of Bishop Blake to task, I draw the line at character abasement and personal innuendo and, as I have told him personally, lend my voice to support our Presiding Bishop and our church. 

Well, let Elder Jones do the talking. I believe he has something to say:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

PROTECT Our Children. KUDOS Supt. Cortines

“This is a rare threat. We get threats all the time,”...“I think the circumstances in neighboring San Bernardino, I think what has happened in the nation, I think what happened internationally — I, as superintendent, am not going to take the chance with the life of a student.” 
~ Supt. Ramon Cortines LAUSD

Tuesday Dec. 15th, 2015, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) which serves over 655,000 children, at over 900 campuses and 187 public charter schools in Los Angeles was closed due to multiple terror threats.

Emails, from a currently unknown source, sent to Board members and other high ranking officials within the school district, indicated that bombs, guns, rifles, and even nerve gas agents would be used to rain terror on students at undisclosed locations all over the city. Upon evaluation of the threats, school officials quickly invoked the help of local police and subsequently all branches of law enforcement including several federal law enforcement agencies to bring serious action to addressing the threats and protecting children. LAUSD School Supt. Ramon Cortines made what I consider to be a brave, and bold decision to make sure that both students and employees would be protected opting to close all school campuses and conduct detailed searches of school property to make sure that all was clear. 


Of course, the Supt.'s actions have drawn much criticism from individuals contending that the rush to close schools was too hasty and that the seriousness of the letter could have been better evaluated in light of the fact that the emails are suspected to be some sort of hoax aimed at disrupting the normal flow of life. 

I simply say to the critics, what IF the email was not a hoax and what if ONE child, teacher, or district employee was killed as a result of not acting or taking precautions against the threat? It would seem that some people would rather "look" normal and unaffected by terrorism and terrorists and live in a world of fantasy and make-believe. The only thing is, that most, if not all of the critics, don't have a single child in the school district and only play "arm chair quarterback" from a distance. 

Can this Supt. be criticized for looking at the situation, assessing the climate of current events, and reconciling that the children and adults that care for our kids would be better off missing a day of education until the treat can be fully assessed? 

I say KUDOS to Supt. Cortines! Job WELL DONE in protecting the kids and adults of the LAUSD!

What Do I Know? 

Among things that I have done for a living is identify myself as one of those certified and licensed School Resource Officers (SRO) that are essential to the daily function of most urban and inner city schools and school districts. 

In that capacity of serving our community and children, I was able to observe what we are dealing with up close when it comes to threats, behavioral issues and the safety of all individuals who enter our schools daily. On one occasion I witnessed children attempting to purchase certain chemicals from the science lab of a particular school, with a stated intent of making a bomb...Yes, you read it right. Students, in school, looking to secure chemicals to make a bomb, and openly telling the teachers what they want the chemical for. 

In that particular case, although the students were handled and addressed by city and possibly even state law enforcement officials with higher authority and jurisdiction, there was no effort to close the school, abbreviate the day, or do anything out of the normal. 

In that situation, I wondered, what if there is more to this than meets the eye? What if the extent of their inquiry is more advanced than initially believed? Wouldn't we all be at risk?

In this scenario, and many others, the appearance of "normalcy" was the priority. However, what would have happened if someone was damaged in some way while at school as a result of these young people's apparently devious desires? 

Are we, as a society, willing to trade what appears to be "normal" for our very own safety and security? If so, why and how can we call that a humane outlook or approach to life? I mean, if you place yourself in harms way to help others, that is one thing, that is even noble in any case of which I am aware, but to place me in harms way without notification of your intent to do so and against my knowledge of the seriousness of the situation is borderline sociopathic.  

Final Word

The director of the FBI currently says that the United States is under the greatest terror threat since 9/11. In the most recent CNN Republican Presidential debate Senator Rand Paul said that he believes that we defeat terrorism and terrorists by "showing them that we do not fear them". For him the display of no fear seemed to mean that we should not live or conduct ourselves differently even in light of current threats. 

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump suggests that we stop everything involving immigration of individuals who identify themselves as Muslim, from hostile countries, until such time as we can guarantee the safety and security of Americans within our boarders and weed out all those that intend to do us harm. 

While there is no easy political solution, one thing is one has a right to jeopardize the life of another for political reasons or political correctness. We are not living in a normal time and we cannot do things as we normally have done in time past expecting either different results or an increase in our safety and security. 

The Supt. made a decision that could have saved countless families and fellow Americans severe grief and heartache. If there is an error to make, let it be made on the side of security, safety and precaution for all. 


Leibniz & Contingency...Absolutely FANTASTIC If The Goal Is TRUTH!

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (7/1/1646 ~ 11/14/1716) known as the last "universal genius", made deep and important contributions to the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of religion, as well as mathematics, physics, geology, jurisprudence, and history. This man was no lightweight and his most feared atheist debaters recognized it nearly without exclusion. What can we learn from him now? Take a listen:

Monday, December 7, 2015

"Pattern Of Practice" Federal Investigation Of Chicago Police Dept. Announced

"Building trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve is one of my highest priorities as Attorney General,"US Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Early Monday Dec. 7th, 2015 the head of the United States Dept. Of Justice, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, announced a "Pattern of Practice" Federal investigation into the Chicago Police Department on the heels of the ongoing federal investigation into the Laquan McDonald murder in which a Chicago Police Officer, Jason Van Dyke, the only one of eight officers on the scene gunned down the knife brandishing, 17 year old youth, shooting him 16 times.

In this case, the problem stems from not only a murder of a citizen by what appears to be use of excessive force by an officer, but also what could be deemed as obstruction of justice by officers at the scene who delivered reports (released Friday 12/4 evening) that are apparently in conflict with video and other evidence uncovered regarding the incident which took place on October 20th, 2014.

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Following the table of events, it seems that all persons charged with protecting citizens and holding both the officers and the system accountable, including former Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez, (who said that it often takes over a year for investigations such as this to complete) have failed in their duties to provide any substantive action and support to the citizens they are charged to serve.

It seems that none of this would have come to light if it had not been for a court order to make the video of the incident public and Chicago protetestors taking peaceful and effective demonstration to the next level by demonstrating and marching prior to, during and after Black Friday 2015. Some have speculated that the demonstrations themselves had an over $2 billion negative impact on Chicago brick and mortar retail business operations in the heart of the City's Michigan Ave. businesses over the post Thanksgiving holiday.

Notably, prior to a suit being filed, the City Of Chicago settled with the family of Laquan McDonald for $5 Million which gives fuel to the argument that all that anyone wanted was for this to go away without additional discovery.

How does the CPD treat citizens of various ethnic and racial makeup? Is their a systemic problem in the way that the Department handles its minority citizens? Will Mayor Rahm Emanuel finally step down? One thing is for sure, the federal investigation into department operations will tell the story that many may not have ever wanted to be told.
