Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dr. Earl Carter's Response To A Sad COGIC Apology

I received this from a source who confirmed the substance of Dr. Carter's response to the apology delivered by Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake of the Church of God in Christ.

Of no doubt, I agree with Dr. Carter's assessment of what can be drawn from the willingness to conform to the world within the highest ranks of this church. To the critic, YOU don't control me, neither do you control my pulpit or New Bethel COGIC or any ministries that I and we represent. This blog is a tool of free speech and one that I seek to use to better the Kingdom of God, preach the word, and teach the Saints. In the course of doing those things I gladly stand with those who do what the bible says to do and that is stand for truth. YOU haven't done a thing for me up until this point, continue to do just that...NOTHING...So that means don't demand that I remove anything that is TRUE and that is representative of the bible truth. The sins that you embrace causes you to look bad, not the light of truth that shines upon them. You don't like this ORDAINED, and appointed SUPERINTENDENT'S message, (and I am referring humbly to myself-LOL!) then read elsewhere! I am FREE and this is a FREE country...not communist China or Russia...and I mean no offense to all my Russian and Chinese readers. I appreciate your support and prayers and pray for you in return! 

To The Message:
Re: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is an offence; therefore I come with the intention to offend when preaching the gospel … “skandalizo” (Matthew 24:10 Jesus said many shall be offended). 
To the Beloved Saints of the Church of God in Christ: 
This communiqué comes as an informative document. Included is my response to the apology video released by presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr. Further, addressing the state of the church and finally, my duty as a gospel preacher. As you all know, I was the key note speaker for Saturday night during the 107th Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ. 147 souls were saved and set free! The glory cloud came into the sanctuary. Thousands remained after the sermon for hours as Bishop Brandon Porter stayed and prayed on the altar with them until they were delivered. On Monday while waiting to board my plane I called Bishop Blake to tell him that I enjoyed his message on Sunday and to thank him personally for the opportunity to preach on Saturday night. His response was, “I heard that the Lord really moved on Saturday night and the saints are going home blessed!” I thanked him again and said goodbye. 
After arriving back home my phone began to ring off the hook; expressing that the Saturday night service had gone viral. By Tuesday evening I realized exactly what had transpired with the testimony of Andrew Coldwell. I had a missed call from Bishop Blake and I returned his call. Finally, we talked as he was getting off the plane in L.A. he stated that he would call me back in about 40 minutes. He indeed called me back in about 30 minutes. He stated that we had a ‘situation’ and I interjected with, “what can I do to help the situation and make it more palatable or acceptable? I’m willing to write a statement because I don’t want you to lose any sleep and placate your emotions because I love you and I love the church; whatever I can do to help”. Then Bishop said, “Thank you man for your spirit! Listen, don’t write anything yet-I’ll have my “PR” people to call you and help you with your statement to be sure we are all on the same page and so we don’t open anything up any further”. He thanked me for my kind spirit again and hung up. I never heard from Bishop Blake or his “PR” people. The next thing I hear is his YouTube webcast throwing me under the bus! 
When Bishop Blake apologized on a national stage for the strong words of the “Prophet” he literally rejected the word of God! 
Further, perpetuating and advocating the in- your- face actions of weakness and fleshly dominance! Now that he has done this un-godly thing, the invitation for those who practice such, has been re-instated; they are coming back with a vengeance and reprobate spirit to further invade the church even more. The first chapter of Romans says, “I will give you over to your vile affection;” which means morally despicable, physically repulsive and foul. Homosexuality is an abomination! 
And you mean to tell me that our Presiding Bishop finds the message and language offensive, repulsive, disrespectful, violent, unloving and un-civilized? Well, I found bringing my son to a so called Holy Convocation and being inundated by sissies, homosexuals, gays, down-lows or whatever you choose to call them – offensive! These folk are standing in the way of sinners and sitting in the seat of the scornful. Also, a mother from North Carolina wrote me and said that her 7 year old saw so much from the homosexuals during some of those after hour services: crazy colored hair and hair styles, long stiletto nails, eyelashes and makeup and ridiculously tight pants with purses (so called pouches) till the mother had to explain to her that it was not Gods way and that their behavior was sinful and that God is against them. Can you imagine coming to the Holy Convocation and having to explain how the effeminate men or homosexuals get to serve, sing, shout and dance without any correction? Listen, Ungodly men have crept in unaware and have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness – which is nothing less than a license to sin. 
Jesus said, “I didn’t come for peace but I came with a sword – I came for war”. The reason the real saints of God are so outdone and upset with the apology is because they understood the message that I preached. It sounds like Bishop Nimrod whose pasturing a Babylonian church with a Wal-Mart marketing system, which cuts the price to keep the folk coming. Because of the state of the church, the Babylonian church (compromise) pastured by Bishop Nimrod, the church today in modern America tends to be easy, upbeat, convenient and compatible with the world. It does not require self sacrifice, discipline, humility; a zeal for souls and a fear as well as love of God. There is little guilt and no punishment and the payoff in heaven is virtually certain. What we now have might best be labeled “consumer” Christianity. The cost is low and customer satisfaction seems guaranteed (remember the candy man makes the world tastes good). If we were only customers of Almighty God we could be selective in our faith and reject anything we didn’t like. But that is not the idea we get from Jesus. He (Jesus) pointed us to a cross and not to a spiritual checkout counter. He said if anyone desire to come after me let him first deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it (Luke 9:23-24). Christ died on the cross for our sins and not for our satisfaction. He calls us to trust in him and then follow him with a life of self denial. In a world where the customer is always right it takes radical obedience to God to keep from buying into “consumer” Christianity. 
Read Isaiah 30 “Speak lies to us…” The Homosexual Agenda is Iconoclastic
Destroying the image of an icon and the veneration (reverence) of a religious movement or organization is the definition of iconoclasm. Don’t misunderstand me: the church is a hospital; anyone sick ought to be able to come. But please stay in your bed with your thermometer in your mouth and don’t take an unauthorized white jacket and go around taking other peoples temperature. That is to say: stay out of the choir, stay away from praise and worship, stay out of the youth departments and for heaven sake stay out of the pulpit, and please don’t even think about serving communion to the Lords people. There has been too many victims of sexual abuse in our church. The Church of God in Christ has been inundated with all types of sexual misconduct; from molesting boys and turning out young girls. The wicked struts when the vilest of men are promoted! The homosexual agenda is exactly what is happening – it is now working just fine in our church. They have slowly but surely changed our tolerance and now forcing our acceptance of their lifestyle; Thus, attempting to shut down the un-cut gospel. God forbid. The whole priesthood of the Church of God in Christ can be fired! For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and the people shall seek the law from his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of host. But you have departed from the way. You have caused many to stumble from the way. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi says the Lord of host. Therefore, I have also made you contemptible and base before all the people for you have not kept my ways, but have shown partiality in the law (see Malachi 2:7-9). What you tolerate you perpetuate. Babylon means compromise; when you have hot and cold coming together it causes lukewarm-ness which creates an environment for germs to fester. God hates lukewarm! Listen, when the church creates an environment for wickedness such as whoremongers, pedophiles and homosexuals (including lesbians) that is a Babylonian church. 
These homosexuals have invaded our convocation to the point where people do not even reverence or respect us anymore. They not only crept in but someone boldly invited them to come in and rule, reign, serve and participate in our holy services. Our church is now a “Lesbian Friendly” “Gay Friendly” “Bi-Sexual Friendly” “Trans-Gender Friendly” (LGBT) in other words “Homosexual Friendly” church! What do I look like going into a Gay Bar and forcing them to change their environment and behaviors to suit my heterosexual beliefs and lifestyle? My message was not to the world really; BUT an indigenous message to the homosexuals that are a part of or member of our church. They are claiming salvation and hold leadership roles, serve in our choirs and praise and worship – my message was inclusive of these. I loved them enough to tell them the truth. If I were headed over a cliff (hell) I would rather someone tackle me and even bruise me to keep me from falling to my death (hell). In Hosea 4:6-9 my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge I will also reject you from being priest of my people. God fires not only by death-but you can be fired and still on the job. “The elder and honorable, he is the head; the prophet who teaches lies, he is the tale. For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:15-16)”. 
Finally, God was so bad in the Old Testament until Jesus has to come in the New Testament to give him a better reputation. God is sick of this lukewarm recidivistic church! Men with Identity theft issues are stealing the characteristics of women and destroying the Identity of our once great church. But trust and believe me, God being my help and strength I will not stop preaching the un-cut gospel. Just as the writing of a martyr from Rwanda was forced to either renounce Christ or face certain death. He refused to renounce Christ and he was killed on the spot. However, the night before he had written the following commitment which was found in his room: 
“I’m part of a fellowship of the unashamed, the die has been cast, I have stepped over the line, the decision has been made-I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed vision, worldly talking, cheap living & dwarfed goals. 
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I won’t give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till everyone knows, work till He stops me & when He comes for His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me because my banner will have been clear.”
For the Un-Cut Gospel – NO APOLOGY NECESSARY! 
In HIS Service,
Rev. Dr. Earl W. Carter Sr.,
107th Holy Convocation Saturday Night Keynote Speaker


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