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Too Many Aborted.com |
In my post, "Black Lives Matter...Most Of The Time", I promoted the movement Black Lives Matter, as it, through and by hundreds of protests all over the country, promotes harmony between the Black and urban communities and local police departments.
More To Black Life Than Police...
In fact, when I questioned why the Church Of God In Christ, who certainly proudly associated themselves with the Black Lives Matter movement by joining in Solidarity Sunday, (with myself in tow) would not be more vocal on the subject, my message was PROMPTLY removed from the COGIC Facebook site, but mysteriously it reappeared. If I might repeat what I said:
"Then what of our stance on abortion? Black lives are lost to the tune of some 1450 PER DAY. We endorsed a President who claims a woman has a right of choice over the life. Do BLACK lives really matter to us or is this the next buzzword?"
The Presiding Bishop of The Church Of God In Christ, Bishop Charles E. Blake, unlike many others, stood up at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO. in the Wells Fargo Theatre in 2008 and delivered a message questioning the endorsement of abortion, both by the Democratic Party platform and the then "presumed" Democratic National Convention candidate, Sen, Barack Obama. This is what the news recorded:
Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake
"Bishop Charles E. Blake, presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ, called on presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama to "follow through on his promise ... to reduce the number of abortions" while stopping just short of criticizing the Democratic Party for its support of the practice.
"Surely we cannot be pleased with ... millions of terminated pregnancies," Blake said to applause from the nearly full Wells Fargo Theater. "Something within us must be calling for a better way. If we do not resist at this point, at what point will we resist?"
Democrats must know about the "moral and spiritual pain so many of us feel because of this disregard for the lives of the unborn," Blake said.
In a speech focusing on society's responsibility to its children, Blake first focused on the plight of the inner-city poor as a human rights responsibility before calling abortion a practice "that conflicts with our position and our responsibility ... to human rights itself."
Although Blake intimated he was frustrated with his party's support of abortion, he praised its positions for the helpless in other ways. "Others loudly proclaim their advocacy for the unborn," he said, receiving a standing ovation, "but they refuse to recognize their responsibility and the responsibility of our nation to those who have been born. "They are presently and historically silent, if not indifferent," he continued, "to the suffering of our inner cities."
I recorded this event on The Dunamis Word in this ARTICLE in 2008 from a now archived edition of the Rocky Mountain News the day after the Convention.
NOW back to our regularly scheduled program:
What Is The Problem?
I think Dr. Alveda King, the daughter of the great late Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin L. King Jr. summed it up nicely. Let's see what she sad:
I think Dr. Alveda King, the daughter of the great late Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin L. King Jr. summed it up nicely. Let's see what she sad:
Dr. Alveda King "The liberal media looks the other way on this"...“Pray that people will see right through their propaganda.”... “The media has another agenda; if they really thought that black lives matter they would be protesting abortion on demand.”..."[media] often stirs controversy to boost rating” and “support[s] abortion on demand.”...“This media category ignores the fact that the abortion industry targets minorities,”...
“Even Planned Parenthood tweeted support for Ferguson using the Black Lives Matters hashtags, and yet they abort more black and Hispanic babies that any other abortion provider in America.”~ Dr. Alveda King Daughter of the late Dr. Martin L. King Jr.
BLACK DEATH, HYPOCRISY and a PASSIVE ATTITUDE from society, the church and political community regarding the issue is the problem!
Since 2008, The Dunamis Word has taken on the issue of abortion to bring it front and center alarming the community of the danger and the Black community in particular. Countless babies continue to die through and by abortion. Countless women, mothers of those aborted, continue to die as well at the hands of so called "abortion clinics". Two of the young ladies who have lost their lives recently due to this sort of "legalized crime" are Chicago's Tonya Reaves, Cleveland's Lakisha Wilson. Both Black women. Died as a result of failed abortion procedures. Yet we find no demonstrations or protests by any movement, including the Black Lives Matter movement, against these atrocities. The fact is that 4 Black Lives were lost in these 2 events and not a person (other than those who oppose abortion in all forms) protested. The clinics were funded by and large through public funds, similar to the funding of police departments all over the country. Yet not ONE protest! Although Black woman constitute only 14% of the United States population, abortions by Black women account for nearly 30% of the nation's abortions. SOURCE and yet, we DO NOT PROTEST!
The Tale Of A CITY!
A closer look at the most current numbers for NYC abortions, (remember, NYC has generated the most widely held protests against the murder of unarmed Black men by police) display that 77.56% of all abortions are preformed on Either Black or Hispanic women, with Black women, who only make up 25.5% of NYC's population, leading the way with nearly 35,188 aborted that year. That is nearly 46.1% of all babies aborted in NYC at a rate of nearly 96 abortions per day! (Hispanics, 28.6% of NYC population, had 23,959 total lives lost to abortion at a rate of nearly 65 lives per day) The total number of abortions for NYC, 76,251, make it the nations leading city of aborted babies in the United States. Further, New York State has the highest number of abortions overall in the nation totaling 103,339 aborted babies!
NYC "die-in" At Grand Central Station |
There is no way that anyone can look at these numbers and not be convinced that this is a epidemic for the Black community of NYC and further something that the whole nation should be hotly concerned about.
Studies also show that Black women are 5 times more likely to abort a child than White women. Condom use doesn't seem to curb the issue either as the and SAME JULY 2014 STUDY shows that over 51% of women who receive abortions used contraceptives in the same month that they became pregnant. In addition, as I have shown in this ARTICLE, the term "medically necessary" is subjective term with no specifically assigned set of values that does not address why and under what circumstances a fetus should be aborted. In addition, numbers show that abortions due to rape and incest only comprise .5% (that is POINT 5 PERCENT) of all abortions since 1973, and those numbers certainly don't seem to be a justification for the soaring numbers that we currently experience (although current numbers say that abortion overall is on a decline- Isn't that special?!?!?!)
Political Inaction, Misdirection and Non-Concern
Political Inaction, Misdirection and Non-Concern
Bishop Blake's requests and encouragements to now President Obama and the DNC seem to have fallen on deaf ears to say the least. Since his election President, President Obama has gone on record on to say this:
"...every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health...."We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom,"..."And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams."
Although this statement is filled with misdirection of the argument, obfuscation and word casting (almost political code) it is clear that the President's has allegiance to abortion no matter the cost. Noone questions whether a woman should have the right about "her body and her health". This argument is about a BABY'S BODY and that BABY'S right to his/her health. In addition "reproductive freedom" is not the issue, the right of life for the unborn is...babies can have dreams if they are allowed to live. Preventing unwanted pregnancies has NOTHING to do with saving the lives of babies who cannot speak for themselves. With all that said, the DNC went on to exclude God from their political party platform in the last election...go figure!!!!
What Has Our President Done Since His First Election?
Beliefnet has compiled President Obama's Pro-Life record HERE It is really astounding. He has done MUCH for homosexual acceptance marital normalization, but NOTHING to protect babies in vitro from murder. What a SHAME from the most powerful nation and leader on Earth!
In short, if Black Lives Mattered as we all contend that they do, the lives of the unborn would matter as well. They are not only Black lives that should matter, but lives of the innocent whether Black White Hispanic or otherwise.
I certainly support many aspects of the Black Lives Matter movement, and was all in on Solidarity Sunday and much more beyond, before and above it and whatever it meant. I feel that the slogans in favor of Black lives should really mean what it professes to mean. Not simply because of the police or failed community policing policies, but because countless lives, dreams, opportunities and hopes are being lost everyday to abortion and the abortion industry.
Planned Parenthood continues to say that their primary mission is the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. They claim that if they don't exist, then the community and especially Black America would be in trouble because they would not have the necessary "medical help". While all of that is very arguable and at some point even comical, all I know is that while spending some of that $1 Billion in assets annually they still have not changed their association with eugenics and they remain part of the social movement that targets Black and poor minorities for its abortion services in nearly every major urban population in America. HERE'S the map to show how Planned Parenthood abortions centers are in nearly every major urban population in America.