Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

COGIC Sexual Abuse Victim's Advocacy National Conference Call


Supt. Harvey Burnett of the New Bethel COGIC and I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council ( and Pastor D. L. Foster of Report COGIC Abuse ( will conduct our first national joint conference call designed to address the current state of clergy sexual abuse and victim's advocacy within the nation's largest Pentecostal denomination, the Church Of God In Christ. This live call is scheduled to take place Saturday April 5th, 2014 at 12:00PM CST.

The call is open to all, but especially to those COGIC members who are concerned regarding clergy sexual abuse, leadership abuse, and its relationship to the mission of the church and what the church is doing if anything to address the fallout of such abuses by ministering to the needs of them affected by such atrocities by way of victim's advocacy. 

There will be a commentary session for the general public that will be moderated and questions will be addressed and an action plan introduced. 

Please pass this on to a friend, we want to saturate the Kingdom of Christ with the seriousness of this issue and what must be done to help the hurting. 


Please see THIS STORY for additional information.  

1 comment:

  1. I wish to say a special THANKS to Pastor D. L. Foster, Sister Special K, Pastor RR, and last but by no means least, Sister & First Lady G. Burnett for making this conference call a success. There were plenty of folk on the line and much more conversation than I was able to place in the podcast episodes. We were and are indeed blessed.

    As stated in the call, please contact us so that we can organize advocacy groups in respective areas. COGIC or non COGIC does not matter. This issue is much larger than COGIC and is a need for every church whether there is currently a problem or not. So contact us at any manner to the right side of the screen under teh "contact" section.

    Thanks and God bless.


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