Various Items Of Interest

Friday, May 10, 2013

Who Did The Leading Jewish Cleric Think The Messiah Is?

Revelation 22:12 ~ "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

It's really no secret, nor has it ever been one. even Nicodemus came by night to Jesus because he had some questions and beliefs that he didn't want others to be aware of.

Before his death in 2006, the leading Jewish Cleric Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri claimed to have personally met the Messiah at age 108. Before he passed, he delivered a note to his sons to remain sealed for 12 months. 12 months later...Well, just watch the video:

 Ariel Sharon has been in a coma-like state since 2006. Here is the most current word on his condition:

One thing is for sure, we don't need notes, messages and the death of any individual to know that Jesus shall return, but it is interesting to note all of what is happening and what has been revealed to people even though it seems that they are kicking and screaming in denial of it.

Ready or not, believe him or not JESUS is coming back! Will you be ready?


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