Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Most Dangerous Place

In response to a high abortion rate in New York city which touts over the 17,000 black babies murdered at the hands of abortion providers in 2010. That's almost 50 abortions per day by black women in New York City alone. Then there's the statistic that although Blacks only comprise 13% of the US population, they are over 36% of abortions annually. Pointing out that dismal statistic is an antiabortionist group called Building on solid statistical data they have undertaken to place another add bringing attention to what can only be considered to be a genocide occurring within the black community.

As I've written previously, since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 there have been over 50 million babies killed by the abortion industry with a disproportionately high number (over 11 million) by black women. This is an average of 1,450 Black children that are killed by abortionist efforts daily. As we will note in this article, there are many reasons for this high rate and statistic. Aside from the fact that some have simply made bad decisions, other factors such as poor education, economic disparity and a spiritual and moral value decline have contributed to this. Not to mention social pressures from the most liberal and elite class Blacks associated with Black boule efforts to control and manage population of the Black community. (I'll speak more on this in another article)

An Offence To Some? 

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Revelatory Expressions?" Does Bishop Noel Jones Deny "Oneness"?

Review these enlightening audio podcasts and hear Bishop Jones in his own words
Noel Jones. Trinity Pt. 2
In what can only be deemed as a highly confused if not even down right deceptive, radio interview, former (current) PAW (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World) Bishop Noel Jones appears to have denied the teaching of Oneness. Oneness, is a doctrine mostly prevalent in organizational Apostolic circles and is normally called "Jesus Only" teaching. This doctrine primarily centers around the thought that Jesus is the Father in creation, the Son in redemption and the Holy Ghost within the the church. This is called modalism. In this teaching we observe Jesus in three "modes" or roles as God. To be more specific, the emphasis is that God (more specifically Jesus) has "manifested" himself as the Father, "manifested" himself as the Son and "manifests" himself today as the Holy Ghost. Please keep this in mind as you will see it later in new clothes.

Early in church history, modalism was rejected as a description of God not contained or found within scripture. It was considered to be a heretical doctrine and those that believed it were considered to be heretics. It was hailed as an ascription or imposition upon the nature of God and an inaccurate portrayal of the person of Jesus. One of the reasons that this is a heresy is because under the modalistic construct, Jesus cannot be truly eternal. He (as son) "begins" or starts "to be" as it pertains to the redemption of man and mankind and more specifically when he puts on flesh. Trinitarians hold however that Jesus exists eternally, from the beginning with God, is God and is a participant within creation itself as scripture describes:

John 1:1-3:~"1-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2-The same was in the beginning with God. 3-All things were made by him; and without him was
not any thing made that was made."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Difference Between Happiness & Joy

Because many have given themselves to the pursuit of life's more substantive issues, and in many cases accepted what is considered to be healthy spiritual, moral and philosophical standards of life's issues, it is interesting when philosophical standards and encouragements that do not point to or reinforce objective biblical standards are presented. Worldly philosophical standards often stick out in the crowd. 

Ie: For those of us in Christ, values that are less than Christ centered (worldly values systems) are not  appealing as they lack Christ and biblically centered encouragements.

At least that is my opinion of Essence's March 2011 article "The Happiness Quest". Now, to be clear, Essence is not a Christian publication, neither is it a Christian manual or guide to living for Jesus. So a condemnation of Essence is not the point of my article. However, Essence does deliver advice and certain information designed from a secular and in some cases an Eastern religious perspective, geared toward making one happy. The aim is to provide information that will offer individual self improvement or satisfaction as it pertains to the current condition of life. Personally, when I gather information that is aimed at my quality of life, I seek to align that information up with and compare it to information found within the biblically centered Christian worldview that I espouse. After all, if something is declaring that it will better life, then as Christians we should examine it in light of the truth found or contained within scripture. 

So when I saw the cover, I thought to look and see what essence says makes one joyful and could potentially change your life. I found many things...I'll focus on the "Joy" list of "25 Life-Changing secrets to Getting Happy" on the front cover:

Can Essence's List Of 25 Bring One Happiness?

Friday, February 4, 2011

We Won't Marry 'em, But We'll Pretend

Illinois Governor
Pat Quinn
"Today is an important day in the history of our state because today we are showing the world that the people of Illinois believe in equality for all," Quinn said. "We look forward to individuals and businesses from across the country choosing to move to Illinois where we believe that everyone is entitled to the same rights."

Set for en-action June 1, the law of the land of Lincoln stems from the signing of Senate Bill 1716 which creates the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act. According to CNN, the newly extended rights include:
  • Automatic hospital visitation rights,
  • The ability to make emergency medical decisions for partners,
  • The ability to share a room in a nursing home,
  • Adoption and parental rights,
  • Pension benefits,
  • Inheritance rights, 
  • The right to dispose of a partner's remains
Not only do these rights extend to gay couples, they also extend to those heterosexual couples who have been "shackin' up". All one has to do is pay the appropriate fees to the county and received a certificate. 

The Religious Freedom Part

At least Illinois decided to not make persons with religious prohibitions against civil unions participate:
"Section 15. Religious freedom. Nothing in this Act shall interfere with or regulate the religious practice of any religious body. Any religious body, Indian Nation or Tribe or Native Group is free to choose whether or not to solemnize or officiate a civil union."
Isn't that sweet?

The complete bill can be found HERE.
