Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When Canadian Freedom Meets Canadian Censorship

Trouble North of the boarder:
Canadian Anti-Free Speech Logo
"Broadcasters should endeavour to make available to the community adequate opportunity for presentation of religious messages and should also endeavour to assist in all ways open to them the furtherance of religious activities in the community. Recognizing the purpose of the religious broadcast to be that of promoting the spiritual harmony and understanding of humanity and of administering broadly to the varied religious needs of the community, it shall be the responsibility of each broadcaster to ensure that its religious broadcasts, which reach persons of all creeds and races simultaneously, shall not be used to convey attacks upon another race or religion". ~ Canadian Association Of Broadcasters (CAB) Code of Ethics, Clause 8 – Religious Programming
Our friends North of the boarder, the Canadians, have never been more important to the future and well being of America. Not only do they participate in keeping the northern hemisphere safe and free from terrorists, but what goes on in Canada could well be an indicator of issues that Americans can expect to address or deal with in the future.  

Canada has a council to regulate offensive television material similar to the FCC in the United States. It is called the CRTC. In effort to police themselves however, Canada's private broadcasters created the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC). The following is directly from their website:
"The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) is an independent, non-governmental organization created by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) to administer standards established by its members, Canada's private broadcasters. The Council's membership includes more than 730 private sector radio and television stations, specialty services and networks from across Canada, programming in English, French and third languages."
Meet Rev. Charles McVety President of Canada Christian College. Both he and his show, WORD TV were censured in June 2010 by the CBSC when, in the process of fighting the good fight of faith, he used his television platform to expose the erroneous teachings of an accepted school curriculum which claimed that children should embrace their built in "6 gender" personality. Yes, for some absurd reason this proposed "in school" teaching claimed  that everyone was born with 6 genders and really cannot find peace and happiness until they learn to embrace them all...The CBSC disagreed with everyone who was in opposition to the program claiming that the curriculum was designed to teach "tolerance". Their claim was that Rev. McVety "mischaracterized" the teaching and not only went on to censure Rev. McVety, but also Premiere Dalton McGuinty and the school board for agreeing to remove and modify the program.

"We spoke against a new proposed sex education curriculum that would teach gender Rev. McVety identity, six genders, and sexual orientation to our children,...And I believe that this curriculum was for the purpose of teaching our children to be homosexuals." ~
Thankfully Rev. McVety was successful in opening the eyes of the community and the school board in his province to the problems of this particular textbook and the curriculum was dropped. Under any other circumstance, that would be the end of the story and we'd all go on to the next battle except for the word "censured" as I stated above.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Psalms 9:17 ~ The wicked shall be turned INTO HELL, [and] all the nations that forget God.

Across the internet, Scandinavia and other so called "secular" nations are held up as the poster children for atheism and secularism, being hailed as a place that proves that men can be "good without God" and that societies in general are better off without God or religion of any sort. Why is this so? It begins with assertions that the country enjoins the lowest rate of social ills and speculations that the country is among some of least religious countries in the world.

I certainly don't intend to bash the good ole Scandinavian homeland, (Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden) but current trends show that crime rates are ever increasing in certain Scandinavian provinces and in some places crime exceeds that of dreaded New York City. With a reported number of rapes being 6 times higher than New York  One online news source reported the following as long ago as 2007:
"No country has fewer police per capita than Norway, as many as 70 percent of so-called petty crimes are never followed up, and while the police force has increased 150 percent since 1960, the crime rate has increased 700 percent."
The Controversy

Atheist/Humanist Phil Zuckerman, associate professor of sociology at Pitzer College in California, in his article, "Is Faith Good For Us" certainly doesn't see things this way at all. He contrasts religious and so called secular societies and states the following:
"A comparison of highly irreligious countries with highly religious countries, however, reveals a very different state of affairs. In reality, the most secular countries-those with the highest proportion of atheists and agnostics-are among the most stable, peaceful, free, wealthy, and healthy societies. And the most religious nations-wherein worship of God is in abundance-are among the most unstable, violent, oppressive, poor, and destitute." ~ Phil Zuckerman
Now, this is a staving and no holds barred assertion and one based on Mr. Zuckerman's experience living within the nations for a certain period of time. Aside from the fact that the statistics, which are public knowledge, don't equal or support his assertions, as Christians I believe that there are questions that we should ask ourselves and  more profound discussions to undertake when addressing the real issues surrounding the argument. I would say this: 

For centuries as Christians we've held, the more God the better. Not just "a god" but the true and living God, through Jesus Christ the Lord as described within the text of the Holy written word of God...but Scandinavia, at least according to the critics, is living proof that the word of God is wrong and Jesus and religion in general aren't necessary for a healthy and vibrant society. Is there any possibility that anti-theistic worldviews are more healthy and beneficial to mankind than those found within religion and Christianity in particular? Secondly, is there any possibility that a nation is better off when they are described as "organically atheist" and therefore not reliant upon biblically described and defined moral values and theism in general?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"I Decree & Declare" A Much Needed Prayer Of Blessing

Straight from the Potter's House...I must say, I was certainly blessed by being reminded of the reason why we preach, teach and pray so hard. May the Lord bless this child, his family and all them that bless him...I decree and declare it!

Ps. 8:1-9 ~ "O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.  2-Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.  3- When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; 4-What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 5-For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 6-Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: 7-All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; 8-The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. 9-O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!"


Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Watch This" Pt. 6 ~ "A Different Scale" Weighed And Found Wanting

You see, we remember when Bishop Eddie Long wasn't content to just be one of us. He like Juanita II had to be ABOVE us and greater than us all. The command of money and crowd reveals the faults that already exist. Even in that, being above others is OK if God has placed you there, but remember that to whom much is given much is required.(Lk.12:48) We must remember what Eddie said:
"We're not just a church, we're an international corporation. We're not just a bumbling bunch of preachers who can't talk and all we're doing is baptizing babies. I deal with the White House, I deal with Tony Blair, I deal with presidents around this world. I pastor a multi-million dollar congregation. You've got to put me on a different scale than the little Black preacher sitting over there {who's} supposed to be just getting by because the people are suffering." ~ Bishop Eddie Long ATL Journal Constitution 2005
Self-Exaltation Does Fail:
Now, after vowing to "fight" and show the world his innocence, I guess he has found that it's cheaper to keeper secret, and paying a private settlement is better than having all the ungodly details of what he actually he did fully examined in the public square. At least Mother Long may get a husband back after this. So that's a good thing!

Accusers...sell yourselves to this man again for his money, but none of what you said you wanted to accomplish will happen. The danger that you wanted to keep other potential victims from will continue on, but you won't be able to say that you didn't have your chance to make a difference neither will you be able to say that you did make a difference and that would be a tragedy especially after all of this.

Daniel 5:25-28 ~ "25-And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26-This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27-TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. 28-PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians."


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Reup: Christmas 2009: Reflections On The Divinity Of Jesus

~Re-Up From Christmas 2009~
Originally Published 12/15/2009

A personal message to every reader of this blog,
I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and Happy New Year!
~ Pastor Harvey Burnett~

Isaiah 9:6 ~ "For unto us A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

As we enter the 2009 (now 2010) celebration of Christmas, let us never forget that as Christians we celebrate the miraculous birth of an individual so unique, that his very person simply defies human understanding. Unlike any counterparts or parallels throughout history, Jesus, being God, and without divesting himself of his divine nature, came to Earth for a singular purpose; to redeem man back to God because of the damage that sin had done.

2 Corinthians 5:19 ~ "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of RECONCILIATION."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lawyer..."She Was A Woman, And She Was A Christian Woman!"

Mark 4:21-23~21-And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? 22-For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. 23-If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

Daystar Television Network Co-Founder's Marcus & Joni Lamb went on secular television to clear the air about marital infidelity and the resulting extortionist threat that they recently experienced. Of course, it would be aired on ABC (About Battering Christianity) News. Well to be fair, I suppose that Marcus Lamb pretty much battered himself more than anything else.  Daystar is the nations second largest Christian Television Broadcasting Network with annual revenues exceeding $75.7Million

According to the Lambs, they were approached by 3 alleged extortioners who wanted $7.5 Million in exchange for silence regarding Marcus's 2007 affair. Although this situation is deftly serious, I couldn't help but notice the attorney's rendering of the affair itself. I think he tried to manage the fallout but created additional fallout by saying that the woman that Marcus had the affair with was a "Christian woman" as if that makes it better...Anyway, you can see it for yourself, thank God for his mercy and Lord help us as believers!

The good news is that at least Mr. Lamb took matters upon himself and had the nerve to go back and try to mend and fix his error and sin instead of invoking this "marriage is for a season" garbage that popular televangelists have invoked in recent times. Secondly, Mrs. Lamb is a stalwart of a woman to work through the painful issues of infidelity in a biblical manner and do it as wonderfully as she has. May God's peace continue to shine upon her.  

The message is this: "We...Church folk...should set our houses in order!" The sin of sexual impurity is not taking any captives, it only seeks to destroy.

To Those On The Fringes:

There is no third party that will provide a godly dimension to your marriage if that third party is not abiding in biblical precepts ministering to both parties of the marriage. Remember, time spent with a woman or a man because you feel like you're in "need" or "lacking an emotional connection", is only a trick of the enemy. If you give yourself to it, only one thing will happen as a result...PAIN!


Update 12/6/2010:

Special thanks to reader Covina, for bringing this to our attention.

Apparrently the Marcus Lamb was not so much of a Lamb in his actions and apparent deceit to the employess of Daystar.  In a suit filed below by one of the plaintiffs, Ms. Jeanette Hawkins, Not only did Mr. Lamb have an affair that lasted more than 5 to 7 years, but alos was engaged in covering the whole mess from employees who depended upon the moral integrity of the Lambs for their ongoing financial security.

It appears that this "Christian Woman" not only appeared on Daystar regularly to "fake da funk" but that after she was exposed was shuffeled off by the Lambs themselves and was given undisclosed amounts of money for her silence. Now the problem is that Mrs. Lamb was also an active part in that particular portion of the coverup?

Now, what do we make of these allegations?

(Either Download or Open file to go to the complete document)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sex In Marriage...Is Polyamory Permissable?

A Must Read If Your Have Been Taught That You Must Be Baptized In Order To Be Saved
A 9pg. PDF of this powerful teaching is available upon request

On To Our Featured Story:
Heb. 13:4 ~"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
 When The Sin Of Polyamory Overtakes A Pastor & Wife
Pastor Cedric Miller and his spouse Minister Kim Miller made the news recently when Pastor Miller first, decided to go on a anti-Facebook campaign, requiring all his church leaders to delete their accounts due to increased instances of marital infidelity among individuals that he was counseling. According to him, most instances of  marital infidelity over the last year or two shared a common thread in that they were inspired in some way by Facebook. Initially, I thought...OK, that's well and good as I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook quite intentionally, because there does seem to be a difference between what some individuals display and what they say...Posing in provocative clothing and in soft-porn style poses may be a way that some find to share the "good news" but it is highly inconsistent as far as I'm concerned. Then, yes, I have seen some "old flames" get reunited by way of the service. After all, the pastor was was trying to keep people from reverting to their "pre-Jesus" past. However the rest of the story is what caught my attention. Come to find out that this pastor and his wife willingly engaged in a three to four way sexual tryst (that is group sex orgies) regularly for an extended period of time while they were yet saved, sanctified, and leading the church after about 13 years of ministry. In other words, this was before Facebook and after his pre-Jesus past...

To summarize, the pastor (Cedric) said that 13 years into his 23 year pastoral ministry, he and his wife and another couple, also members of the church, indulged in closed door orgies. According to him at times he would watch this particular "church assistant" (adding a whole new ungodly dimension to that title) have sex with his wife and and eventually he would join in. The male church member's  spouse (yes, he was married too) was also encouraged to watch the encounters from time to time, and from what I gather participate on occasion. These orgies took place sometimes after bible studies, Sunday services and Monday nights either before during or after the game. (I suppose)
According to Pastor Cedric's sworn testimony, after much time and many orgies had taken place, there was a sudden break in the action. That came When the pastor's wife (Minister Kim) found that the church assistant (the man with whom she was having regular extra-marital group sex) was also having sex with other women in the church, she then became alarmed and wanted the affair and sex to cease. Again, according to sworn testimony, pastor Cedric initially had no idea why his wife wanted to stop the affair. He recounted:
"My wife found out about it and she just wanted nothing to do with what was going on with us,''..."And I didn't know what it was for awhile. And it wasn't till, as the other women came out publicly, that's when I found out about it. So, at first I didn't know why she just didn't want any part of it.''
Now, that's amazing and this whole story is so fantastic, it's unbelievable, but the other part that amazes me equally as much is that 1- they did all of this while pastoring a congregation without missing a beat, and 2- They (Pastor Cedric) acts as if it really doesn't matter because it's all in the past and everyone has been through something. Plus, they've supposedly already discussed this with their church and the church is OK with everything that has happened.

We will discuss what actually happened here and further discuss sex within marriage in the rest of this article.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is Yet Another Church Emerging Out Of The Church Of God In Christ?

As the 103rd Annual Holy Convocation of the Saints of the Church Of God In Christ has ended, we must ask ourselves is another church emerging from the church that we have known? The question may offend some and be dismissed out of hand, but we must take a look and be willing to confront issues asking important and pertinent questions.

Traditionally, the Church Of God in Christ was a church known as a "common mans" church. In other words, the church and church leadership was for the everyday person who was saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. Early on, our style of worship wasn't desired. We were criticized and called "holy rollers" and "holier than thou" among other things. Now even the Methodists and Missionary Baptists incorporate many COGIC inspired practices within their services, including shouting and dancing, which the Saints were known for back in the day. Among the Saints, there were no requirements or "proof" necessary for service, other than anointing, to secure a solid place within the church. The foundation of truth was the most valuable part of the fellowship. There were many talented and gifted people, but because of the social climate, that talent was primarily centered within the church, for the church and by the church.  From the Church Of God In Christ other reformations would later be developed such as the Assemblies Of God, The Apostolic Church, The Pentecostal Assemblies Of The World (PAW), The United Pentecostal Church (UPC), The Glorious Body Church Of God In Christ, The Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church Of God In Christ International and a host of other churches.

Bishop C.H. Mason (9/8/1866- 11/17/1961)
founder Church Of God In Christ Inc.
Mem. TN.

Early on, one did not necessarily need be a professional singer or entertainer. The preacher did not need a degree as long as he was anointed and knew the scriptures. One certainly did not need a television ministry, a certain amount of money, or some other qualification in order to be validated by the Saints. The "roots" of this church were embedded in anointing, bible belief and the impartation of the Spirit through Holy Ghost manifestation  sanctification and sincerity.  Prayer warriors were the one called to conduct revivals, and they were not grasping the microphone to be seen. they allowed their works to speak for them.

From its humble beginnings in 1897 as a holiness church under the leadership of C.H. Mason, J.A. Jeter, and C.P. Jones, to its reorganization as a pentecostal/holiness church in 1907 until recent times, the roots of the church were hailed as valuable to helping individuals understand the nature of God, the church and the uniqueness of the Saint in this world. The Saint was proud to display a difference of being light in a world of sin and darkness. In fact calling one another "Saints" sprung out of the Church Of God In Christ as the Baptist church didn't call their members by that term and the Catholic church held that designation for those who were dead or who had departed from this life.

There were other differences in the organization itself. For instance, the timing and the place of annual Holy Convocation, the churches primary annual gathering of its adherents, was established around the agricultural practices of farming communities in the south who, around November, would be finished with harvesting their fields, preparing for the winter, and looking forward to a new year. By this time money would have been made and the leaders would have time to spend praising the Lord for an extended period of time. The meeting would always be held in Memphis, TN. as Memphis since 1907, was the headquarters and primary location of the church.  At that time they, the church, by way of it's primary body, the General Assembly, would undertake important issues and chart the course of the church as to what it would practice, establishing or altering rules  and certain regulations and generally carrying on the business of the church. 

Is There A New COGIC Emerging?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Preacher "Cower Down"...You Might Loose You Might Loose Your Popularity

Here is a Nov. 2009 Interview with Pastor Joel Osteen on The View.

Here is a Nov. 2010 interview with Pastor Joel Osteen on The View

As you can see a pastor, described by Barbra Walters as one who "tries to stay away from controversy", has done it again. Pastor Joel Osteen has proven once again that he can cower down better than most, to the liberal and social elite. What Barbara meant to say is that Pastor Joel stays away from "certain controversial subjects that would damage his public perception". What is amazing is that the controversy that ignites the church doesn't seem to bother Pastor Osteen. It would seem that any controversy that that would damage book sales, diminish church attendance or otherwise cause cause individuals to question his smile, are the only types of controversies that he will avoid.

Pastor Osteen declares that he doesn't think that homosexuality is "God's best for 'your' life" that is not to say that "it's not God's best making us" and goes on to suggest that Pastor Swilley, who recently announced his homosexuality after years of ministry, may have had an excuse and or reason to become a homosexual...This is certainly a CAVEMAN moment!

I would like to ask Joy Behar, where is her evidence that homosexuality is not a choice? Where is any evidence that individuals were born homosexuals? Where is her evidence that sexuality in general is not a choice? All sex is a choice and inclinations that we now call "orientation" are meant to be handled, dealt with and controlled. They are not intended to control us as individuals. One thing we know for certain is that the human race would not exist without heterosexual sexual activity. This by nature is normal and in line with the existence of life itself. Out of control "orientations" not only produce homosexuals, it also produces rapists, pedophiles, polygamists, masochists, swingers and a host of other types of sexual deviations and deviants.

Is the realization that what a person likes is wrong or unacceptable something that individuals should apologize for? I think not, otherwise we owe every prisoner in prison a pardon and a do-over no matter how heinous the crime.  No criminal liked the judgement of their sentencing judge and or jury, but should society apologize? This is a ridiculous notion.

On Civil Rights And "Backlash"

Does making note that homosexuality as a sexual practice and lifestyle is wrong create an hysteria and backlash against homosexuality? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What about preaching against adulterers? There are certainly some of them in church and out of church. Is there a "backlash" against them because of the church's stance on the issue? Tying abuse, mental stress, and bullying to the sin of homosexuality may be novel and may sound like a valid reason to accept homosexuality as a practice, but in reality is one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by the homosexual rights proponent today. The problem is that one can insert any sexual practice for homosexuality and make the same argument. tying the argument to issues of civil rights is yet another cop out. It is a cop out partially because homosexuals can stop being homosexuals and all sex is a choice, whether one knows it, realizes it or not, whereas race and ethnicity is permanent, cannot be changed, genetically inspired and is not in the same category.   

On "Homophobia"

Sin causes us to like things that we shouldn't and the sin of homosexuality is no different. It is not modern thinking to pretend that something damaging to both the body, mind and spirit is valuable or good. To do so is the ultimate fantasy and far from reality. The word "homophobic" is a made up word that does not apply to anyone who denounces homosexuality as a valid sexual and relationship practice. We also deny pedophilia, murder, rape and incest...are we "phobic" against them? NO...we simply pronounce and stand for the TRUTH of nature and creation.

The Cost Of Ministry

It may cost associations, political aspirations and our life to stand up for and pronounce the truth of the gospel clearly and every preacher that focuses on crowds, attention and manages popularity and public perception is simply not ready to be used by God.

John 6:59-69~"59-These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 60-Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? 61-When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? 62-What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? 63-It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 64-But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 65-And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66-From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67-Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 68-Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. 69-And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."

Real Ministry is not pretty and cute as the deceivers have made it out to be. Real ministry is about facing ugly situations, standing against the wind, placing one's self in the way for the sake of God, right and the community that needs direction of truth. Unlike the part bible that Woopie reads, the bible actually teaches that  God is NOT the only one we answer to here on earth. We answer to one another as we are accountable to one another. then, the preacher, the god sent and God inspired preacher is a key part to the plan. The bible still says:

Rom. 10:14- 15 ~ "14-How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15-And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"

The God sent preacher and minister is essential to the growth of a healthy and blessed community.  That minister may not be popular as other count popularity, but to do the will of Christ is the goal and must be the aim.  Don't cower down to the enemy, the life of the community may be in your stand!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

When The Church Is Silent

The Podcast pertaining to this article is "What Has The Church Become Pt. 3" 

 Since her show in which Tyler Perry presented his startling revelations of childhood physical and sexual abuse, Oprah Winfrey has increased her conversation on the issue of sexual molestation especially as it pertains to men.

In her mini-series on the issue, Oprah has presented an audience and panel of guests consisting of over 200 men that have suffered and experienced sexual abuse at the hands of either parents, adults, or other family members, and yes…even religious leaders, during their lifetimes.

Two of the formerly abused include twins Patrick and Kevin who were 8 years old church workers who were sexually molested by their priest almost everyday for over 13 years. At one point the priests would pay them for their services as if they were prostitutes. One of the twins, Patrick, said:

"It started with just simple spanking,"… "I'd go over his knee, and he'd casually touch our private parts."
During the most horrific event, multiple priests gang raped he and his brother as if they were solely there for their perverted sexual pleasure. Kevin said:

"I can remember smelling alcohol on their breath,"..."[They] held us against our will."…”You go to school and come back and do your homework or slip in a little abuse during the day during school or after school,"
In my post, 'Have you been A Victim of Clergy Sexual Misconduct', we find that all abuse is evil, but sexual abuse from clergy seems to be especially gut wrenching because it is not only a violation of the spiritual body, but also of the spirit. This is the devastating effect of CSM and the effect that many of the gentleman on Oprah’s panel have discussed.

Where Is The Church?

Aside from shuffling offenders from place to place to cover their atrocities, or providing out of court settlements and loosing places of worship as a result of settlements or judgments that exceed insurance

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Watch This" Pt. 5 ~ The Bishop's Response

As he said, he wanted to do his talking in court and not in the media. There are some specific reasons for this. Here is the latest information on Bishop Eddie Long's response to allegations of sexual abuse and clergy sexual misconduct.

The Bishop's response to each individual complaint can be found by clicking the following PDF file links, however it is clear that the Bishop believes that he is innocent of any sexual misconduct allegations, and that the court should drop all charges and make the plaintiff's pay all costs associated with the whole mess.

1- Anthony Flagg PDF

Interestingly enough Bishop Long offers a section called "Affirmative Defense" beginning on pg. 25 of the 32 pg PDF. Under AD 3 he states that the complaint should be barred (the lawsuit against him) because of the Statute of Limitations. Stating that even if true the complaint took too long to surface from realization of damage to allegation and suit. Under AD 6 he claims the suit should be denied because of "the doctrine of unclean hands" specifying that the court should also consider the plaintiff to be at fault for his circumstance.

2- Spencer LeGrande PDF

This too is a very interesting denial of allegations in what is probably the most sexually charged lawsuit filed. According to the Bishop, on trips his room was always open to everyone traveling with him, meals were for the group and at no time did any of the intimate details of the allegations occur, although there may have been an occassion when they were innocently and incidently alone.

3- Jamal Parris PDF

This one is interesting in that Jamal Parris claims that he accompanied Bishop Long to San Francisco on occassion under his claim, allegation 45. In the Bishop's response he claims that he has never been to San Francisco period (pg9). As I stated, somebody is lying. Who is it?

4- Maurice Robinson PDF

Saturday, November 6, 2010

103rd Annual Holy Convocation ~ Great God, Good Lord...Say What???

Listen to "COGIC-What Has The Church Become?" Pt. 2 to hear a personal message regarding our opportunity at the 103rd annual gathering. 

The 103 Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God in Christ will convene for the first time in St. Louis, MO.  Nov. 8th -16th 2010. This event is historic in many ways:

1- This is the first time in church history that the convocation has ever been held anywhere other than Memphis, TN.

It is said that the move from Memphis was not only about accommodations but also about saving money. Reportedly, the church will save well over $1 Million annually by moving the church away from Memphis. Secondly, the convenience of being able to have a single place for the meeting as opposed to various locations was overwhelmingly and logistically appealing. For sure there are bound to be many different and new faces in St. Louis as some of the old guard don't plan on attending.

2- Although there has been a call from our Presiding Bishop to fast and pray for the past month, unfortunately, that hasn't changed the fact that the featured or publicized speakers this year are either not part of the Church Of God In Christ or are some of the most liberal ideologues in the country.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tyler Perry & The Place Of Parted Company

Hear The Accompanying Audio Podcast

This week playwright and comedian Tyler Perry was on the Oprah Winfrey Show detailing, for the first time, his history of physical abuse, sexual abuse and the adult life struggles that ensued as a result. Tyler described times when beatings were so severe that he once blacked out for 3 days, and sexual abuse from both men (3 before age 10, including one minister who performed oral sex on him) and at least one woman that also wanted to fulfill her lust with a child. Here's a video excerpt of one of the events of physical abuse that changed Tyler forever:

Tyler Perry's description of his early years:

"[It was] a living hell,"...(When shown this picture) "That's hard for me to look at,"..."I feel like I died as a child."..."I could go to this park [in my mind] that my mother and my aunt had taken me to. ... I'm there in this park running and playing, and it was such a good day," he says. "So, every time somebody was doing something to me that was horrible, that was awful, I could go to this park in my mind until it was over."

Tyler Perry on coming to know God: 
"I thought, 'What is the point of living?'" he says. "My mother was truly my saving grace, because she would take me to church with her. I would see my mother smiling in the choir, and I wanted to know this God that made her so happy. If I had not had that faith in my life, I don't know where I would be right now."
Let Me Be Clear:

At first, I was under the impression that this interview would be like the Kirk Franklin interview simply outlining the numerous sins and hypocrisy of yet another popular gospel personality. After viewing the show and listening intently to what was said, I can only say that I have a new, deeper and more profound respect for Tyler Perry and what he has endured. I part ways with the punditry that continues to criticize and mischaracterize this man's experiences and desires. Although there is legitimate, ongoing conversation that must be encouraged, I hear LOUD and CLEAR, by his own testimony that Tyler is not nor has ever been a homosexual.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pastor Burnett, 877 Blessed & Chicago Radio

Sunday Oct. 17th 2010 Pastor Harvey Burnett, founder of New Bethel Ministries and The Dunamis Word blog, will be the featured Pastor on "The Power That Worketh" radio broadcast on station WSRB Soul 106.3 FM Chicago at 3:30 PM CST. 

This will be a 15 minute segment and there will be a live internet stream. So please tune in. Simply click the WSRB link above and the "Listen Live" tab and you're in. 

This segment, on a secular station, is called 'The Pastor's Round Table' where there will be discussion about the mission of the church in the communities in which we live. The host of the show is Mr. Curtis Green the founder of 877 Blessed877 Blessed is a church locator designed to connect individuals with churches in their area all over America.  

Be sure to tune in. This is bound to be a powerful 15 minute


Monday, October 11, 2010

Homosexuality & Biblical Condemnation...Does He Really Mean Me?

Recently at the Parchment & Pen website, one of the commentors recently rendered a comment that I found to be extremely pertinent to many current issues regarding the church, society and homosexuality. I thought I wanted to share it with you and have some conversation addressing many of the current issues dealing with the subject. Here's the comment:
"I am very struck by the (for the most part) sincere efforts most of your commentators are making to find a loving way of seeing or dealing with homosexuals, given that Paul clearly links them with thieves, perjurers and enslavers (though he does seem to think they have "abandoned" heterosexual activity in favour of being "inflamed with lust"). I am (very slowly, and stumblingly) making my own progress towards God, with the help of the Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture. My trouble is that I have been in a same-sex relationship for some 40 years now. I never abandoned heterosexual activity, as I never really tried it (apart from a few teenage fumbles). I am no longer inflamed with lust (I doubt I ever was) so I could quite easily forgo any abominable (or is it unclean?) physical activities anyone cares to list. I can also think of many things during our live together which I regret and can repent. However, either I, or the devil, or something, have managed to percieve that life together as the absolute epitome of God-given love. It would be the most monstrous ingratitude - on the spiritual as well as human level - if I were to regret the merest glimmer of the love I have received and felt. I wish to praise God for it and to thank him with all my heart - which is why I am seeking a pathway to him. But I stumble at Paul's obvious disdain for rampaging perverts. Does he really mean me?"
As you can see the commentor poses some very interesting questions and statements. What I would like to do with this post is take the time to address issues and misconceptions, especially in light of the current state of affairs often presented by media, that religion and Christianity in particular is intolerant to what we would consider sinful lifestyles and is responsible for much psychological pressure against homosexual individuals.

The Acceptance Of Sin

The writer makes the comment that Paul links homosexuality with the worst that humanity has to offer. What we should ask is the linking of "perversion"  as he identifies it, unique to the naming of homosexual behaviour, and is the homosexual especially or unusually singled out in Paul's writing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Watch This" Pt. 4~ "You Are Not A Man, You're A Monster!"

Jamal Parris, the eldest plaintiff in the sexual misconduct suit currently levied against Bishop Eddied Long, New Birth MB Church and LongFellows Academy looks into the camera and send a message directly to the bishop regarding his filed sexual abuse lawsuit. Here is what he had to say to Fox 5 of Atlanta:

On one side there is a church cheering it's leader. On the other there is at least 4 young men who share essentially the same or similar story and clearly outline what seems to be a horrific story of both manipulation, guilt, and confusion which has led to a horribly damaged worldview and memories that cannot be erased.

The following from Atlanta V-103's Wed. AM interview with the Fox News I-Team and lead reporter Dale Russell who also spent over 3 years investigating the BVishop Earl Paulk scandal which yet continues at some level to this day.

Pt. 2:

Pt.3 ~ "Did Anyone AT The Church Know?"

Could this be a shakedown of epic proportions? Or could the bishop have followed the steps of Earl Paulk thinking that he could escape? Let God be the judge but we have nothing to be proud of in all.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Watch This" Pt. 3 ~ Don Lemon, "No Winners"...What Of The Victims?

CNN host Don Lemon stepped up courageously and revealed his experience of being molested as a child during a recent interview with 3 youth from the embattled New Birth MB Church. The interview is gripping and the silence from the young people speaks volumes. I was moved to tears. 

Bishop Long has promised to fight these allegations but the truth cannot be overlooked that something is terribly wrong and as Don states, there can and will be "no winners" as a result of this entire situation. As was stated, with all that is at risk, and the fact that men generally don't talk about such things, yet alone lie about them, does not speak in favor of the Bishop or the church. Further, the actual complaints from the complaintants is not only against the Bishop, but also against the church, the LongFellows Academy and certain named personnel, (Andrew Moman and April McLaughlin) who were said to be facilitators of the Bishops reported actions. Three of the suits along with specific language and charges can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. Reminder they are graphic in some parts and date specific in others.

What Of The Victims  

With all of the support shown for the Bishop, I began to wonder would anyone support the victims as seriously and diligently? Under any other circumstance, and under any other condition, the church would be the primary and foremost institution calling for truth, righteousness and justice and demanding that the guilty party be dealt with.  

From this situation it is clear that COGIC isn't the only church slow to respond with victims advocacy for clergy sexual misconduct. This seems to be a problem facing the black church in general. In addition, it is clear that there is a conflict over how a church should conduct itself even when the most popular individuals in it are under suspicion of certain public failure. Should the church praise and support it's most popular to the shame and embarrassment of the victim? Or should the church demand that the process proceed swiftly and quickly before the Lord and the council of the church? What should the leader do in the meantime? Fight or step aside?

For certain, the victims need to be healed and the courts cannot do that. The victims here include Eddie Long, but certainly include his wonderful wife, family and the individuals bringing forth the suit. There is deep seeded pain and trouble as a result of these allegations and what the people do in response to them. As I have stated, I hope will ALL that is within me that Bishop is not guilty of any of these dastardly charges, however, even if he is innocent, there are some things torn up that only God can rebuild and there are some commitments that not only New Birth must make, but that the church must make which includes addressing all the issues that have arisen as a result of this tragedy.  

Monday, September 27, 2010

The apostle Of Inclusion

The Pearson/Inclusionist Lie: "Usually the people that speak the most vociferously against something, are dealing with it in their own lives."

The Truth:

1- Jesus spoke most vociferously against sin and transgression against God. Was he dealing with it in his own life?

Absolutely NOT!

2 Cor. 5:21 ~ "For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

2- Paul spoke vociferously against sin and the transgression of God and his law. Was he dealing with it in his own life? The apostates of this world want you to believe that, but the truth is the LIGHT, Paul WASN'T a sinner for Christ.

3- The OT Prophets, NT Apostles and all books of the bible speak vociferously against sin, many even naming homosexuality as one of those sins. Are we to assume that both the writers of these books and holy men of God were dealing with "it" in their own lives?

We would be deceived if we didn't already know the truth. This may fit the court of public opinion and human righteousness, but it fails to satisfy the standard of holiness and righteousness of God. We are not deceived with smooth orators and vain words, neither are any of us ashamed to stand against sin, unrighteousness and perversion.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 6

ABC's Good Morning America in effort to "get beyond the rhetoric" and do what I call "sanitize" perceptions toward Islam produced the following snippets called "Faith and Fear: Islam In America" Now the title in itself declares the aim of the program to distinguish the difference between faith and fear as it pertain to Islam, but this "discovery" is something that the American public is to find with the assistance of good ole journalist reporting of course.

Here's the video and I'll discuss a few of the more important and erroneous points presented afterward

Defining Truth And Redefining Islam

First Robin says that the intent of this particular series was to take a "true look at the faith and why there are so many questions about Islam" This segment presents these basic questions premises and makes the following assertions:

1- Robin, at the beginning of this story, expresses the first FALSE sentiment regarding Islam. She states that Islam has come under suspicion SINCE 9/11 and has been the target of anger and violence within America.

There is nothing further from the truth and more fanciful. First, Christians have not responded violently to Islam within America or anyplace else over the globe. The FACT is that the Islamic response to America has been filled and riddled with violence far before  9/11:
  • 1979 Muslim students seize the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and hold 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
  • 1979 U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan was set on fire by Muslim fundamentalists.
  • 1982, 37 Americans were taken hostage by Hezbollah in Lebanon last American to be freed from this incident was freed in 1991.
  • 1983 at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut the U.S. and French military barracks was bombed by multiple suicide bombers killing 350 people including 241 U.S. Marines.
  • 1985 Hezbollah hijacked a TWA jet to Beirut killing a U.S. Navy diver.
  • 1988 an Islamic group was responsible for the murder of 259 passengers on board a Pam Am jetliner over Scotland.
I haven't even made it to the failed World Trade Center bombings in Feb. 1993 which killed 6 people and injured 1,000 on American soil long BEFORE 9/11.

"Watch This" Pt. 2 ~ What Has the Church Become?

All condolence goes out to the remaining family of the person formerly known as Bishop Eddie Long.
(Fox 5 News)  

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Watch This"

Men allege sexual coercion by prominent Atlanta pastor

By the CNN Wire Staff
September 21, 2010 5:45 p.m. EDT


Men file suit against Atlanta-area pastor Eddie Long
One suit alleges Long used his position to coerce sex A Long spokesman denies the allegations

(CNN) -- Two Georgia men have filed suit claiming that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex. The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex. Long took one plaintiff, Anthony Flagg, 21, to overnight trips to a half dozen American cities, Flagg's suit alleges.

"Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of plaintiff Flagg by defendant Long and oral sexual contact," the suit says.

Long spokesman Art Franklin said Tuesday that "we categorically deny the allegations."

"It is very unfortunate that someone has taken this course of action," he said. "Our law firm will be able to respond once attorneys have had an opportunity to review the lawsuit."

The suits are seeking unspecified amounts of punitive damages from Long on various counts, ranging from negligence to breach of fiduciary duty.

The Link to the original story can be found HERE.

Update: 9/22/2010: Here's Number Three


A 3rd person has filed suit against Bishop Eddie Long, at the Dekalb County court, accusing him of using his power as pastor and mentor, to seduce him into having sexual relations with him, states CNN.
23 year old Jamal Parish, from the same church, has alleged that Long has been having sexual encounters with him since he was 16 years old and lasted until he was 22, which was last year.
CNN reports that a spokesperson has informed the media that Bishop Long will hold a press conference on Thursday morning to answer these allegations.

Some have been asking if sexual abuse took place, why didn't the young men seek prosecution. The legal age for consensual sex in Georgia, is 17. 2 of 3 accusers say they were 17 and older when the alleged sexual misconduct started, which may be the reason for the civil lawsuits instead.
One, however, is alleged to have been 16 when the sexual escapades started. According to the lawsuit, he reportedly received a Chevy malibu, was taken on lavish trips to the Turks & Caicos and was even put on the church payroll.

Didn't I just say, let the evidence speak for itself. The Lord will reveal all now won't he?

I would like to add that even though there has been speculation for years regarding this, I pray with ALL that is within me that these stories are untrue. This would be a travesty upon the countless children and families that looked to this ministry and to the cause of Christ and the black church in general. There are many lessons that can be learned BUT I hope that learning that one cannot mix sin with righteousness IS NOT one of them.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Touch Not!

One of our readers rendered the following question:
"I have a question for you what is the boundary that we should not cross when it comes to opposing those who are false teachers and false prophets? I know that 1 Corinthains 5:9-13 tells us to judge those who claim to be save but don't live the life. But many have told me that we shouldn't call out names because we are touching the men of God. But I am a man of God too, and I refuse to sit back and allow this false teachers to preach and teach a lie and cause many to fall into spiritual death. I really need some direction in this area....Can you please help?"
I want to thank Minister Brandon for his question. Please note that this type of question is not new to this site and others who point out specific ridiculousness, sins and heresy of various teachers and supposed preachers within the body of Christ. I want to make a few notes and open it up to all readers (pro or con) for further commentary. I think there are a few different guidelines to remember when doing pointing out sins and heresy in today's church:

To Talk Or Not To Talk?

1- All things must be done in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God is real, HIS people are important (from greatest to least) and they deserve leadership and direction that will help lead them to the cross instead of away from truth. Even though each individual has responsibility for their spiritual condition, leadership can cause people to go astray, suffer and possibly be lost.

Isaiah 9:16 ~ "For the leaders of this people cause [them] to err; and [they that are] led of them [are] destroyed."

Some regard Jesus words as an encouragement to leave those leaders and followers to their own ends: 

Matthew 15:14 ~ "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

However, we must stop and ask the question, does Jesus want people to fall into a ditch? Didn't he do everything he could do to save us from the ditch of sin?. Ie: The words of Jesus weren't fatalistic nor do they encourage leaving the ungodly to their own means nor allowing followers, people who want to do right, to simply be subject to false teachers, teaching and being flat out bamboozled. The path of the Lord must be made plain and laid straight.