Various Items Of Interest
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
When "Gay Day" Comes Your Way ~ The Homosexual Rite Becomes Law
Monday, October 27, 2008
Special Invitation For Your Feedback As Pastor Burnett Shares His Political Views On Live Radio
- The rising tide of homosexuality and the homosexual agenda; who supports it and why?
- Abortion and abortion rights; with all that is at stake, can the Christian, especially the African-American Christian, remain silent on the issue.
- Are constructive homosexual and abortion rights equally as dangerous as leagalization of such rights?
- Black candidacy; does having a African-American in the White House trump all moral and social responsibilities that the church and the believer has?
- Can we expect there to be a political answer for the many problems we face at a grass roots level?
Once again, these issues and others have been especially divisive this year. I have seen ministry friends and associates part ways with one another over this election and especially the endorsement or non endorsement of Senator Barack Obama. I have also seen whole organizations and churches become so enthused over personalities that they don't ask the tough questions or examine the real issues. Can we afford to be blinded to the real issues in 2008?
I have not been derelict in my duties and have outlined my views on this blog already on Barack-ing The Gay Agenda~ Can We Really Say Yes To This Change? and The 100% Change Man. With your prayers I will continue to speak as the Lord has called me no matter what doors men close. With preachers running scared for fear of loosing 501(c)3 status and tithes, without saying, this promises to be interesting.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Holy Hook ----- What?
Special thanks to my East Coast Ministry Coordinator Sister Alicia aka Surokoda. Good lookin' out for this brother as always!
The Bishops NEXT Wife?????
Yes, you read it right. The Atlanta Journal Constitution has reported that Bishop Weeks III will try his hand in the ever popular reality TV market place, only this time it will be done "In The Name Of The Lord"...............WHAT?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Clockin’ Doodle Dumb Convocation Dollas’
Could It Be All About Da Benjamins?
In this case however, I find it hard to believe that Bishop T.D. Jakes is appearing in Memphis, TN. For free or for less than his established fee. Feel free to chime in if you know.
Erroneous Unbiblical Doctrine
Just in case you became confused somewhere in your biblical reading regarding this point, be it known that God didn’t create a woman inside of man. He built (banah – established or made a permanent part of creation) woman (Gen. 2:22) and brought her to Adam. This occurred OUTSIDE of man using the same material substance ie; genome of man aka Adam.
Jakes’s confusion comes in when he misinterprets what Adam expresses when he begins to respond to what God had done:
The phrases "she was taken" (Laqach) "out of man" (‘Iysh) simply means that she (woman) has been received in contrast or differently or separately from a man. This terminology was descriptive of her relationship to man and the creation and not descriptive of her emotional character nature or essence.
To complete the thought, verse 24 begins "Therefore" or because of this union/relationship based on what man has received, and that God has established "shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" In other words the precedent is set for families and cross gender marital unions and relationship growth between male and female individuals.
This scripture has NOTHING to do with attributes or characteristics or the sharing of those characteristics, be they male or female. It has nothing to do with emotions, he-motions or being "sensitive". Neither does the scripture deal in any way with human emotional tendencies It has everything to do with Adam looking for his "kind", finding none before God’s intervention, and receiving what God built for him which was suitable for him and ultimately cleaving to that.
As I Close:
Since undoubtedly, this blog is read by an array of individuals, some of which are COGIC leaders, I simply would like to pose the following questions:
Question 1~ How can the church that has endorsed and promoted the tradition of holiness as espoused by the late great Bishop C. H. Mason become subject and dumb down to false teaching for money and or association's sake?
I know this is not normal because under the Former Presiding Bishop Chandler Owens, Sung Myung Moon offered the church $1 Million for the Memphis pulpit during convocation. Bishop Owens loudly, clearly and unequivocally responded by stating that the Church Of God In Christ WAS NOT a WHORE and IS NOT for sale. Thank you Bishop Owens.
Question 2~ How can we, at the end of the day silently and monetarily endorse heretical and apostate teachers preaching false doctrines?
Question 3~ Is our ability to rub elbows with "popular" individuals a motivating factor as it pertains to what we allow and disallow?
Question 4~ Can we not find ministers within the church or associated with the church that offer sound and stable biblical exegesis and promote and encourage their ministries?
Question 5~ Is anyone willing to deal with the "machine" of big religious organization and how it works?
Question 6 ~ Is the quality of our service truly more important than the quantity of funds, relationships, or associations that we receive from service?
Question 7 ~ Has anyone considered the implications of allowing the proliferation of false doctrine in our primary venue (or any other venue for that matter)? If we can’t bring false teachers such as Jakes to accountability, then we have no business teaching against any false doctrine.
When Worlds & World Views Collide
I wish to stop for a minute to affirm that this blog is not about the choice of political candidates this November. Although I have discussed problems associated with Senator Barack Obama's candidacy, I will not render equal time to Senator John McCain because I believe the problems he poses are far too many to innumerate at the moment. I will say however that he (Senator McCain) should be ashamed for taking what I feel is a good and sincere woman and attempting to use her as a pawn for votes. With that said, I'll get to the point of my article.
The firestorm began when MSNBC TV host/commentator or whatever he claims to be, Keith (Dry Bag-O-Bones)Olbermann decided to "expose the truth" about Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin. In his TV "expose" he suggested that Mrs. Palin was a religious fanatic because she had been blessed by and was excited about a Pastor from Kenya, Africa named Bishop Thomas Muthee.
In summary, the Bishop claimed that in 1989 God led he and his late wife to the town of Kiambu, Kenya where he founded Word Of Faith Church also called The Prayer Cave to address the spiritual cause of mysterious deaths that were occurring. God responded by leading him to a woman called "Mama Jane" and revealed that she was a "witch" divining and controlling the city with her craft. Mama Jane ran a center called the Emmanuel Clinic and made her profit by fortune-telling. He testified that he asked "Mama Jane" to quit her craft and repent to no avail. He then went back to his church continuing in fasting and prayer and verbalized that they as a church were in spiritual warfare against the principality of evil, and "Mama Jane" was the primary instrument that was being used of the devil. In fact the Bishop offered scripture as a foundation and basis for addressing the issue:
Ultimately the church undertook round-the-clock prayer and intercession in the basement of a grocery store and "eventually", says the pastor, “the demonic influence – the ‘principality’ over Kiambu –was broken”, and Mama Jane fled the town.
Now, of course, this is way too much for the uninitiated and the unregenerate to digest. In fact most scriptural fundamentalists shy away from the thought that God will "speak" and give instructions according to HIS spiritual leading and that we actually ARE in war with spiritual and unseen forces and powers. The antisupernaturalist and metaphysical naturalist "supposedly" only believe what they can see and measure through scientific methodology. These events however, have made Governor Palin suspect in the minds of the naturalist and theistic fundamentalist and guilty of spiritual delusion by association. What association?
Well, it just so happens that Bishop Murthee gave about 10 sermons at governor Palin's church. At The Wasilla Assembly of God on June 8 this year, Mrs Palin described how Bishop Thomas Muthee had laid his hands on her when he visited the church as a guest preacher in late 2005, prior to her successful gubernatorial bid. He prayed for her finances and her success in obtaining the position and she was encouraged to proceed against the odds and won.
The problem is that because the Bishop is not ashamed of the bible and its message he has suffered at the hands of critics. Sarah Palin, no doubt at the pressure of political advisers, has disassociated herself from her church and claimed up regarding bishop Murthee. What is astounding is that many of the critics also claim salvation. One thing is certain, most if not all of the critics don't know about spiritual warfare in countries similar to Africa. Bill Donohue said,
"Witchcraft is a sad reality in many parts of Africa, resulting in scores of deaths in Kenya over the past two decades. Bishop Muthee’s blessing, then, was simply a reflection of his cultural understanding of evil. While others are not obliged to accept his interpretation, all can be expected to respect it. More than that—Muthee should be hailed for asking God to shield Palin from harmful forces, however they may be manifested. And for this he is mocked and Palin ridiculed?"..."We know that many cultural elites have a hard time embracing religion, but is it too much to ask that they at least show some manners when discussing subjects which most Americans hold dear?”~ Bill Donohue The Catholic League
Secondly, too many individuals, Christian and non-Christian, don't have a clue as to what the bible teaches about witches, diviners and mediums:
Third, there are individuals and groups that operate in principalities that rule and govern certain areas and communities many claiming to have communion with Christ. Isaiah speaks against those that use the WORD of God as a validation for their evil practices:
I have my own personal experience in addressing the Principalities that exist in certain communities. (Pastor H. Burnett of New Bethel COGIC & Pastor Bob Randle of Higher Dimensions Worship Ctr. pictured)
- We declared the Liberty and freedom from the oppression of the spiritual power that was endangering our children and causing fear within the community.
- We declared that the power of the enemy displayed through crime and violence would be brought under subjection and stamped out.
- we declared that the Christian community would gain strength, and rise to combat the enemy
- We declared that we would march as representative to taking back our community from the hands of the devil himself.
- I read this scripture: James 5:16 ~ "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
I was in recognition that we were dealing with a principality that wanted to destroy our community. Even though no single individual was responsible for the problems, we looked beyone the natural to see what we were dealing with spiritually. We addressed the problem directly. I still believe in pulling down and destroying "strong holds" Our event led to other events some of which which we sponsored. Additionally the city gathered themselves in prayer vigils throughout the community culminating in a 40 days of prayer celebration led by various churches and groups. Those prayer meetings yet continue to this day.
To THIS DAY, there has never been another week like the week of June 25th 2007 in Peoria, IL. In fact, crime in most categories is more that 60% LESS than it was last year. The murder rate has decreased by 75% and is not even potentially what it was previously.
What happened? To the skeptic, it's all coincidental. However to those of us who know better and have open eyes to the battle that we really fight, we dealt with and gained the victory over a principality, power and spiritual wickedness that tried to choke out our community. Plain and simple. To the religious critic I simply ask who's side are you really on? To criticize an individual for applying the bible and biblical instruction to an area where obvious spiritual warfare is essential is similar to a Sadducee in Jerusalem on the Passover---You just refuse to participate...But I ask this:
Exodus32:26 ~ "Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him"
I gladly clash with the culture to be on the Lord's side. The secular critic can criticize all he or she wants but the proof is in the metheod, which is the WORD, the events which destroy yokes off of the lives of the people and the results, which change communities, families and restores hope. All the natural programs in the world won't change the heart of an individual, only God can do that, and he does it by the power of HIS Spirit. Jesus is Lord!