Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Praying For The Healing Of AIDS?

On Sunday Aug. 17th 2008, the CBS Evening News featured a story on an organization called RAIN (Regional AIDS Interfaith Network). The impetus of the story was to uncover the alarming rates of HIV and AIDS infections among African American individuals especially in the Southern United States. The report was that although African Americans, by demographic, only make up 19% of the population of the South, we somehow manage to represent 56% of all new diagnosed HIV infections.
An August 8th article at Charlotte stated the following:
  • "The South is now the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in this country. We have the highest number of adults and adolescents living with and dying from AIDS. (Southern States Manifesto: Update 2008). The South does not get the attention or funding to adequately address prevention, treatment care and housing."
Along with setting forth information of the current conditions, the story also set out to uncover the religious community's relationship to this resurgence. The report claimed negligence and absenteeism by the black church in dealing with people both infected and affected by HIV/AIDS virus. Repeatedly representatives form RAIN claimed that the Black church has been disengaged in ministering to the needs of individuals with HIV and AIDS within the Black community and community in general.

This Deserves A Much Closer Look

On June 27th 2008 the Washington Post.Com reported what the CDC (Centers For Disease Control) called the current resurgence of HIV/AIDS in the United States a "2nd wave epidemic". The CDC reports a a 12% rise per year in reported HIV infections among young black gay males ages 13-24. The reported stated the following:

  • " The study found that homosexual men were the only risk group in which the number of new infections rose annually from 2001 through 2006. (Epidemiologists prefer the term "men who have sex with men," or MSM, because many of them do not identify themselves as homosexual or gay.)"

The week of Aug. 11th 2008, NBC News reported an Associated Press discovery that treatment for men with HIV/AIDS is inadequate. Reporting on the same story stated:

  • "In 86 nations, homosexual sex is considered a crime, and in seven countries it is punishable by death, according to the Foundation for AIDS Research, known as Amfar. During the conference's inauguration, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged nations "to follow Mexico's bold example and pass laws against homophobia." "In 2003, Mexico banned discrimination based on sexual orientation, and it has opened what it calls homophobic-free health clinics. The government has a national campaign that includes radio spots with mothers accepting their gay sons. Saavedra's program has earmarked 10 percent of its $12 million budget toward prevention among gay and bisexual men."
The RAIN website said the following:

  • "RAIN hosts the nation’s largest minority CareTeam program. The Minority program targets the African American community through African American congregations. RAIN is a national partner with the Balm in Gilead and sponsors the Black Church Week of Pray for the Healing of AIDS. The minority program staff hosts Pastors Summits providing culturally appropriate theology training for ministers and lay leaders."
"culturally appropriate theology training for ministers and lay leaders"

What does this little statement mean?

This means that RAIN is teaching churches and church leaders to respect the diversity of sexual lifestyles within the African American community. In the CBS report one minister proclaimed that the church shouldn't be known for its "homophobia" and that stigma against the church created by the church must cease. In essence the suggestion was that the church engage the gay community with "love" and "tolerance" instead of with "love" and "truth".

Here we have two things inextricably woven together to create the greatest emotional response, and stir up unrest against the bible and the church. The seeming objective of RAIN and other organizations is to use the resurgence of the epidemic of HIV/AIDS and inadequate medical care associated with it, as being directly associated with issues of religious tolerance.
In other words the suffering of individuals with HIV/AIDS is being exploited and used as a camouflage in an attempt to reinculturate the church in the acceptance of ungodly and unbiblical value systems, thereby committing the church and church leaders in accepting, allowing and having regard for the homo-agenda and the homosexual lifestyle.

One Thing That RAIN Does Not Teach Or Promote Is Repentance From The SIN Of Homosexuality

I acknowledge that NOT every HIV/AIDS infection is solely the result of homosexual activity or sin. In fact current statistics affirm that the largest segment of new HIV infections in the United States are among heterosexual black women. Many of these women contracted the disease from their male lovers, "friends with benefits", and in some cases husbands.

I acknowledge that anyone who has contracted this disease should have access to the most proficient medical care available to anyone with a life threatening illness.
I acknowledge that anyone should not face any sort of discrimination or lack of care because of the disease.
I acknowledge that the medical profession and social service agencies should treat the HIV/AIDS virus like any other illness that is currently allowable in their system.
I acknowledge that the human aspects and devastation of this dreaded disease cannot and should not be overlooked.

Simultaneously, I also acknowledge that it is inappropriate to ask the church to change it's message against the sin of homosexuality and non marital sexual relations simply because individuals are infected with this deadly disease.

Some call this sentiment cold, unfeeling, callous and insensitive. I would respond to that accusation by presenting the following three points:

1- The New Testament message against sexual immorality is clear. All sexual sin is grievous (Gal. 5:19). Although most individuals clearly acknowledge the Old Testament mandate against homosexual activity, it should also be acknowledged that the New Testament has set forth a convincing and solid case against homosexuality and homosexual behavior as well as other sexually immoral behaviors. I have set forth and affirmed the New Testament Case against homosexuality HERE. The church should remain stable in the acknowledgement of the Word Of God and remain steadfast against the special pleading of RAIN, Balm In Gilead, and/or any other organization that addresses this issue suggesting that the church must change.

2- The church is not a social service agency. The world's vision of the church is no greater than the "sifted" and powerless social gathering. The world views the church as a glorified and unfunded social service respot and in many cases a mere marketing opportunity. To the contrary, the church that Jesus established has a mission is to draw men and women to salvation through preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Mt. 28:19) Part of that mission is to preach against sin. (Isa. 58:1) with love and humility. Without equivocation, homosexuality is a sin and must be preached against. I submit that the epitome of being unfeeling is to minister to a person's physical or emotional condition with no or little regard for their spiritual welfare and behavioral and spiritual condition.

3- The church should be careful as not to interfere with the judgement of God upon certain sins and behaviors. If we are not careful, vicariously, the church could become guilty of endorsing unrepentant sin. I acknowledge that this is the most emotionally charged part of this discussion, and a point that fuels rage among many.

Many individuals assert that the HIV/AIDS virus is a judgement against homosexuality but they do not explain how. In the following I will attempt to provide the biblical precedent as to why the church must continue to be on the Lord's side of this issue no matter what type of pressure is exerted from organizations such as RAIN and Balm In Gilead.

Part I: The Establishment Of The Justice Of God.
As any other attribute of God, HIS ability to judge and judge righteously cannot be overlooked, diminished or set aside for our convenience. The church must continue to be made aware of the judgement of God because judgement will first begin at the church.
1 Peter 4:17~ "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"
Scripturally, when God moves in judgement, those that oppose HIM are often cast aside and in many cases included in that judgement.
In Judges 19, we have a story of a Levite who had an unfaithful wife. She left him for a season and ended up at her father's house. To cut to the heart of the issue, after the Levite recovers his wife they end up spending the night in Gibeah which was part of the Tribe Of Benjamin. An "Old Man" of Mount Ephraim that lived in Gibeah ended up taking them into his house to lodge for the night. As it got darker and later the true problem of the city became magnified:
Judges 19:22 ~"Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him."
The term "sons of Belial" was used to indicate men who had an evil nature and evil intentions. These men ruled the night of the city and were certainly observant of the changes that took place in the are with a purpose of exploiting weakness. They were also homosexual and bisexual men and at the very least men who believe that having sex with other men and strangers were permissible acts.
Now it should be remembered that these "sons of Belial" were descendents the Gibeonites who, approximately 200 years earlier, (Joshua 6-8) deceived Joshua and the Elders of Israel into an agreement of protection from the Amorites by pretending to be sojourners and strangers instead of residents of the land.
The Levite eventually gave his wife to these evil men and they sexually abused he and killed her(Judges 19:27)
That incident prompted the following actions:
Judges 19:29 ~ "29-And when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel. 30-And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds."
After this incident, the Levite cut his wife's body into 12 pieces and sent them to the elders of Israel. This represented a message of distress and untold despair. Once the elder's received this they met the Levite in Mizpeh (Judges 20:1). In this council it was decided that all of Israel would go up and make war against Gibeah.
The Benjamites were bound to protect the Gibeonites and the inhabitants of Israel resided in the city also. The message and response was clear:
Judges 20: 19~ "Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:"
The Benjamites refused to hear the council of God because they were busy "protecting" the people from God's judgement. This led to the loss of 26,000 Benjamite soldiers in the battle (Judges 20:35) and an utter destruction of the city.
Four Things Are Interesting To Note Here:
  1. The deceit of the Gibeonites graduated to other sins for which the Bejamites became responsible.
  2. The sins of the Gibeonites grew to affect the entire region.
  3. The people of God in trying to assist and protect the Gibeonites and "sons of Belial" positioned themselves as enemies of God and HIS righteousness and were judged accordingly.
  4. At NO POINT did the people of God pray for the "healing" of the sin. Sin cannot be healed, it can only be repented of.
AIDS can be healed, SIN can only be repented of and there is a distinguishable difference between the two. The healing of the Homosexual comes when they repent of their SINS which includes their homosexual activity.
In Part 2 I will set forth a deeper biblical precedent and reaffirm the call of God to HIS church.


  1. Pastor,

    This is very well laid out, and in my opinion, exposes yet another face of the larger, globe trotting emergent church. It would seem that RAIN has taken on the task of infiltrating a bastion of orthodox/conservative christianity, namely the many bretheren in the Black church, and is using the HIV/AIDS crisis to try and reinculturate (your word) this part of Christ's body. It's insidious and brilliant at the same time - how else to try and bring about their subtle (heretical) change?

    It all smacks of the "Emergent Global Village" being brought to the nations by the likes of Rick Warren, Brian McLaren (and RAIN), to name but a few. Pastor, you summed it up best: "love" and "tolerance" instead of with "love" and "truth". There is no sin and no repentance required in the emergent church, and certainly no Truth.


  2. Jim~ "It all smacks of the "Emergent Global Village" being brought to the nations by the likes of Rick Warren, Brian McLaren (and RAIN), to name but a few."

    That's it preacher. This is what we are gravitating toward. Seemingly ever since Hillary and the "it takes a village to raise a child" analogy it seems to have been open season on the church to become a part of that "village" and be less of a standard bearer for truth and more of an inclusionary body of people.

    The problem is that our pastors are caving into it. Then some of the ones that preach against it allow it on the other hand because of congregational pressure.

    We need some Holy Ghost NADS-(LOL) If there is such a thing(LOL)


  3. Pastor another outstanding observation!

    I took on the Balm in Gilead in 2002. They are snakes and poison.

    These people (RAIN included) push the belief that teaching against homosexuality helps the spread of AIDS. What warped thinking. Churches should not partner with them.

    I know some say they are helping people with AIDS, yes but ONLY if they stick to medicine and health and stay away from theology. BiG is trying to bridge this gap with their grab bag religion.

    Thanks Pastor, hopefully other pastors will read this and think twice about letting these vipers have access to their sheep.

  4. This article is so on point Pastor Harvey.
    I was reading that story a few months ago in Judges 19. I was studying and the key thing that hit me was "there was no King in Israel."
    God's people turned from Him, doing whatever "they" think is right... whatever the world does to please and exalt "flesh")

    It's the apostate state the church is in today, and what happens when God's people start acting like the world and using "worldly humanitarian tactics" to try to be "relevant" in the world.
    Spiritual and moral decay sets in when the church loses its real vision of going into all the world and preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ...not a watered down, compromising, all inclusive, universal love gospel that makes Jesus looks like He accepted anyone who can say the word "love"
    or any "movement or cause that may have His name "slapped" on it!

    Let's get back to the Truth of calling sin exactly what it is, the effects of it, and the only way to avoid the consequences and penalty of it...through repentence and forgiveness of the blood of Jesus Christ. Living a life of holiness unto the Lord while presenting your body as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. NOT to your "partner", your lover or your addiction. That's what the churches mandate is.

    Let's leave the "natural" awareness programs to those that are established exactly for those very reasons.

  5. godlysoldier~ Yes sister, they put Jesus name on everything that fits their brand of morality. No regard for the truth just a wordly brand of ecumenism{sic} and inclusion.

    I believe that this is similar to the self-exaltation at the Tower Of Babel. Then God came down and visited men and they were further confused. We see yje same level of confusion. The church must stand forth with a clear and distinvt message of truth and holiness.

    Thanks sister

    GCMWatch~ They just "hijacked" the name didn'y they? Balm In Gilead THEY are certainly not. Do you have any updates on BIG itself other than what they are doing through RAIN? Please let us know.

    Also, is COGIC still on their list of supporters?

    Thanks my brother.

  6. The Church is now trying to remedy the symptom rather than the disease. The disease of sin manifest itself in many ways including Homosexuality. It is ONLY by the power of the Holy Ghost that we as saved, sanctified, filled vessels can overcome ANY sin including homosexuality.

    What is happening here is like handing out bomb suits to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah instead of addressing WHY the city is going to get destroyed instead.

    What is most shameful is the fact that the Church is addressing the AIDs virus without trying to present the gospel message to these people. The AIDs virus may eventually kill the body but these Pastors are helping their souls into hell without giving them the true remedy which is salvation for the cure of sin.

    "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

    Oh how these Pastors are failing their calling.



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