Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Emergence Of The Homosexual Rite

Happy Mother’s Day with much peace and love to all of the women that make life and everyday special for all of us who depend upon your love and stability in the midst of this raging tempest and storm we call life. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you!

New-New-New! Antisupernaturalism, Historical Critical Method & Miracles Pt. 1 & 2 is now at Dunamis2. This is a must read for the Bible student looking for the foundation of most new age and humanist philosophical beliefs.

Let no mother think that when she gave birth to a baby boy that somehow she gave birth to a girl or that when she gave birth to a baby girl that somehow she gave birth to a boy. Even in the day of hermaphrodite and cross-gender sensationalism, that has not happened.

Psalms 58:3 ~ "The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies."
These are the days of mind twisters, gender benders and ridiculous and absurd propositions that have gripped our postmodern culture complete with a resurgence of far eastern mysticism, philosophical practice and metaphysical thought.

As time has progressed our culture has been bombarded with assertions, presuppositions, and anti-Christ dogma that has created a chasm between traditional and historic interpretations of Biblical texts and modern day psychological, social, and new age agendas. It would seem that there is an increased desire to boldly, shamelessly and euphorically confess sins and in many cases even blaspheme and condemn God with complete forethought or premeditation.
One such example is the recent confession and supposed "enlightenment" of a former Episcopal Priest, Bob Semes, who proudly says that he "escaped from religion". Mr. Seems formed the Jefferson Center, a secular humanist/ atheist organization, in 2004 after publicly denying his faith and confessing his homosexuality. Although the Episcopal Church has openly embraced homosexuality this former priest went on to deny Christianity in general as a delusional pursuit of the mind:

"Most of my adult life has been spent following an illusion, and now I firmly believe I have managed to shake off most of those formative forces that have shaped so much of my life," he said. "I have come to slowly understand and to believe that the idea of the God of the Judeo-Christian tradition has been and is manufactured by human beings in their own image existing only to enable their daily life to be bearable."

I believe this was a shock to them who were married, buried and baptized by this guy over his 25 to 30 years of ministerial service. (well, except the ones buried…I suppose at the time, they couldn’t be shocked. Y’u-know what I mean) What about those who were counciled by him…by the way I failed to mention that at least on one occasion, one of his members tried to kill him after a counciling session…that could have been a sign that something was wrong…of course he blamed that on the failed system of Christianity to transform lives…
So get this, the SODOMITE becomes intoxicated with his sins, lives a secret life and in some cases a life of denial, gets disillusioned, leaves God and the church, blames God and tacks on (because they live such a raggedy personal life) that there is no God. So, in short, it's all the peoples fault for making him/her believe in God in the first place, and making their lives uncomfortable and miserable???? What Is That?
Have you noticed how personal and individual responsibility is totally out of the picture? There is no assessment of self, self-will, flesh or sin at all…the reasons for either "being" or "not being" are on the shoulders of everyone else.

This sort of worldview gives strength to and helps bolster an underlying belief that the homosexual's human genome was homosexual as opposed to heterosexual. (i.e.: I was born this way!) The question I ask all of the anti-God thinkers, and homosexuals, "Is homosexuality a defect or is it the norm? Is the homosexual genome sequence (if there is such a thing) a product of natural selection or a mutation?"
Since most homosexuals want us to believe that homosexuality is normal and just another diversity of mankind, like skin color, eyes and hair etc., I suppose the next step is that when scientific knowledge allows us to "grow" and manufacture 100% of our children outside of the womb (like in The Matrix), natural selection will finally deliver both heterosexual and homosexual genes so that our species can survive without any social or psychological problems stemming from sexuality or sexual morality….Then, what about the child molestation genome? Wouldn’t we have to make an allowance for that too…Then what about the sexual pervert and rapist genome??? And on, and on, and on…THIS IS ABSURD!

Prov. 14:12 ~ "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
Equally disturbing is an anonymous, currently practicing, homosexual, Catholic Priest in his 50s who said this in response to questions about the Bible and homosexuality,

"This is a complex questions, and certainly not simplistic as some fundamentalists would try to have us believe. One such preacher quoted the gospel to a gay young man, "If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off." The New Testament also tells women to be quiet in church and to cover their heads! Ridiculous to literally apply what was said in a totally different culture 2000 years ago to the modern world. What is said is against abusive or manipulative or demeaning others. Certainly the Bible speaks against "unnatural" acts. Spilling of a man’s "seed" was seen as unnatural – of course this was well before the human ovum was discovered. Didn’t science once believe that masturbation could send you blind?! The value behind what is in the Bible remains true – our sexuality is for others, not just for our own hedonistic pleasure. There is more to life than hedonistic pleasure – more to life than being doped out and dancing with a chair or treating another person as a sexual object. Homosexuality is not yet understood by the sciences. The Bible must be read in that light, trying to see the values that lie beneath it – values that are worthwhile"

As you can see, this currently practicing Priest (Somewhere in the US) who has also been excommunicated by the Pope (when he does decide to reveal himself) has twisted all the issues; combining the sin of homosexuality with the polemic of order in the Corinthian Church. He also notes that "our sexuality is not "just" for our hedonistic pleasure" Whether he believes that homosexuality is hedonistic pleasure or not he doesn’t address. He just goes on to make a value statement depending upon future science and not God for the final answer. In other words his god becomes science and the philosophies of men. His god becomes silent and no greater than material and what we can see with our eyes.
What Does the Bible Really Teach Regarding The Issue Of Homosexuality?

I Cor. 6:9 ~ "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"
Please Go to Homosexuality & The New Testament at our Dunamis2 site for the rest of this story. You don't want to miss this.

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