Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pulpit-Pimp Gone Wild

Mr. Melvin Jones, the Pulpit Pimp Himself encourages his most faithful to "Blaspheme" and exposes his own followers to the judgements of God:

Melvin, "Da Pimp Pimp" Jones, is back at it again, causing his most faithful to continue to blaspheme by encouraging them accredit the works of God to the devil. Mr. Jones who admittedly has served and adhered to the doctrines of The Apostolic Church, The Christian Missionary Alliance Church, The Reformed Presbyterian Church, The Catholic Church, The Full Gospel Church and The Baptist Church (all in one lifetime) became disgruntled some time ago at his wife’s current pastor, Pastor John K. Jenkins, of The First Baptist Church of Glenarden because the pastor allowed Bishop T.D. Jakes to speak at his church and has subsequently established a relationship with him.

In response Melvin "Da Pimp Pimp" Jones established a web site dedicated supposedly to exposing all of them that handle the gospel fraudulently in his opinion. However the web site is actually a anti-Pentecostal site only exposing the "supposed" doctrinal errors of highly visible Pentecostal ministers and ministries.
His latest attack has been against me and the Church Of God In Christ in particular. Crediting the work and move of God to devils and encouraging his followers to do so is one of his favorite MO’s. One of his adherents wrote the following email to me full of blasphemous statements:

{Passah Burette,
First of all, you really surprise me in that you don't seem to take me seriously. You have to understand that I was an Ordained Elder and Asst. Pastor (who refused to take a church as pastor) in the COGIC. I know the "black book" from front to back. It is not a biblically based book. It is no different than the "Watchtower" of the Jehovah's Witness nor the "Book of Mormon" in the LDS. If what you believe about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, etc., comes out of that book, then you are doomed.
The COGIC organization is based off of a falsehood and that it that there is a "second blessing" that leads to "holiness". The bible, including the Historical Narrative Book of Acts, does not support such a thing. If you knew anything about proper biblical interpretation (Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and Exposition) you would know that it is improper to build doctrine from a historical account. You are supposed to go to the didactic portions of scripture to build doctrine. Charles Mason didn't know that and you don't know that. When we first come to Christ in repentance and faith, we get "everything that pertaineth unto life and godliness" (II Peter 1:3)! Everything Passa! We are "made complete in Christ" (Colossians 2:9-10) All this second blessing garbage is American Christianity's quest for "something more". Divine empowerment does not come from some mystical event, it comes from a changed heart and the sovereign calling or assignment of God. That's it!
I knew that you didn't have anything more to offer because there is no more. The Jesus Christ of the bible is enough for me. You can have the Jesus of the COGIC!}

As noted the individual lacked total respect for me as a PASTOR not Passa (whatever that is) and my Christian heritage, even went on to attribute the works of Bishop Charles H. Mason to ignorance and turns the Bible into fantasy and discredits the In Filling of the Holy Ghost. Even goes on to equate the move of God within the Church Of God In Christ to that of know cults and cultic philosophies. Finally, this so called man of God says that he served the Church Of God In Christ for 30 years before deciding not to Pastro a church offered to him, and credits every COGIC Pastor as being blind and led of the devil. For this I responded as follows:

A back-slidden, defunct preacher, who came in off the accolades of YOUR FATHER (who I’M SURE was a GOOD MAN)…But you didn’t pay for your promotion within the church in any way, you probably rode off of your associations and FAMILY name, MORE THAN likely obsessed over some sin in your life, felt convicted because you never did anything but probably "feel good" spiritually, and then had the nerve to become ungrateful and now spend you time bashing the very beliefs that sustained your family for years...
PLEASE! Like Mayor Harold Washington said about the Daily family of Chicago "Why should I RESPECT SOMEONE WHO DIDN’T EARN WHAT THEY GOT and WHO DOESN’T HONOR ME, MY HISTORY OR ANYTHING I STAND?"
FURTHER, you have NO IDEA of what the COGIC Manual is about (IF YOU EVER HAD ONE) AND HAVE THE NERVE TO COMPARE A BOOK OUTLINING LITERGY, DOCTRINAL SUMMATIONS AND DISCPLINARY GUIDELINES... with OCCULT works such as the The Book Of Mormon and the The New World Translation. YOU ARE PITIFUL and a FARCE to the highest degree!}

I also pray that your self-leading and following of other rejecters of the TRUTH of the Baptism Of The Holy Ghost, hasn’t led you into the category of blasphemy and or to the place where God has rejected you or turned you over to a reprobate mind. If you’re angry reading this, THAT’S ONE SURE SIGN THAT YOU’RE ABOUT GONE.

In response to this Mr. Jones has encouraged this man to pursue his blasphemy against both myself and the Church Of God In Christ. Although Mr. Jones has agreed to review and add non Pentecostal ministries to his line of criticisms he has not done so as of yet. This is partially due to the fact that he is also a sensationalist. In other words Pimping his followers for attention.

His site yet remains full of individuals who mock and criticize Pentecostalism and with his encouragement they even go as far as to ridicule tongues, miracles and accredit the move of God to the devil. It is for that blasphemy that Mr. Jones will be brought into judgement by a righteous and just God.

II Peter 3:3 ~ "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,"

Further Mr. Jones, although claiming not to be a minister, leads his followers in Biblical instruction claiming to follow the pattern of hermenutics set forth by reformers such as John Calvin, Martin Luther and Jonathan Edwards. In fact he has exalted their writings and belief to the status of Secondary Apostles. When asked for a Biblical reason why gifts and tongues DON'T exist today, Mr. Jones remains lost in his world of confusion and further asks his faithful to support his beliefs.

Psalms 7:13-17~ "Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate. I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high".

Proverbs 6:16-19~"These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. "

So in short what is the word of God to Mr. Jones?~ REPENT, GET SAVED, and STOP leading your followers to hell and perdition. PULPIT PIMP DOWN CALL 911!


  1. Hello Pastor Burnnett,

    I would like to ask you a few questions. This is not for atagonizing purposes but for education and hopefully mutual edification. Based off your post here, I have come to some logical conclusions, but it would be wrong because they could be assumptions due to the lack of personally knowing you. BTW, I challenged you on Pulpit, just about your tone and conversation. As a shepherd of God's people, I was frustrated and saddened by your lack of tactfulness. You must understand that though Melvin has a huge following, he by no means deems himself a Pastor and definitely not a Superintedent (who happens to have the responsibility of shephereding the shepherd) and most of the posters also don't have such a high calling of shepherding God's people. So again, I am at a lost of words, but let me ask the questions based off of this post.

    1. Are you saying that those who don't believe in a second work of the Spirit or Baptism in the Holy Spirit are apostate?

    2. Do you think you have the right to call someone a non-believer (as you called Melvin) though he holds to the essentials of the Gospel as laid out in 1 Corinthians 15 and the Gospel proclaimed by Paul in the book of Romans (justification by faith, a good confession and fruit that bears this faith)?

    3. If so can you please clarify why you would have such a clear decleration as to know who will spend eternity in hell? This is very dangerous.

    4. Finally can you please define how Melvin claims that "the works of the reformers are a status equating to secondary Apostles"? I would like to know how you come to that conclusion.

    I would love for you to answer these questions. I currently don't believe in a second blessing (I have my biblical reasons), I hold to the doctrine as laid out by the reformers, and I am very skepitcal of many of the gifts being exhibited in our churhes (though I have reversed my belief in them ceasing). I by no standard don't believe that the COGIC denomination are heretics, and I enjoyed the teaching of Dr. Patterson. I think you have made some serious claims here and I would love for you to clear up some of this for me. Thanks Sir, and I too think you should be respected, even if I disagree with you, and the mocking and ridicule is unacceptable, the problem is you have joined thier ways from what I am reading.

  2. Brother Lionel,

    I have no problem with accepting criticism or even answering questions even if we have to conclude to disagree, the problem I have is that Melvin is a PIMP to the highest and flat out lies and denies it through his followers. Many of them are so dedicated and under his influence that they can't see past his lies. He has unashamedly set the stage to promote himself as you say:

    You must understand that though Melvin has a huge following, he by no means deems himself a Pastor and definitely not a Superintedent (who happens to have the responsibility of shephereding the shepherd)

    However, to the contrary Mr. Melvin HAS ASSUMED a leadership role over God's people and does this by seeking to undermine pastors and ministries. This is the fact all one would have to do is review his site. His negativism speaks for itself.

    FYI- you ask this:

    1. Are you saying that those who don't believe in a second work of the Spirit or Baptism in the Holy Spirit are apostate?

    I answer that question at

    2. Do you think you have the right to call someone a non-believer (as you called Melvin) though he holds to the essentials of the Gospel as laid out in 1 Corinthians 15 and the Gospel proclaimed by Paul in the book of Romans (justification by faith, a good confession and fruit that bears this faith)?

    Melvin called me a non believer and continues to mock me and my church. Melvin DOES NOT hold to ESSENTIALS. He further claims that I AM NOT a child of God and offers NO RESPECT to my person, church affiliation or position.

    You also ask this:

    4. Finally can you please define how Melvin claims that "the works of the reformers are a status equating to secondary Apostles"? I would like to know how you come to that conclusion.

    Although, I'll deal with this subject in a future writing, one point is clear. The Bible OFFERS NO SUGGESTION that gifts ceased with the early church. Melvin through the guise of sound Biblical understanding is a Cessationist meaning that HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE PERPETUITY OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS. The REFORMERS held the same position, and Melvin's theology is based on THEIR abuse of scripture. Therefore one is hard pressed to believe that Melvin hold dear to the scripture as he claims. This is absolute deceit. There's more to the story but I'll cut it there for now.

    Any one who disagrees is respected here, there is no love lost, I would expect the same from Melvin but when a person Does Not have a conviction for Christ they cannot respect anyone besides who they choose to respect. So than you for your thoughts and you're welcome here.

  3. In refrence to number two. I would rather you give me a straight yes and no. I also don't think you addressed my issue of the way you have handled yourself in this whole conversation

  4. Brothers,

    Why must we get to the point of name calling. This is not effective nor is it edifying. We should be able to discuss our defense of scripture with scripture. I as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ do not believe in the second rain, gifts, or Armenianism YET I am still saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled. What should be spirited debate with the use of scripture has got out of hand. Pastor Burnett I know many Pentecostals As I was one) who are saved. Being Pentecostal VS Calvinist or whatever does not nullify ones salvation. We should move beyond the name calling on "both" sides and get down to brass tacks and explain our exegesis on this matter with the Bible. As you know Pastor Burnett I have been more than calm in my viewing of this interchange between you and Melvin. That being said I do have a few questions I need answered.

    Do you think that people like TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Juanita Bynum, Paula White, etc, etc. are of God?

    Do they preach correct biblical doctrine?

    Should a Preacher of say a 20 million a year ministry have 5 million dollar homes, $250,000 Bentleys, thousand dollar suits, and stay in 5 star hotels.

    Does donating $100,000 to digging wells in Africa (Like Copeland did) justify spending 10s of millions on himself?

    What do you think of the Senate investigation of 6 prominent Preachers of the Prosperity gospel?

    I think you get the gist of my questions. I guess what I’m trying to say is that just because you are a Pentecostal does not mean you are a Pulpit Pimp. They are mutually exclusive. For example I like to think of Pastor DL Foster (Great man of God) of GCM watch. He is a Pentecostal yet has the UTMOST disdain for the afore mentioned Pimps as well as a whole host of others of the TBN ilk. That being said he has visited Melvin’s site as well as other have visited his. And you know what? The discussion of gifts, tongues, and such never come up. We should be able to agree to disagree on this topic and ALL agree that there are many Pimps out there that are fleecing the flock.


  5. Brother Lionel, you said in # 2. Do you think you have the right to call someone a non-believer (as you called Melvin) though he holds to the essentials of the Gospel as laid out in 1 Corinthians 15 and the Gospel proclaimed by Paul in the book of Romans (justification by faith, a good confession and fruit that bears this faith)?

    The Question is skewed. I set forth opinions, scripture and a biblical narrative, MELVIN persists in calling both my narrative, beliefs and church NON BIBLICAL and even occultic. Now, MY CHURCH AND I hold to essentials and have a good reputation in both community and personal service and holds forth GOOD fruit. So YES, I have all the right in the world to judge the tree by the fruit it bears and discern Mr. Pimp's unrighteousness. Mr. Pimp is insulting (by his own confession) and misleading to say the least in many areas.

    As I said Bible disagreements will always occur, but his worldview doesn't allow for both of us to be right. Again, this is HIS confession and confusion and what he has confirmed MANY times on PP openly.
    Now if you believe the same, you've been seduced also. Within Christianity there is VARIATION and better interpretive styles than others, but HE doesn't see it that way.
    Since you ask, how about you?

    Pastor Burnett

  6. By the way - Kyle is right. On many occasions, I have made it clear that bad doctrine (like yours) doesn't make you a pimp. It may make you foolish but not of necessity a pulpit pimp.


  7. Kyle~ You've made some wonderful observations on the PP site and I certainly WAS NOT offended in the least bit by your your post that Melvin made a comment. Although your humor of the tongues was questionable and somewhat dishonoring, I overlooked it in light of what I believe your heart is for God's people.

    However Melvin has a mutually exclusive understanding of scripture. He believes that I (or any Pentecostal) can't be right and him right at the same time and that leads him into utter fantasy.

    His world view or understanding of scripture misleads many into thinking that he is looking for a better understanding in asking one to explain their views. That's not the case. HE is an accuser of the "brethern" and attacks everyone who does not value his biblical interpretive. He operates in the very same premise of the evil one. As I've said, a classic grandstander.

    So far as your questions, My blog itself should tell you what I think. I'm not a sensationalist like Melvin neither do I use ministers as object lessons without offering redemptive and objective lessons to the body of Christ. There are many on TBN that are messed up, but there are also many non charismatics in your neighborhood churches equally as dangerous, but Mr. Jones is hyper sensational and loves the attention that you and other give him. That’s the Pimp plan to gain credibility by downing everyone else. Melvin is a classic Pimp, he even encourage sacrilegious, and disrespectful encounters, that’s why he was more than happy to post anything negative about me.

    As I said, he needs to repent and get saved and stop misleading the people of God into SINS. In my opinion he's no better than anyone you named in your question.

    Pastor H. Burnett

  8. Melvin~ You are really off the deep end…YOU are the one with bad doctrine and you offer NO biblical proof to support your secessionist views. I don’t call you a PIMP because of that, I call you a PIMP’S PIMP because you like to twist minds, and it’s highly evident. What is this the “NEW” “more understanding and accommodating Melvin”? PLEASE, I come form the streets and I can see you coming 20 miles away. As I said, just do you. Your confusion speaks for itself and many have chimed in to me personally to confirm such. Many of them who also know you personally, so what I understand by way of computer is exactly like I’ve observed and outlined. Don’t try to be responsive now, you’ll mess up your pimpery flow…Just REPENT, that’ll make everything well!

    Pastor H. Burnett

  9. Here’s one more summary of their lies over at PP…Brother Lawrence who wrote me looking for an opportunity to mock and ridicule in the same guise wrote this on his recent post “For instance I never claimed in any e-mail that I had served in the COGIC for 30 years. I’m only 32 yrs. old.)This is standard operating procedure in the COGIC (at least those that I’ve had contact with). This is an attitude that we can all adopt if we’re not careful. For instance” Comment by Bro Lawrence D.comment-55809
    2007-12-16 16:39:56

    Sounds spiritual huh? But I suppose he forgot he wrote this too… "I spent 30 years in the grand ol’ COGIC. I had 2 Bishops during that time (Davis and W.W. Hamilton the General Secretary of the COGIC). I had 4 pastors (Philip Carter, Supt. Harold G. Dacus (my father), Rodney L. Gladney (my brother-in-law, and C.E. Church). Not to mention the countless Sunday School teachers, Y.P.W.W leaders, Prayer & Bible Band teachers, Home & Foreign Mission lessons, Purity Class training, and vacation bible school every summer. In all that time not one of them came up with an explanation to the problem of how salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone but yet I’m required to “tarry” at some altar, pray, fast, ask, seek, knock, cry, spit, roll, shout, dance, foam at the mouth, Oh and believe with all my heart in order to receive the second blessing. And guess what? Neither can you!
    Now if you feel you can improve on their teaching and finally make it make sense to me then go ahead. However, all I suspect that you can do is repeat the same things they told me and I’ll still be clueless.” Comment by Bro Lawrence D.comment-54635
    2007-12-04 16:01:34

    This is what I mean, yet he (Melvin) and they try to make as if I’m hateful. They are full of evil and deceit and evil men do what they do best…grandstand, cohort together and criticize the righteous…just this time their PIMPERY got caught!

    So what can be summized? Their aim is sensationalism at any cost, even if they persist in lies to do so. The aim is to reduce preachers down but THEY GOT THE WRONG ONE BABY!...They're caught in their own trap. Melvin, so far as posting your continued fantasies PLEASE. You stopped posting my BIBLICAL truths to your faithful long ago...all you can do is...


  10. Don't waste your breathe on Melvin the Heretic Hunter!

  11. Pulpit Pimp Website Down! Call 911!

  12. Pastor Burnett you asked:
    "As I said Bible disagreements will always occur, but his worldview doesn't allow for both of us to be right. Again, this is HIS confession and confusion and what he has confirmed MANY times on PP openly.
    Now if you believe the same, you've been seduced also. Within Christianity there is VARIATION and better interpretive styles than others, but HE doesn't see it that way.
    Since you ask, how about you?

    Pastor Burnett"

    I believe that the COGIC denomination holds to what I believe is essential to the faith. As far as I can tell the second baptism (or the baptism of the Holy Ghost) is a secondary issue, unless you say this is essential for salvation. You are not saying that correct? I think that not only can we be united on one front, but also that we can fellowship and do ministry together (I am referring to the overall COGIC denomination, not its parts). As I have stated have enjoyed listening to Dr. Patterson over the years. I don't know you personally, so I can't speak to you. I think many times we are guilty of throwing everyone in the same box.

    However, as it relates to you view of Melvin's salvation, I think it is dangerous water to tread upon. Unless you can find something in his doctrinal and theological confession that would merit such an act. As for his life, I know of no known sin (maybe sarcasim, could be thrown in that, but we will be witch-hunting at that level)thus his life, confession, and theology lines up with one who fits into the parameters of Christianity. Many others that I don't agree with on the site does also. I think you are correct in some of you assessments about speech, the lack of respect, the degrading comments, the lack of teachablity and other such charachter flaws, but you must understand that many of these men and women are coming out of abusive churches (some happen to be COGIC) and churches that manipulated its members into emptying their bank accounts, others the bible took a back seat to their book (T.D Jakes and repositioning yourself) others were unfaithful in rightly dividing the word of truth, thus heavily legalistic (my background for the most part), and the cross and grace was never proclaimed from the pulpit.

    So I would ask that you as a Superintendent in the rich (not financially but traditionally) COGIC denomination, would have more patience. Some of these individuals will not step foot in a church (in which I have been arguing about for the last year), some come to the site to vent, others may be misguided and have a lack of biblical aptitude. But I expect better from you as I have stated in my previous comments.

    I expect you to have the heart that Paul charged Timothy in 2 Timothy 2 (I think 24-25). I would expect patience, and gentleness and the mindset to gracefully bow out of the conversation, because it isn't bearing fruit "unto righteousness". You have a charge that is laid out in 1 Timothy 3 that these men and women do not, so you are to operate in your office with much more dignity. I admit that you may have been provoked, and even disrespected and for that, I think you have the right to defend your beliefs without being belittled, especially for secondary matters.

    All I am saying is this. Be the bigger man, your office and title warrants such a charge. Man up, defend your position, and pray (I hate the way you throw out the proverbial "I will pray for you", to one up people within your arguement, I believe it is taking the Lord's name in vain, and lying if you are not going to truly pray for them but that is a side note)that God will truly grant them repentance if you don't beleive they are of the faith. But you must not stoop down. I pray things go well in your ministry and that you are able to handle your office and charge with dignity, but I tell you what Sir, you are not doing that right now and I am saddened by such actions.

    Lionel Woods

  13. Brother Lionel,

    I was with you until your last paragraph, but that's OK.

    For me to not speak out would have been the ultimate injustice. I'm sorry it wasn't pretty, but Mr. Jones wanted to do something sensational so he rose to attack me personally and my church and all that I believe by publishing a post with personal unprovoked attack. As he suggested he just miscalculated my ability and resolve to stand for truth.

    The people of God don't need the mind games that he plays. If people have been abused in ministries they certainly DO NOT been another abuser taking advantage of their emotions.

    So far as doctrine, yes, as outlined the process of salvation IS THE PRIMARY issue and the issue that binds us together. That happens when one places their faith in Christ for remission of sins (Rom 10:8-9, John 3:16, II Cor.5:17) So I would hope that although I do speak in tongues, that WOULDN'T be enough to divide us as brothers.

    But I appreciate your comments and your spirit. Thank you.

  14. Thanks for your response Sir. I do pray things go well. You seem to be a fair guy, with no false motives of sheering the sheep, for lack of better words. I pray that you are "guarding the flock". Church life is very dangerous due to the fact that many wolves arise. You don't seem to be that guy, and though we may disagree on some doctrinal level, I think at the end we will both stand before our Lord, fully Justified in His finished work. God bless and take care.

    Your Brother in a Common Faith,

    Lionel Woods

  15. Uh...when did I make a personal attack on you? Personal - not doctrinal?

    Melvin The Pulpit Pimp Run Wild

  16. Thank you Pastor Burnett...I've visited Mr. Jones' site and found it anything but productive. His articles are as mean spirited as his comments to believers who stumble onto the site (as I did) and question where the LOVE is for the Body he claims to be trying to warn. Frankly, he and his buddies remind me of my longwinded ex husband-capable of a multitude of words but void of the Spirit.

    Keep spreading the truth in love.

  17. Thank you Brother Woods. You can best believe that I'm doing ALL I can to gurd the flock of God that he has given me to oversee. I appreciate your prayers and insights.
    God bless.

  18. Mr. Melvin,
    you always make it personal at least with pentecostal folk. In your words to me "either I'm right or your wrong, it can't be both"

    That is a tragic approach to ANY Bible discussion. Nevertheless, that's how you handled all of my commentary and tried to persuade others into thinking that I'm trying to intimidate. Yes, and I need not pull the list of insults at both me and my church, even tried to go so far as say that I'm NOT a brother in the Lord, so please. I just see you clearly on these issues.

    Thank you.

  19. Mr.Burnnett, Melvin Jones and Lord Lawrence D God of all understanding, maybe correct in their theology but error in their approach.
    I maybe more radical then the pimp chasers but I'd like to debate your faith with love, come on over to my house.

  20. Brother Anonymous,

    Although I don't believe they are right in their theology, I also don't believe that they are NOT brothers because of it. What I disagree with is seeking to grandstand and destroy individuals and also blaspheming against the Holy Ghost as has been encouraged.

    I guess it takes some level of understanding to know that God accepts people who don't necessarily have my understanding as long as they are IN HIM. We should strongly stand against the devil and occultic practices with one voice, but putting certain Christains down to entertain the one's we feel that are more in vogue is deplorable.

    As I say, sensationilists want sensational news, putting a good minister out was in line with their practices, who cares that the minister is in NO WAY like the ones they supposedly target. I'm good with it's all a part of the battle.

    Anyway, I am always up for good scriptural reasoning and debate. I'm not Jesus and when HE comes we'll know all, but until then you know part, I know part and others know part, but without ALL our parts WE can't be whole.

    Thank you for stopping by, and I'll be glad to add my commentary to your site in any way. I'll also look to learn as much as I can so that I can better serve God's people.

    Thanks and God bless.

  21. Hi Pastor,

    On what grounds to you call Melvin a pimp?

  22. Philly~ There’s a lot I could say but the main things are the plain things. First Melvin supposedly is offering a service to the body of Christ by presenting information about ministries that have “exposed” themselves. How many non-charismatic ministries are “exposed” on his site? That’s just one thing problematic. As a reader observed on his site, "just because a ministry is less visable doesn't make them any less dangerous" One of the main duties of PIMPIN’ is to divide and conquer. A PIMP must separate his prey from anyone and anything that could possibly love or have affection for them and from anyone or anything that the prey has love or affection for…That’s the Melvinite MO. He just uses the WORD of God to do it. PIMP VISION~ Anyone who must bring down someone else to lift themselves up or gain attention or credibility is PIMPIN.

    As I told him, the main problem I have is that he consistently and repeatedly credits the work of God to devils. BLASPHEMY. His non biblical theology will not allow him to see any modern charismatic or Pentecostal move of God as authentic. Rather than letting God to be God, he feels that he should take God's place and this only leads to separation and seduction of the minds of his most earnest causing them to be as lost as he is.
    Then preachers that offer differing scriptural viewpoints are called “intimidating”…now, according to the gospel of Melvin, dissenters (against him) are “intimidating”.
    You don’t believe me? Melvin had my email but was biting at the bit to “expose” me for what I said to Lawrence D. He made no effort to email to get a clarification or to hear why I said what I said to that fella…Melvin’s only effort was to defame and discredit…”Look at that COGIC preacher and his awful behavior.” PLEASE!

    In fact now, he yet wants me to post his attacks against me personally WHICH I HAVE in my posession, but there’s no redemptive value in continuing this fiasco, and I’m not a sensationalist. He’s spoken for what and who he is and only them with spiritual eyes and ears can put it together. Melvin offers no redemption because that’s not his game, his game is sensationalism and some are enamoured by that.
    Finally, Melvin Pimp operates in the spirit of the enemy, is an accuser of the brethern and LOVES attention, and to be right at all costs is his life’s blood…All he wants is for everyone to submit to the Melvinite doctrine of weakness and powerlessness. Classic PIMPIN.

    Does that answer your question?

  23. Pastor,

    You state that "Melvin offers no redemption". Can you clarify this statement for me please?

    Do you believe that your behavior on the PP site was acceptable in the eyes of Christ?

    If indeed Melvin attacked you,as you claim, why not let us all see this to determine if your accusations are founded?

    Thanks Pastor,


  24. Philly~ I meant to say that there was no redemptive value in exposing or trying to expose additional information. Or ratcheting up discontent any further. We should either repair the problem or move on.
    Melvin and I have begun to talk and I think our initial problems resulted from a lack of understanding on both sides. And since I am in a leadership roll, I'll take more of the blame for our initial confusion than him. I think my intentions were misunderstood from the beginning primarily because of past bloggers on his site.
    To the point, the criticism of spiritual gifts in the modern church was the primary problem presented. I felt that the bloggers, under his approval, were too often going too far in the criticism of a valid current move within Christian cirles and churches. Now, we can debate over what should be done and how, or even over whether gifts are in operation today, but I believe we've gone to far when, as Christians, we mock the move of God. There's no problem when questioning it, as scriptures have commanded us to do, but there is a problem when we mock it.
    So the effort is not to "blast" Melvin, the effort is to get us back to a balanced presentation and honor for God. At the point of contention we can all place our scriptures on the table, agree or disagree, and stay or walk away with respect and honor. That to me is honoriffic of God and respectful of one another. So that's my hope from this point on.

    Thank you.

  25. He aint worth it (Melvin "Mister" Jones) Don't trade places with me Ms. Celie he aint worth it!

  26. I'm sorry but I really don't know what that's about Ms. Celie? Do you care to expound?

  27. Color Purple-Sophia Tells Miss Celie that Mister Isn't Worth Going to Jail Over, much like Melvin Jones is not worth wasting your breathe over!

  28. You've obviously ran into some kind of problem at some point. Care to expound?


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