Although I've not been too impressed with Bishop Jordan in the past, for reasons I won't go into here, I was hoping that he would be able to at least get a good, right, and well centered word across on what homosexuality is and why the church must preach against homo and lesbian lifestyles. Unfortunately, Bishop Jordan was in no way ready for this panel, or at least, when they GAVE HIM A CHANCE TO SPEAK.
From these shows and their content some things are very clear:
- Homosexuals and Lesbians have a right to all protections under the law as anyone else in society, and sexual orientation SHOULD NOT be the determining factor for secular employment, housing and other norms. Before you ask, I DO NOT believe in extending spousal benefits of insurance to homosexual or heterosexual partners. Doing so undermines the concepts of family and commitment and is bad for society on a number of levels.
- Both the church and the homosexual community often speak about this subject in a too highly of an emotional manner. So much so until neither really gets a good understanding without being emotionally riled up or offended.
- The homosexual community DOES NOT feel that the Bible condemns their sexual orientation based on the traditional scriptures used. They feel that they were born or produced as a part of a diversity among mankind as Same Gender Loving individuals.
- Many church leaders and ministers DO NOT know the scripture well enough to set forth a clear straight forward argument based on the Bible and the ability to reason.
- Homosexuals cannot discern the topics of sexual orientation and its relationship to God and sin and consequently twist the Bible and history to serve their views.
- The passions of the homosexual are unbridled. This DOES NOT mean that they are predators or out to only get sex, it means that they have no control over sincere feelings and emotions toward same gender individuals.
An example of this is found when many of them repeatedly infer that the church was built upon homosexual participation and giving and further that it (the church)CANNOT make it without them and their ongoing support. As proof they often refer to the many pulpits that have been deceived into allowing homosexuals special functions in the church, while simultaneously preaching against the homosexual orientation and the homosexual lifestyle. To exacerbate the problem further, the homosexual declares that many, if not most, of the preachers in the pulpit are "In the closet" and that just about all of the church's musicians and gospel artists are gay or lesbian. This again, is an attempt to call into question the motivations, actions, and messages from some of the country's most influential ministries. More to the point, one of the greatest questions they pose toward any preacher that stands against them and meets their criteria of being homophobic is "Is He Gay?"
There is no wonder or mystery to this strategy. The devil's name "satan" simply means accuser or one who brings an accusation to bear. This is why those of us who are truly spiritual know that they are doing no more than the spirit of the enemy is promoting them to do. Remember, our fight is not against flesh and blood. (Ephes. 6:12)
Now, as a church, we must admit that we have a problem. Too MANY PREACHERS, MUSICIANS, SINGERS, AND GOSPEL ARTISTS are IN THE CLOSET. It's a tragic shame but it's true. Then, still there are a lot of ministers and leaders who are on the DL and live double lives from the pulpits. What we must do is REPENT, allow God to purge his church and get back on our knees and on our faces ask the Lord to forgive our sins and lift our shame. (II Chron 7:14)
We must be affirmed in knowing that NONE of the church's failures excuses or affirms the homo, lesbian, adulterer, or fornicator in their ways of ungodliness. It only proves what we already know. The devil is the father of lies, SIN and is a killer. The devil's primary aim is to cause the church to bow down to him and steal the Glory Of God from it.
What did Jesus tell Peter?
- Luke 22:31~32 "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren"
On a web site dedicated to the promotion of the gay agenda, a reader asked a question of the site owner/administrator (who by the way claims to be saved). The question was how did the site owner know that what they were doing and saying was ordained of God, and how were they sure that they were right?
The administrator went on to answer by saying that he/she walked by faith, and the belief that their life experiences had prepared them to answer these questions and basically promote the gay agenda. That same web site is actively soliciting Same Gender Loving (SGL) or HOMOSEXUAL churches to be a part of their church network. Their objective is to financially support and build up homosexual ministries, pastors, and leaders in an effort to provide an alternative to churches who preach and teach against homosexuality.
Although the gay community says that they were born the way that they are as a complete, whole and diverse human being the church must first note the following:
- God only created 2 types of individuals from the beginning and HE called them MALE and FEMALE. Any other type of individual born any other way or outside of one of those categories is a product or result of SIN that entered the world through Adam's disobedience. The homo or lesbian need not take the blame for what they feel, think and believe...SIN is to blame and it has placed those things there through the veil of the FLESH and through the tainting of the soul because of SIN. The answer to this dilemma is the same one that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus in John 3:7b "...Ye must be BORN AGAIN." No matter how or what you were born with the first time, a NEW BIRTH in Jesus will destroy the yoke and begin to set things in God's proper order. (I Peter 1:23) In addition, Paul points out to the Corinthians (who by the way had a significant homosexual population) in II Cor. 5:17~ "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Christ deals with our nature and essence NOT merely our feelings and emotions. He deals with who we are and what we are.
- Jesus categorized ALL sexual impurity as SIN~ Matt: 15:19-"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man:..." ref. Luke 7:20 Why would God punish me as a heterosexual for sexual impurity and incentivize and reward the homosexual for non biblical sexual desire? MAKES NO SENSE.
- Paul reaffirms that all sexual impurity and inconsistency is a work of the FLESH~ Galations 5:19. In this passage Paul goes on to name 4 sexual categories of sins. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lasciviousness. These four categories define ALL types of sexual SINS and impurities known to mankind. The first 2 are plain and easily understood both by homo and heterosexual individuals as being sins. The latter, Uncleanness deals directly with homosexuality, lesbianism and cross gender desires and cultic sexual practices. The last one, Lasciviousness, deals with bisexuality, sexual contact with non human beings and fetishes. ALL OF THESE ARE SINS OF THE FLESH. It doesn't matter how you feel as it pertains to your desire for these things. The feelings themselves indicates the presence of a sin nature that MUST be submitted to God simply because HE said so.
People in general have a hard time reconciling the fact that SIN dwells within them even without a knowledge of it. ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO GAIN A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF SIN TO BE IN SIN. The HOMOSEXUAL reconciles that they did not ask to be Same Gender Loving individuals therefore God does not and will not consider them sinners or in a condition of sin.
My questions and response to that is Mr./Ms Homosexual WHY DO YOU FEEL SO SPECIAL as to not have to wrestle with issues of sin and unrighteousness? Why do you feel that your birth into this world was somehow immaculate and that you BY NATURE were born holy and your desires are all inherently PURE? NO, you were born in SIN and INTO SIN JUST LIKE ME! Your sin is not my sin, but guess what IT'S STILL SIN, and it's all WORTHY OF DEATH!
Just in case you still want to play church and hold on to your SINS, please be reminded of this:
In I Samuel 5 the Philistines took the Glory of God or the Ark Of The Covenant after many years of struggle and after God had punished HIS people for their sins. The short of the long is that when God began to deal with them, (the Philistines) they were stricken with terrible disease and their god (dagon) was found broken and upon his face in their temple.
The Philistines moved to rid themselves of God's Glory because they soon realized that God was a terrible and All Mighty God and one that THEY could not handle or bend to meet their desires. Don't forget that God is the same God today!All humanity WILL bow before the presence of HIS greatness (Philippians 2:10). Weak, strong, flawed, hetro and homo. Only them that love HIM enough to purify themselves at the CROSS will be seen by HIM in peace (I Jonh 3:3). No FLESH will glory or be justified in HIS sight (Romans 3:19).
Heb. 4:11-16~ "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."