Sorry, you want to know what I think about Bishop T D Jakes???
1- He's not God and is subject to error. He ERRORED when he suggested that Ruth & Naomi were borderline Lesbians, and that Jonathan and David were nearly homosexual men. Both were egregious misrepresentations of scripture, but I have heard equally as bad representations from many of his critics...
2- In my opinion Bishop has diminished his mission of being a Gospel Preacher in favor of business and liberally centered social justice and the pursuit of dynamic innovative theory. (I write on this in my upcoming book, so stay tuned)
3- Because of #2 above, Bishop has driven himself extremely too close to the world in associations which creates an automatic friction against sin and evil which he should not be following.
4- Some say he's a gay, pedophile. I DO NOT agree and find no proof or evidence of such. This reminds me of mean spirited evil, and the nature of such an allegation should not be taken lightly and is disturbing considering the lack of effort to display truth, however...I digress...
5- Some will say because he has Oneness roots he has a doctrinal problem...I say his doctrinal problem is no more than John MacArthur's Calvinist, cessationist view and those that follow such false teachings...they are all one in the same and different or varying degrees of error. Yes, I believe cessationism is a DOCTRINE OF DEVILS too!, yet I hear almost noone talking about that at all or doing conferences on the subject, although that would be very easy to do with such false narratives from such allegedly astute individuals..
6- I don't give any credibility to anyone of the world who wants to bring judgement upon someone in the church. They may be correct, but I believe anyone sincere will show their face and not hide behind internet anonymity especially in an age where people take and display videos of rocks, trees and themselves so easily...
With all that said, he may be guilty, and his excuse that if he were guilty all he would have to do is repent, is a fictitious sham...and we can talk about that in the comments, is over the top and many say, telling.
Ultimately, time and GOD will tell...but there is no GOSSIP about it here, and if you want to know the FACTS written about Bishop T D Jakes on this blog over the years, start HERE otherwise, this is not a "tell all" blog and I DO NOT engage in gossip just to be talking and I am not looking for inside information nor trying to create a narrative from someone close to events...PLEASE...I don't have the time or attention...