Various Items Of Interest

Monday, November 13, 2023

Special Reverence To General Board Member Sedgwick Daniels

The last announcement of the 115th Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ, was a very heavy one indeed...

With all honor and respect, Supt. Harvey Burnett, The Dunamis Word & the Saints and Friends Of The New Bethel COGIC yield in humble reverence to the transitioning into glory of Church Of God In Christ General Board Member/ Pastor and Christian leader, Bishop Sedgwick Daniels.  

An extraordinary Servant of Christ, we will certainly miss his "COGIC Minute" and we all thank God that we were blessed to share and his his ministry gift. May the Lord forever bless the memory of The Right Reverend Bishop Sedgwick Daniels.

Please Enjoy This Special Video:

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thank God For Pastor Dr. James Stovall...Supt. Chris Harris Is HERE! (video snippet)

Although I love fellowship with the Saints, I really love when we come together and discuss issues of substance or importance and address things that enhance the quality of the lives of believers, because time is too short, there is so much to do and there is no time to waste.

As was revealed in his very dynamic message, "Leave A Praise In Your Prison" at the the115th Annual HOLY CONVOCATION Of the Church Of God In Christ in Memphis, TN., Supt. Chris Harris interjected that 25 Years ago, his Mother was the victim of rape, and that was the circumstance under which he was conceived.  


The ONLY handbook dealing with life and death within thew world and our church is the Bible itself. It is God that has entrusted HOLY men to carry out biblical edicts and perpetuate godly values. In this, we can thank God for the Late PASTOR DR. JAMES STOVAL of the Bright Star COGIC of Chicago, IL. 

It seems that prior to Dr. Stovall's death in 1998, that blessed pastor advised Pastor Harris' mother to NOT have an abortion, and that the life in her womb had purpose. She heard the Lord in him and is blessed as a result. 

Under normal circumstances, that is a good message by itself. But under current circumstances it is a message of epic proportions. Why? It seems that the whole country, and even some within the church, and unbelievably, within the Grand Ole Church herself, as I will set forth, value abortion to some degree and even promote it.
This is shameful and even reprehensible to me, as ALL life, even the life that arrives under indecent circumstances such as rape, arrives in tact only by the power of God himself who is the author of life. 

Yes, we have some within our ranks, in visible positions, that promote abortion and could care less about God's will purpose and plan in such matters. We have certain individuals within the leadership ranks of our church (not that there are not some in other churches) who accept abortion as a family planning tool further confusing it, as the lie of the world, with "women's healthcare"...

OK, Supt. Burnett, you're fighting a loosing battle...the people want the right to abortion! Look at the trends in voting. 

Fighting a loosing battle does not mean that the battle should not be fought or the war waged. In fact, last I know, the BIBLE said that if God was for me (which in the fight for life, he is "for" me and "with" me) then WHO can be against me? In other words, the world's opposition against HIS truth and righteousness is NOTHING! I can never be the looser and those who stand for life and liberty will never be forsaken. So I am undeterred and more than a conqueror. 

I think as a church, we can learn something. For starters, it is time to deal with SUBSTANTIVE and RELEVANT cultural and social issues in our gatherings and make specific political and social statements towards issues especially where we are entrusted to be a "City on A Hill". In other words, we must speak, not because it is popular or worldly relevant, but because it's right and because God has called us to stand with and in the truth. 

Secondly, I believe that we must instruct those within leadership and who desire to be in leadership within our church, to condemn ungodly and unbiblical practices and social and cultural norms and continue to teach against all socially acceptable ungodliness no matter how attractive it may be to the world. We must call out current leaders and hold them them accountable. Leaders who desire a COGIC pulpit must be spoken to, taught why ungodliness is unacceptable and the error of their ways and doctrine condemned. In other words, its time for some folk to simply GET SAVED!

Yes, that is shameful to say within the Christian church, but it is the reality we face. Look, we haven't had any movement on a Victim's Advocacy plan, so I don't suspect that this issue will get a lot of traction anytime soon. So sad. 

Please enjoy this snippet of Supt. Chris Harris message. Complete with giveaways, it is inspiring. 

Bishop Mark Walden ~ At The 115th Annual COGIC Holy Convocation

Probably my favorite from this year's Convocation so far. It's not the dynamic or theatric of a message that does it for me at my age, it is the content and wisdom of what is said. If there is anything the church needs help and advice with it's marriage and marital relationships. Though things have changed to a degree, honoring one another is always in order and appropriate. 

Hear a few minutes of Bishop Walden's opening to his message "The Third Party".   

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A Look At Post Biblical Jewish World History. Understanding The Issues

Deut. 7: 7-11 ~ 7-The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: 8- But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 9 -Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; 10 -And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face. 11-Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them.

The rise of antisemitism within the United States is probably the story of the decade and of my lifetime. To think, that from elected representatives to the common people of America, that there would be rallies, protests and violent acts within our boarders against the Jewish people is unconscionable. 

The thought that the nation of Israel, which has been and is the preeminent and  stalwart friend of democracy in the Middle East, would be under such worldwide attack for defending herself against terrorists, who murdered and deliberately killed over 1,400 innocent and unarmed citizens under the pretense of "fighting for freedom", is like a nightmare from which we are waiting for the world to awake.

Further, it is shameful for anyone to create some sort of "moral equivalence" between acts of terrorism and a fight or struggle for freedom especially in a circumstance in which noone is a slave! 

Those representing the Philistines (aka: Palestinians) claim that they live in an "open air prison" because they can't come and go into Israel as they please, while claiming they are under "occupation". However, this is far from the truth. There is no genocide of the Palestinian people or else this genocide would be broadcast daily. 

Further, Israel knows who they are dealing with. Without restrictions and careful attention, the Palestinians would do what they have done for years through and over countless agreements, many of which have set forth a 2 state solution (which is a ridiculous notion) which has been rejected by Palestinian leaders at every turn since the establishment of the Nation (not occupation) of Israel since 1948. The leaders of this people, which has never been a state, nation or otherwise, consistently bomb, kill and try to destroy the Jewish people by any method at their disposal including the murder of their own citizens, while their leaders live in luxury, many in other countries all together, sending their young men and families to their death and destruction in the name of "freedom"...THEY, all the terrorists, ARE TRASH!  They (the Jihadists of whatever group) are unworthy of leadership over any persons, yet alone a suffering people (as the claim is).

To The Point Of This Article

With that said, I digress. However, I believe that it is a good time to take time to understand the Jewish plight in this world outside of the Biblical narrative. As you view the following 2 videos by Dr. Thomas Sowell, those of you who are aware of the Bible commands of God to Israel will be overwhelmingly convinced that the suffering and dispersion of the Jews worldwide since the 1st Century, has been no more than a fulfillment of prophecy of Lev. 18:28, and that the restoration of Israel as a nation is a direct result of the restoration of the promise of God towards his people in Jeremiah 30.

One thing is for sure, GOD is real! HIS will shall be done and is being done right now. My prayer is that Israel be saved, by and through repentance and turning to God and yielding to the King of kings and Lord of lords and his name is JESUS, a Jewish son, savior and God!

Part One 

Part Two 

Monday, November 6, 2023

115th Annual Church Of God In Christ Holy Convocation

 Tuesday Nov. 7th through Tuesday Nov. 14th..."Our Mission Made Possible"...

You Tube Live Stream HERE