I admit, I had to put this one together...OK...
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." ~ John 8:44
Unlike the philosophical system of the Greeks, which 1st Century Jewish leaders vehemently opposed to various degrees, Jewish leaders were especially pious and eager to distinguish that "they" were true followers of God while all others, with very little exception, were "dogs" deceived, on the outside, and of an evil nature or "satan's children". New Testament Biblical references appear to be consistent with thoughts of the day and even expanded upon these concepts. In short Jewish leaders, who were especially proud of of their Hebrew heritage and unique relationship with God by their historical lineage, were distinctly Jewish and proud to let everyone know of the difference between themselves and others.
Let's be clear, JESUS was not teaching that the Jews, by lineage, genealogy or race, were devils and or satanists. In the specific context of the John 8:44 passage, it was the Jewish leaders who were questioning and criticizing his person and office. Jesus responded to the evil that was in their hearts and minds and revealed the source of inspiration behind their apparent blindness as to who he was in relationship to the purpose and mission of God.
In actuality Jesus could have been addressing ANY group or race of people sharing the same or similar sentiments as those to whom he was confronting. But Jesus was sent to the "Lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt.15:24) to do HIS (John 4:34) work and accomplish the mission according to the promise given to Mary (Gen.3:15) and the covenant promise established with Abraham (Gen.12:3 & 18:18)
The Jewish leaders to whom Jesus was speaking, like anyone else, were sinners, not following God, and in need of repentance. They were following the dictates of their own minds and evil hearts on many issues, and perverting truth into lies and this, as JESUS reveals, was inspired by satan himself.
Point Of Understanding
Unfortunately, in my opinion, many have undertaken Jesus words, perverting them, to support thoughts that the Jewish people are inherently evil, sinners and even satan worshipers. Thoughts such as these have inspired anti-Jewish hate and are not only antisemitic, but are rooted in an unwarranted racist view of Jews and, further, in my opinion, are inspired by satan himself.
It seems that to, on top of this, throw any amount of financial success, whether by honesty or treacherous means, there develops a complete anti-Jewish conspiracy laden with child sacrifice, human trafficking, pizza and human McDonalds burgers....Such sentiments are more than RIDICULOUS and only fodder for the mentally challenged.
What Do We Have With Kyrie Irving?
Let's attempt to clarify the air here...First, to believe that Black people are descendants of Jews, or who are known as Hebrews, is an assertion worthy of examination and NOT an antisemitic thought or reference. The fact that there are Jews who appear to be White and Jews who appear to be Black is not anti-Jewish nor antisemitic. The fact that there are both White and Black Jews is not antisemitic unless one is given to racism or believes that, in this case, Blacks couldn't possible be Jewish by lineage and or descent.
Example, clearly there are many Ethiopian Blacks who claim to be of Jewish descent and heritage. Legendary hypothesis has it that former Ethiopian King, Haile Selassie, claimed to be a direct descendant of King Solomon through the "Queen Of Sheba" (1Kings 10:1-12 & 2 Chron. 9:1-13), if true, this would certainly make him Jewish by lineage. Under this example we must note and restate that Black + Jewish by lineage DOES NOT equal nor equate to antisemitism. Once again, only racists would contend to the contrary.
In a tweet, Kyrie Irving referred to the book and evidently video referenced above. The work itself seems to not only attempt to prove that Blacks were the original Jews, which, once again, is NOT an antisemitic sentiment, but that those claiming to be Jews today are followers of satan and supplanters of the original Jewish (Black) people. [I will not critique the work at this point but I WOULD NOT hang my hopes on the truthfulness of the assertions I have seen...there is much better and accurate information available]
Allow me to quickly assert, there is NOT ONE SHRED OF BIBLICAL NOR HISTORICAL EVIDENCE FOR THE LATER SENTIMENTS. Specifically, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that Jews are satanists, devil followers or otherwise under satan's direction and influence either in business, life and religious practice...SENTIMENTS TO THE CONTRARY ARE RIDICULOUS AND UNEVIDENTIAL and in my opinion, inspired by satan based on the history of the Jewish people. and their relationship to God.
What we seem to have with Kyrie Irving is a conflation of the two sentiments, 1, that American Blacks are the original Jews and 2, that modern day Jews, many of whom, who live as White, are evil, devils and under satanic influence, based on the acts and actions of some of more successful business persons, who also claim to be of Jewish heritage, descent and lineage...Because Kyrie referenced a book/movie that claimed both assertions to be materially true, and because he referenced such without distinction, he has been and is now labeled as antisemitic, blackballed socially, said to be in need of psychotherapy, has lost endorsements and may be on the trading block and in jeopardy of losing his job.
In my opinion, this label and resultant actions are also problematic, stereotypical and full of racist connotations.
Who's The Real Hypocrite & Racist?
While Kyrie is free to embrace whatever sentiments he wishes, the business community has withdrawn itself as a matter of association, claiming that it wants no union or relationship with such sentiments. However, if we look at just one sponsor, Nike, for instance, we can see their decision is fraught with bold hypocrisy. Where is Nike in the face of Chinese atrocities dealing with
slave labor and Uyghur injustices and imprisonment? His employer has assumed Kyrie's sentiments are hateful, and therefore has withdrawn its support without any distinction as to what Kyrie's actual sentiments are, but his employer, the NBA is equally as guilty of turning its back on the inhumane treatment of people in China with
one part owner saying that "Nobody cares", when it comes to making money with over a $10 Billion dollar investment in the Chinese marketplace. But yet, NBA spokespersons are relegating Kyrie to be trained to rethink or relearn his personal beliefs and opinions and get rid of his "racist beliefs".
Is Kyrie claiming that American Blacks are Jews? Or is he claiming that the Jewish people are actually evil and satan? Or is he claiming both? Has anyone asked?
The Danger Of Media Indoctrination
Earlier this week, during the interview, I heard a sports reporter say that because Kyrie had made a tweet asking blacks to "wake up" (this was especially in light of controversy surrounding Kanye West,) with a link to the movie "From Hebrews to Negroes", that Kyrie was "endorsing" the movie and the book. Although Kyrie said that he wasn't "endorsing" anything, but merely making a reference to the movie, the reporter insisted that he was "endorsing" the movie and the information it espoused and went on to suggest vehemently that Kyrie's reference was by virtue of his statements was an "endorsement" after which Kyrie, seeing which way it was going, shut the reporter down. In other words, the reporter insisted that Kyrie had complete union with the movie and all of its contents and assertions. This was wholly made up and fabricated by the media itself.
Question: Was this a REFUSE TO VACCINATE PAYBACK? I mean Kyrie, refused to jeopardize his health and contribute to the unscientific and disproven notion that the vaccine would stop and or prevent the spread of covid. He chose to sit out rather than cave to the complete mess of the MRNA vaccine pressure. In other words he exercised his freedom, not only as a man, but also as a Black man. Was this too much for those who felt they were "in charge" of him? Although I am not one to cry racism at every corner or twist in the road, but as I will discuss below, we must ask and address the question under this circumstance; was it simply an extension and imposition of RACISM imposed by the reporter? It could have been BOTH!
Noone has called that reporter out for his RACISM! Why? Because they would never see themselves as one who will be used to "Break The Buck" and put him in his place. Was this a
Yes, this reporter claimed Kyrie to be guilty of antisemitism by association to his reference of a work which he may or may not have agreed with in full or in part. Yet, because, and only because, he was BLACK, did the assumption arise that Kyrie not only agreed that American Blacks were original Jews, but that he also that he believed, by virtue of him being Black, that Jews were evil, and under the influence of satan himself as the movie goes on to assert.
My friend THAT and THOSE ASSERTIONS in face of the denial of Kyrie's clears statements that he did not "endorse" the movie is either RACISM, rank hatred or sensationalism!!! Take your pick because I believe all are on the table.
To My Black Hebrews
I want to say, that I have nothing against anyone that believes themselves to be a Black Jew or Hebrew. More power to you...However, from a scriptural and spiritual standpoint you MUST be born again and salvation can only be found in Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb. 12:2) I reject Hebrew Israelism just as I reject Judaism and Islam as the methods of salvation. However, if that floats your boat, go right at it, as it is a free country to follow what you believe and see fit to pursue. Continue to seek, and know that your belief in that religious system DOES NOT make you an antisemite nor does it make you a racist.
For sure, it is clear that freedom of belief in general and in this case, specifically Black autonomy, at all levels within society is under attack. It appears to be open season against those who stand and speak their minds and hearts in open society, and against those who would dare hold out the Bible as a reference and guide for objective moral truth and standard of life and living.
Yet, we will LIVE with HIM as he has come to give us life, even in the face of those who would dare attempt to compromise our lives.
Be sure, the TRUTH will stand even if it has to stand unsupported by men and on its own. It is for that truth, that I stand and can only hope that others will stand along with me.