Various Items Of Interest

Monday, March 22, 2021

COGIC Elects New Presiding Bishop, Bishop J Drew Sheard

Special CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS are in order for the election of the new Presiding Bishop Of The Church Of God In Christ, Bishop J Drew Sheard.

Supt. H. Burnett & The Dunamis Word Blog extends our highest regards to The Most Right Reverend Bishop J. Drew Sheard and his family and wishes the greatest success in HIS Kingdom work!

Official Press Release From The 'Grand Ole' Church Of God In Christ:


Memphis, TN (March 20, 2021) Bishop J. Drew Sheard has been elected as the new Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), the largest Pentecostal denomination in the country.

The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) General Assembly, the legislative body of the denomination, has voted Bishop J. Drew Sheard of Detroit, Michigan as the leader of the worldwide organization.

Presiding Bishop Sheard says, “I am humbled and incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve this extraordinary organization, the Church of God in Christ, as its new leader and Presiding Bishop.”

He adds, “To be elected to serve as the Presiding Bishop for the Church in which I was born, raised, and have learned and served all my life, is a dream and desire that can only be fulfilled by God’s loving grace and guidance. The opportunity to serve such an extraordinary organization at our highest recognized level of priesthood is beyond humbling. I am so grateful for the unparalleled support of my loving wife, Karen, who has served diligently alongside me in ministry, and for my children.   I could never adequately honor or appreciate my parents for demonstrating holiness by sheer example. With complete excitement and joy, I look forward to serving the Lord’s people.”

Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard was born on January 1, 1959, in Detroit, Michigan, to Bishop and Mrs. John Henry Sheard. After graduating from high school, he matriculated to Wayne State University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, and a Master of Education degree in Mathematics. Bishop Sheard is a former mathematics teacher and has served as senior pastor of the Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ since 1988. He is the prelate of the Michigan North Central Jurisdiction, was a former Auxiliary In Ministries (AIM) Convention chairman, and International Youth Department president for COGIC. Since 2012, he has served as a member of the General Board. Sheard is married to Mrs. Karen Clark-Sheard, a member of the legendary Grammy Award-winning group – The Clark Sisters – and is the father of Kierra and J. Drew II. He has two grandchildren: Jacob and Kallie Drew.

The General Board – the twelve bishops who serve as the Board of Directors of the Church – the following persons have been elected:

  • Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Michigan
  • Bishop Jerry W. Macklin, California
  • Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Wisconsin
  • Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten, Sr., Missouri
  • Bishop Brandon B. Porter, Tennessee
  • Bishop Darrel L. Hines, Sr. , Wisconsin
  • Bishop Michael E. Hill, Sr., Michigan
  • Bishop Prince E. Bryant, Sr., Texas
  • Bishop David A. Hall, Sr., Tennessee
  • Bishop Loran E. Mann, Delaware
  • Bishop Malcolm Coby, Oklahoma
  • Bishop Charles H. McClelland, Wisconsin

Presiding Bishop Sheard has chosen Bishop Jerry W. Macklin and Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten, Sr. as his first and second assistant Presiding Bishops respectively.

The Installation for the Presiding Bishop, General Board members and General Officers will be held at a later date.

Founded in 1907 by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason and headquartered in Memphis, TN, The Church of God in Christ is one of the oldest Pentecostal denominations in the World and the 4th largest Protestant group in the United States with 10,000 churches in over 112 countries worldwide and millions of adherents.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

"Pastor" LeAndria Johnson...Do We Need To Say Anything Else?


What Happens When DEMONS Fully Take Over

No, this is NOT to a husband for his secret stash, nor is it stolen or a surprise photo from what I currently understand and there is NO explanation other than, "So What"

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ravi Zacharias, A Legacy No More

1 Cor. 3:13-15 ~ 13 - Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 - If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 - If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

The saga that has unfolded in the death of the late Evangelist Ravi Zacharias has been of epic proportions. It is a sad tale that causes everyone to shriek with wonder regarding how a man of such august pulpit character, biblical knowledge and austere demeanor could be addicted to sex so much that he led a secret lifestyle of not only sexual promiscuity, but also a lifestyle of abuse and misuse of those subordinate to him in ministry.  

“We are in the process of taking down Ravi’s content from our website and social media platforms, including publications, videos, and other forms of content, and we intend to change the name of the organization. Effective immediately, we are also discontinuing the use of “The Zacharias Institute” brand,” ~ Sara Davis CEO and Daughter of Ravi Zacharias

Recently, according to Premiere Christian News, the ministry soon to be formerly knows as RZIM, has committed itself to removing all reference to the minister known as Razi Zacharias, and is evidently intent on removing his name from all material they reference and provide the Christian community, as well as changing the name of the ministry itself, so that there will be no record or reference of Ravi Zacharias in any form.

“We are in the process of taking down Ravi’s content from our website and social media platforms, including publications, videos, and other forms of content, and we intend to change the name of the organization. Effective immediately, we are also discontinuing the use of ‘The Zacharias Institute’ brand.”~ Sara Davis CEO & Daughter of Ravi Zacharias
Struggling with sexual addiction is enough, but when that leads to abuse and maltreatment of others, it displays an even larger problem with character, that is not so easily reconciled or put away as "bad" behavior. 

1 Cor. 11: 27-32 ~ 27 - Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 - But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 - For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 30 - For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. 31 - For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. 32 - But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

We often and only think of 1 Cor. 11 in light of  a communion ceremony, however the fact is that we have relationship with the Lord (eat his flesh and drink his blood) DAILY as we have a daily communion and fellowship with the Lord as believers. We are to examine ourselves daily and make sure that we are in a repentant posture and willing to forsake and repudiate our sins and evil that makes itself known to us daily. In doing these things, the power over sin is displayed, as no one committed to their sins is willing to report because of them. 

Examination In The Mirror Of Truth!

Truth be told, I have certainly had to look in the mirror of God's word in repentance in my life. What I did not know at the time of the most pain, much of which I inflicted upon myself, and had to learn, was that there is never a time that a leader should look to "leave" or remove himself from the altar of God's redemption. 

See, we have been taught that repentance is a "stage" or a part of salvation and many, including most ministers I know, have laid it out in their soteriology as a "step" in the process of salvation. However, what if repentance is something that God requires of us DAILY? What if, we are to repent and maintain the posture of repentance at all times and that there never is a time when and where we are grown enough, in this life, to leave the altar? 

No, I don't believe that our faith is shaky, or on unstable ground. The bible says that "the FOUNDATION of God stands sure, the Lord knows them that are HIS" (2 Timothy 2:19) but the latter part of that verse says,
"And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from his iniquity"

Them that are "HIS" cannot simply resolve to live with addictions, sins and failures. Repentance, is a LIFETIME proposition and when one thinks that he or she has passed a certain stage and has defeated the enemies that Christ has defeated and given us the tools to maintain victory over, we deceive ourselves and set ourselves up for failure. 

My experience: You see, pre-failure, it was all about me...what I lacked, and or needed and how I was being treated...Post-failure, or Post -VICTORY, I learned it is all about CHRIST, what he desires of us and how we can please and serve him daily and being sensitive to HIS thought and attitude towards what we are doing and what we embrace. 

The trappings of sin tap into our self-serving nature. Our desire to please ourselves and find a "comfort" whereby we are satisfied. The flesh finds comfort in sin and evil to that extent. The only thing that can break the power of sin and addiction is the Cross of Christ. Sadly, when that is not allowed to happens a continuous process, all that is left is frustration, addiction and abuse. Similarly as Amnon "hated" his sister with a equal or greater passion as he had "loved" her prior to raping her (1 Sam. 13), the only thing left after unbridled passion and unrepented for sin  is hatred of self, and that is normally displayed by and through the abuse of others. The key to understanding Amnon was that he hated his sin so much until he mad Tamar, the sister he had violated the object of his hate. Blind rage was the result. That is how sin entangles itself and deceives the flesh. 

We are praying for the Zacharias family. I could not imagine my daughter having to heal my wife and dispose of my legacy and life's work because of the utter shame that it brought to life and living, especially after all the sacrifice to do just the opposite in this world and life. Yep, I certainly am taking heed and I encourage every ministerial leader to do the same. Let's us all learn the message that Dr. Ravi never explicitly taught, but that God is teaching us by example. 


Monday, March 1, 2021

ALL Is Not Lost...COGIC General Election Turmoil...Who Has The Authority?

It seems that the secular world is not the only place where there is election turmoil and confusion during COVID times. There seems to be "confusion" and mixed messages over exactly what to do and who is authorized to do it. 


Former Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake chose not to seek reelection. Allegedly, and according to church rules his term as Presiding Bishop expired in November 2020. A date was set to hold a VIRTUAL General Assembly December 28th, 2020. At that time a date of Feb. 23rd 2021 was set to hold the Quadrennial Election for Presiding Bishop and General Board Members of our church. Allegedly 93% of delegates voted to conduct the election during that time as opposed to waiting until April of 2021. Under  normal circumstances the election would have been held in November 2020, so the time was already past for which a decision should have been made by the General Assembly. However, to make matters worse,  there were 4 General Board Members who had passed away and 2 (including Bishop Blake) not seeking reelection. 

That information can be confirmed HERE at about the 12:55 mark into the video. 

This is where the waters get kind of MURKY:

Well, it seems that on the Feb. 23rd date, not only was it unusually cold and half the country was in an unexpected deep freeze, which allegedly knocked many delegates out of the ability to vote at the appropriate time, but according to a letter sent to COGIC Delegates, by Bishop L.F. Thuston, The Chair Of The General Assembly, there were many unnamed "IRREGULATIRIES" in voting that occurred causing the leaders of the General Assembly to shut down the vote. ALLEGEDLY all parties concerned agreed to suspend the General election until such a time as was acceptable, this included the FORMER Presiding Bishop in his now technically nonexistent role...Yea, I know more confusion...

Well, it gets even worse...According to Bishop Thuston, the ACTUAL election is to take place March 20th...and ALL previous votes are to be zeroed out and everyone, including those who voted previously, are to vote again. 

This has led the FORMER Presiding Bishop to make a statement as we can hear for ourselves in this video:

As of this writing, there is an alleged letter being circulated among COGIC Bishops from the Presiding Bishop, or FORMER Presiding Bishop Blake instructing nobody to vote on March 20th, and wait until April to take up the entire matter. However, is that what should be done?

Serious QUESTIONS Have Arisen that must be addressed

Has the General Board Powers Expired because we are beyond November in which their term, all terms have expired?

If an election is had tomorrow, are the votes valid and binding? 

Does Former Presiding Bishop Blake have any authority to call a General Board Session to any degree while General Assembly is in session?

Remember, the General Assembly is the ONLY legislative and rule making authority in the Grand Ole Church. It doesn't matter what a preacher preaches and or believes. Only the General Assembly makes laws of the church. (Believe me, it's a complex relationship and I don't mean to over simplify it, as the General Assembly also includes the Bishops) 

So an additional question does Bishop's Thuston's have power as Chair of General Assembly to wield as he supposes in tandem with or with the authority of the General Assembly? 

"The Judiciary Board is the Supreme Court of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. (COGIC). As the final authority of questions of ecclesiastical constitutional doctrine, it maintains balance between the Legislative (General Assembly) and Executive Branch (General Board). The Judiciary Board is also the final appellate forum of the COGIC for disputes, except in cases that have been appealed to the Presiding Prelate for executive clemency (i.e. Pastoral and Bishops removals and Church disorganization).

The Judiciary Board is comprised of nine members from Episcopal, Ministerial and General Assembly categories of the church. Three members are Jurisdictional Bishops (Episcopal); three members are elders other than bishops (Ministerial); and three members are from the church at large (General Assembly). Board members are elected and retained in office by the General Assembly.

Each member cannot serve more than two terms; nor can he or she serve more than 14 years in office, unless approved by the delegates of the General Assembly. Each Judiciary Board member is at least 45 years of age and an active member of the Church Of God In Christ in good standing. Because their duties require them to function as “judges,” it is imperative that each possess mature judgment, proven ability, integrity and a thorough knowledge of the Church Of God In Christ constitution and doctrine." ~ COGIC Judiciary Board
There appears to be a "court of appeal" to settle these issues. What is certain is that these questions can be answered and addressed and the situation is, in my opinion, not as desperate as it seems. 

The JUDICIARY is the only organization within COGIC that determines standing and ultimately authority under the church's constitution. It is the JUDICIARY headed by COGIC Chief Justice Bishop Martin Luther Johnson, that should be entrusted to make the final rule as it pertains to the Constitutional or organizational operations on this matter. Until then, all things are comments, observations and suggestions.

We deserve much more than that on all things and should be in a better position to know what is going on AFTER Judiciary has received the arguments and reviewed the cases.


In short, it seems that everyone wants to see COGIC broken up yet again. COGIC is responsible for I would say, nearly 20 to 30% of independent churches that exist today. For one reason or another a COGIC Minister, Elder and in some cases Bishop, left COGIC to start their own church. Many for good cause and being led of the Lord because God is greater than any denomination or organization among men...HOWEVER, COGIC can certainly weather this storm. 

COVID has come to reveal motives and that is exactly what has happened. I have said time and time again, what needs to be asked of any and all future leaders, is what is the agenda for God's people? It needs to be more than just updating computers or buying land. It needs to be centered around SOULS, doing JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. It must be against pedophiles and abusers of men and women in church. It must take an OPEN stand against sexual promiscuity and homosexual sins and perversions. 

These are things that are right and all I really care about...LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!