Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Your Invitation To Watch Night 2021 ~ Counter Culture Christianity

What Is God saying to this world and to HIS church? It's TIME to break up our follow ground and SEEK HIM! (Hosea 10:12)

Do your "Christian values" run concurrent with the culture? Are they "Christian" at all? God has an exuberant and...

Posted by Harvey Burnett on Sunday, December 27, 2020

Click HERE for the link to the Facebook Live Watch Night event.

Friday, December 25, 2020

The Lord's Greatest Gift ~ Christmas 2021

 At the Dunamis Word JESUS is still the reason for the season! HE is the Lord's greatest gift given to US to save us from sin! May your celebrations of HIM and family gatherings be especially blessed. 

Isaiah 9:6 ~ For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

From me to you!

Monday, December 7, 2020

New Bethel COGIC Solemn Assembly Prayer 2:00PM to 2:45PM CST

 According to our Bishop's instructions all local churches are to engage their membership and community in prayer from 2:00PM to 2:45PM. I will lead our virtual prayer service by livestream here. Please feel free to join us from wherever you are at whatever time you are in. Thank you and may the Lord bless you, in JESUS name!

Bishop Charles E Blake & The Call To A Solemn Assembly ~ Joel 1:14

 To provide further details on the Solemn Assembly set to be recognized by the Church Of God In Christ for Tuesday December 8th, 2020, I have posted the schedule for the event. May the GLORY of the Lord be upon this event and the repentance of the Saints and fellow Christians everywhere be accepted. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A WORD From The Lord ~ Hidden Among The "Stuff"

 Bishop Charles E Blake, Presiding Bishop Of the Church Of God In Christ has called for a solemn assembly of Saints with fasting & prayer on Tuesday December 8th, 2020 from 6:00Am to 6:00PM in each time zone all over the world. 

While this is a good thing, as prayer and fasting is always in order, the LORD spoke to me regarding the condition of the church also, in an open vision, this is what I saw and heard:

With the backdrop of a crowd of ministers and church leaders in my view, I heard the Lord ask:


I responded by asking, "Who are you taking about Lord?" 

to which he replied:


I spoke, "There they are Lord"


Immediately he showed me 2 things within scripture: 

1- Adam & Eve hiding themselves from the presence of God among the trees and draping themselves with fig leaves after they had sinned against God. (Genesis 3:8)

2- Saul, who had been called to lead God's people after the people demanded a King, was approximately 6 and a half feet to 7 feet tall (head and shoulders above all men) but on the day of his consecration by Samuel, was hiding himself possibly among the luggage and baggage of the people who had traveled with and on behalf of Samuel to find and anoint their new king. (1 Sam. 10:22) 

In both cases, whether because of sin, or out of a sense of some form of warped humility or frivolity, the people, whom were to have an allegiance with God, were in the wrong place, doing the wrong things, hiding themselves, as it were, from the presence of God. 


Although I encourage this call and the call of Bishop Blake, and many other pastors who will follow, but I certainly agree with God...THE CHURCH, and her leaders have been absent and missing in action far too long. THEY have been hiding from covid, hiding among the world and its favors and associations and even her sins and whoredoms.

What has been called for as a "day" of fasting, should be a month, should be a quarter to a half year to a full year. For restoration, we need more than an assembly of prayer, but we need an assembly of REPENTANCE and be recommitted to God, HIS work, HIS way, and HIS will.  

I part with an old song:

There is a STORM out, on the ocean, and it is moving this way...IF your soul 's not anchored in JESUS, you will surely drift away!
