Various Items Of Interest

Friday, September 25, 2020

The TRUTH Behind The Politicization Of Covid-19. By Scientists Themselves.

 This is probably one of the only presentations on this blog where I don't attempt to provide a spiritual or biblical parallel. Not because there is not one, but because Covid-19 needs to be examined on its face for what it is and more importantly, our collective response needs to be evaluated, as I am sure what we have done because of Covid-19 will be examined forever. 

Example, for a disease that was known to kill older individuals with comorbid diseases, we (our political leaders) packed places that housed older individuals with comorbidities with others carrying the disease and have been responsible for what can nearly be called, the mass murder of our elders, while simultaneously claiming "success" in the fight against the disease. 

We (our political leaders) issued orders to lock up people, restricting travel, eliminating livelihoods based on communistic models of state and public policy, regardless of whether or not we are a free, democratically controlled State.

Finally, we (OUR LEADERS "potential leaders"), primarily at the State level, are considering and in many cases have implemented mandates that reduce, take away or even eliminate personal freedoms, mimic collectivist (aka: COMMUNIST) societies, and reduce the US Constitution to a flexible "handbook" on public policy, based on falsely, and never approached sero-viral rate of 3%{although the actual rate is .2 to .3% or POINT 2 to POINT 3 percent. {which means that based on the US actual experience out of 1,000 individuals infected with Covid-19, approximately 2 die and 998 recover. 

The Science

The science behind Covid-19 is POLITICAL to say the least. I'll go on record to say what many are saying, that if Joe Biden is elected Nov. 2nd, COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns will MYSTERIOUSLY disappear. The alleged doctors, especially many on liberal news media, are anything but scientists and doctors delivering full truth...Look at it, when is the last time ANY of the Board Certified doctors on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or NBC have reported that a a PCP test with a Cycle Threshold or CT rate of 37 is said to be positive for Covid-19, when EVERYONE knows that Covid-19 cannot survive in an environment with a CT Rate over 33 to 34? This means at least HALF of the positive and so called asymptomatic cases reported are NOT actual cases of Covid-19. Have you heard that conversation? They will not tell you that the myocarditis and other illnesses and issues associated with the aftermath of covid-19 are exceptions and not normative conditions...No they report the most severe things as if they were normal.

Recently on the ZDOGG MD Show Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who is a Stanford physician and economist

and co-author of several seroprevalence studies on COVID-19, appeared to speak to and clear the air on many issues that have delivered confusion to the masses through and by the news media. This is a must listen interview and one which will clear up much of the confusion we are seeing over Covid-19 and the utter and sometimes deliberate confusion that has been delivered to the public in regards to this disease. Please click the above link.  

Yes, Covid is real. However personal freedoms and liberty is too. Mental health, sexual health and overall physical wellbeing is also real. Have we sacrificed everything over fear of this disease, and at the end of the day we should ask why and what are the long term implications of our actions. 


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Even During A Pandemic Sexual Assalt & Abuse Is On The Increase

Sexual abuse remains at record and all time high levels, especially during the covid 19 pandemic. In fact, reports have it that sexual abuse rates, along with various forms of mental anguish, have increased because there are few outlets for individuals to embrace community outside of their current situation or state demand for individual isolation. 

According to a USA Today report, calls to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network's (RAINN) National Sexual Assault Hotline are at their highest in its 26 year history. The same story reported that over 50% of the call's for help to RAINN in May and June 2020 were minors. 

Due to covid 19, many abused and potentially abused minors are forced to reside with their predators.While the Dept. Of Justice reports that 34% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by family members.RAINN reported that based on calls received in March of this year, 67% of callers identified their abuser as a family member and 79% of those individuals said that their perpetrator shared or lived in the same residence. As RAINN began to examine this startling increase, their leadership noted the following:

"As a result of looking at the information that we had from those sessions, it was clear that the abuse was escalating in both frequency and severity,"..."So a lot of the kids that were coming to the hotline were feeling pretty vulnerable and traumatized. And it was a direct result of COVID-19, because they were quarantined with their abuser. The abuser was now abusing them on a daily basis." ~ Camille Cooper VP of Public Policy RAINN [by NPR 8/2020]

What About Sexual Abuse Within The Church?

What happens when the sexual abuse comes from or is a result of a church leader? Although many of the stay at home orders issued by Governors across the United States, include churches and houses of worship, the predators have not taken time off doing their sinful deeds and making arrangements to perpetuate their sexual sins and crimes. In fact isolation makes it more easy for the perpetrator of sexual crimes to do their filthy deeds because victims or more static or centered in one location. 

Although his abuse was from the past, recently Pastor Logan Wesley III received a life plus 220 year sentence for his sexual perversions. Most, if not all, Wesley's sins were done while he was Pastor Of Trinity Temple COGIC of Texarkana, AK. Because his wife and church mother also heard complaints from the victims of his sins, and ailed to act on behalf of the individuals, they are being tied civilly under the states mandated reporter laws.

Cyber & Technology Sexual Abuse

Then there are more ways to sexually abuse than in person physical abuse. Such is the case of a 65 year old Priest from Queens, NY Francis Hughes, who befriended a 15 year old  stating that he was a part-time college professor and councillor and persuaded the boy to send him pictures of his penis by text messages. 

As you can see, although society may be restricted in certain ways, the sickness of pedophilia and child sexual abuse cannot be caged. 

I Am My Brother's Keeper Wants To Know Your Story

IMBKCAC recently added a "YOUR STORY" feature to its web site HERE and is encouraging those who have been victims of church related and clergy sexual abuse and misconduct, or those who may be experiencing such now, to confidentially share that story or reach out for general help and assistance if needed. 

The O'Hara Law Firm reports:
"In the last twelve years, over 375 leaders and volunteers of Southern Baptist churches have been charged with sexual misconduct. Over 200 of them were convicted or plead guilty. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) refuses to take meaningful steps to end abuse in churches, claiming that each church has individual autonomy."
COGIC and many other denominational churches embrace the same or similar concept of faith mission pastors and churches, while demanding money for credentialing simultaneously claiming insulation from the acts and actions of local pastors and church personnel. The frustration of this type of arrangement causes those who have been victimized to merely give up in their plight to seek justice and restoration in many cases.  

IMBKCAC is a RESOURCE that can be contacted 24/7 to field or engage alleged sexual abuse and allegations of church related abuse. We would like to hear from you even if anonymously.  

In short, we believe that God can heal all wounds, and we would like to know YOUR STORY!


Additional Resources:

NSVRC: Resources For Covid 19 Response

ABUSE Tracker

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

COGIC Pastor Senteced To Life PLUS 220 Years For Sexual Abuse

Special thanks to a reader of the Dunamis Word who recently brought to my attention the outcome and ongoing circumstances regarding a horrific case of sexual abuse. I want to stop and say this first....


Although clergy sexual abuse is not unique to our church, and happens in every church and every denomination on Earth, I am disturbed when it happens in my church.

I would say to any pastor and any Jurisdictional prelate, unless you have a "Safe Church Plan" in place, you and the people in your church, and organization are dangling on the edge. I'll continue to deal with that in another writing, but background checks and sexual harassment training doesn't do it!

Logan Wesley III of Texarkana, AK was recently sentenced to life PLUS 220 years for his filthy and perverted acts and actions with youth of his church over a number of years. It seems that this "pastor" was so much of a predator, that he took time to defile kids on church vans, at his personal residence, at the church and seemingly whenever and wherever he could get time to rape his victims, and then would threaten them or bribe them not to tell of his demonic acts.  

After the sentence prosecuting States Attorney Kelly Crisp stated the following:
“The jury, having heard evidence that Logan Wesley has been terrorizing and
raping children since at least 1981, sentenced him to the maximum amount of prison time for each of the counts for which he was convicted,” Crisp said. “Wesley’s prolific and outrageous criminal behavior entirely justifies the sentence he received. The repeated violations of the criminal laws of the State of Texas caught up with Logan Wesley this week. Thankfully the 12 citizens of Bowie County who made up this jury showed this defendant the same amount of mercy he showed his victims, which was none.”

What adds insult to injury is that Pastor Wesley's wife and even Church Mother is now caught in the web of sin and defilement, because as mandated reporters, they failed to act and tell authorities when knowledge came to them that pastor Wesley was engaging in or potentially engaging in these acts and actions. The Texarkana Gazette reports that the next round of liability lawsuits have begun HERE.

YES, if a person comes to you, and you re in a position of leadership within a church, and you reside in a mandated reporter state, and you fail to report such acts, YOU COULD GO TO JAIL for being complicit in abuse. 

So here we have a church completely destroyed, victims that have had their life totally upended, an alleged pastor jailed for life, his family destroyed in the process, and many of you will only yet sing the praises of the church as if, "that was them, this is me"...well, YOU'RE NO BETTER than any of these folk. You're ungodly too, if you don't see the sense of urgency in dealing with and putting this mess and mess like it down for good!

For a considerable amount of time, COGIC has stood behind a "faith mission" concept claiming no direct responsibility for sexiually abusive clergy, while simultaneously demanding payment for annual credential assessment in the name of "National Reports", and no direct obligation to victims of said abuse at the hands of many of these national report holders. Allegedly, checks have been written by the national church to victims and several NDA's have been signed that continue to keep silence and allegiance among the ranks. While these reports may or may not be true, what is still clear, is that there's STILL NO CLEAR PATH TO RESTORATION for those who have suffered victimization, and I still await meetings to discuss plans that this church can implement to reverse all of the negative stigma and ungodly actions surrounding this issue.  

As stated, progress has been made in certain areas, such as background checks and sexual harassment training, which are issues prior to Elder DL Foster's COGIC ABUSE WATCH, were not on the horizon to be fixed and or addressed. So thanks for "some "progress, but that is not nearly enough!

NO PROGRESS has been made as to how the church handles those who have been victimized or reintegrates and restores them that have been hurt and suffer this abuse. NO PROGRESS has been made as to how the church immediately removes such pastors or delays pastoral activities until such questions have been given a response. The procedural codes need to be updated, but there is no will to do so in many instances. 

Well, as stated above, the victims have filed civil suit for damages and COGIC has been named a party to their suit. For certain COGIC will seek summary dismissal, claiming that they have no direct responsibility for this pastor's actions as I have witnessed in many other instances and been party to in at least one. Who knows how that will go or how that will be interpreted by the court, but the fact is, beyond the courts, the CHURCH SHOULD DO RIGHT and be actively engaged in the RESTORATION of these victims both emotionally and spiritually. Be the LIGHT that we claim that we are. It's really just that simple.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

BLM: A Spiritual Movement & Police Defunding. Both Defined By Their Leaders

As politicians have taken the time to paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on city streets, and as major sports organizations such as the NBA have taken the time to place BLACK LIVES MATTER on their official uniforms and even the court in the name of criminal justice reform, I thought it was only appropriate to look further into this group, even more deeply than my initial review HERE.

This group has managed to raise millions if not billions of dollars through their intermediary ActBlue, which funds many liberal and even anti-American causes. Black Lives Matter have held the business community at large subject to them, causing some of them to massively fund their organization, while at the same time promoting anti-capitalist values and schemes. They have also promoted "White guilt" shaming many White people into the belief that they should be ashamed of being White, and that because of their heritage, they owe the community, especially Black people, penence in the form of either physical or social repairation. 

I thought since leaders and founders of BLM are freely giving information, as I find that they do not hide their intent, that it may be good for me to rehearse what the world and religious community, especially the Christian community, is really facing when it comes to BLM and their purpose. 

Beyond Marxism

In a 2015 interview on behalf of the Fowler Museum of UCLA, displaying an artistic display entitled "The Prayer For The Runner" by Patrisse Cullors, the following statements were made: 

"When we call out our ancestors, we call them out for specific purposes"..."And when you understand how tremendous this man was (George Floyd) then you understand why the world is cracking open" ~  Melina Abdullah

Now, BLM organizers and leaders often in their rallies call out the names of those who have died and or been murdered. Often they demand individuals to "say their names". This is a spiritual practice contingent upon the idea that people who have dies aka: ancestors, have the ability to help, or be present if called upon during certain times. So during these marches and rallies, adherents take this ancesteral call seriously and specifically. BLM leaders understand their gatherings to be spiritual gatherings, with a spiritual purpose and they associate with these "spirit beings" to accomplish their piurpose.

Yes, BLM leaders are "trained Marxists", but what they espouse is beyond Marxism. Marxism is merely one tool at their disposal for political, social and economic change and upheaval. The real purpose and directive is spiritual and the battle is for the spirits, hearts and minds of the people. 

Don't believe me? You'll hear it in the video for yourself, but this is what Ms. Abdullah said: 

"...and it took almost a year for me to realize that this movement (BLM) is much more than a racial and social justice movement, at its core it is a spiritual movement. Because we're literally standing on spilled blood. Right? And you can't pretend that work that's just like some organizing work, y'u-know that's some serious stuff right? ~  Melina Abdullah

She is not alone in her sentiments. Ms. Cullors said this:

"I think that's not just for us, I think so many leaders, and so many organizers, are deeply engaged in pretty important spiritual practices. I don't think I could do this work without that. I don't think I could do it, as long as I've done it consistently, like if I didn't do that it would be antithetical to this work." ~ Patrisse Cullors

Please let it be laid to rest that BLM movement is not a spiritual movement. Whether its adherents admit to it or not, the founders of the movement and the agenda associate with it, claim that BLM is a spiritual movement and cannot be otherwise divorced from its spiritual root of Ancient African ancestry as found principally in the West African religion of Youroba, which is a polytheistic religion. 

DEFUND The Police or Merely REALLOCATE

There has been all kinds of contorversy over what this group means when they speak of defunding the police. The NEWS media have gone way out of the way to redefine "defund" and although Presidential Candidate "Bunker" Joe Biden has said he agrees with defunding the police, (before he said he disagrees with defunding the police) the media invariably end up deceiving the public into believing that "defund" really mean "reappropriation" of funds to another purpose within the police authority. 

However, the TRUTH, as you will hear, is that when BLM leaders say "DEFUND" they mean exactly what they say, ABOLISH, GET RID OF AND REMOVE the police alltogether. This is what Patrisse Cullors said in this interview when discussinng this issue:  

"Yes and when we say defund, we literally mean abolish" ~ Patrisse Cullors

So far be it from me/us to define for these ladies what they mean and or intend. And the media and political figures being what they are should not add insult to injury with further redefinition and taking control of the narrative from those promoting the narrative. They mean what they say, and they say what they mean. 

Examine the video for yourself and decide if this organization is one worth painting the streets for or worth supporting. I would contend that ANY church, supporting this organization financially or physically IS NOT upholding any biblical cause, but are supporting leaders of polytheistic religion and those who promote idolatry and false god worship. However, if you do, that is your choice!