Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Conservative Clergy Of Color. Fighting FOR America

Thank God for this.
I am making a challenge to 1,000 clergy members to
be a part of this fight FOR America.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Brooklyn's Call For More Police, Not Less & Marxism's Dilemma

Parents & Families of  recent NYC Murders

In light of the Black Lives Matter, Marxist inspired anarchy that has shaken our inner cities, facilitated murder, and delivered all sorts of mayhem in the streets, citizens are finally seeing the process of the "utopian" vision of Marxism and that of the Black Lives Matter organization. 

Recently, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams called for NYC to reinstate its recently disbanded 600 member anti-crime unit which BLM and other community RE-organizers took as a "win" when the unit was decommissioned. At the same time groups like BLM encouraged protesters to violate stay at home orders, pandemic restrictions and everything else the Department of Health had put in place to combat covid 19, and managed in the process to seduce Mayors, Governors, City ans State Officials and even major corporate heads to take part in the alleged protests for justice. . 

What's The Problem?
Borough President Eric Adams & NYC Mayor de Blasio

As I've noted HERE and HERE the problem is that crime in the streets has increased as BLM and like organizations receive concession from cities and governments and financial contributions to implement their alleged "reforms" within our communities. It seems that the people they claim to be fighting for are the ones continuing to be killed, raped and robbed, and this time without police hope of police mitigation  or help in obtaining justice because political leaders have been ideologically seduced and most leaders, who happen to be DEMOCRAT, embrace the insistent rambling of the Marxist organization and those they have empowered to carry out their anarchy in these respective areas. 

Marxism's Dilemma
The Death Of The Sacrificial Lambs

I'd like to simply say here that Marxism/Communism has never had an issue with killing and sacrificing millions of every age for its purpose. For instance we must remember Mau Tse Tung in his Great Leap Forward ideology, is said to have killed 20 million to 46 million Chinese people in just 5 short years from 1958 to 1962. Interestingly enough Mau's idol was former Communist leader, Joseph Stahlin, who was said to have killed or orchestrated the murder and starvation of over 20 million Russians in his lust and zeal for power. Then there was Cambodian leader Pol Pot, who was also a Marxist and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea, that killed and tortured nearly 25% of Cambodia's 7 million citizens, followed by the Khmer Rouge, a Communist Party that is said to have killed another 1.7 to 3 million Cambodians from 1975 to 1979.   

Patrice Collours
BLM Founder &
"trained Marxist"
What am I saying? The murder of innocents is NOTHING to Marxist ideology. YES THIS IS THE SAME IDEOLOGY THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER EMBRACES and claims to be "trained" in. In nearly every instance, it seems that the death of the innocents and loss of life in the process of change while embracing this twisted political system, is only collateral damage. 

Ask yourself, have ANY of the leaders and alleged "trained Marxists" of BLM spoke out against violence or the murder of the innocents in the cities they parade and encourage the murder of police? Have they called ANY of the mothers and or fathers who have lost children to idiots having gun fights in public places and or simply killing indiscriminately? I'll venture to guess that the answer is NOPE!!!! WHY? Because the death of these and the increasing violence serve the purpose of their organizational and Marxist goals, which begin with creating public unrest, reframing the history and success of America and American values, removing a sitting President, and then overturning the complete political system and process of the United States, using socialism to recreate America as a Communist State.

Remember this however, as I stated on Facebook:

Marxism & Marx's Specter
In 1945, two months after winning WWII, young British voters turned from Winston Churchill to Clement Attlee, an undercover Marxist who had infiltrated the Labor Party.
Act 1: Nationalize the Healthcare system
Subsequent Acts: Nationalize finance, auto, coal, steel communications, & civil aviation.
Jaguar and Rolls Royce had to be financially bailed out by other countries in order to survive
In 1950 Great Britian reelected Winston Churchill, but spent the next EIGHTEEN years undoing the damage that Attlee's Marxist Specter gov't had done.
Marx's Specter is the first noun outlined in the Communist Manifesto. It never dies and does not change. And as such is one of the most dangerous and devastating political and social ideas in history. If we fail to learn from history we are destined to repeat it. Source: "Disinformation" by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa & Ronald J. Rychlak WND Books, Washington, DC, 2013 Pgs. 309-311

I for one intend to fight FOR America and against the change of our culture and cultural values to Marxism, sot socialism and or Communism. I invite those who want to make America better, but at the same time retain American values and freedoms, to join me in this cause.

Email me at IMBKCAC@GMAIL.COM to join the Fight For America!


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Covid 19 & The New Warfare Revealed. The Cover-up Of The Century

2 Kings 6:11-12 ~ 11-Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? 12-And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

Now, I want to say that I LOVE the Chinese people and find Chinese history, ethics, religion and entertainment fascinating. Nothing in this article demeans the Chinese people. However, I must say that I for one disavow Communism as a good and viable economic and social system. I believe that it is contrary to values of freedom and incompatible as an economic system with capitalism as I am sure any communist would agree.  

The Chinese Government is full of what may be good people, that are under the control of a governmental system that does not facilitate the best for its people. Communism is what it is, but that is not the basis of this article. The basis of this article is to review what I believe the Lord revealed to me early on, that was an "attack" on the world and on the US in particular.

Yes, I believe that covid 19 is one of the types of a new method of warfare in which genetically engineered viruses and diseases replace bombs, tanks and missiles as means of fighting and controlling world balance through and by economic means and population control efforts. Why destroy history, buildings and landmarks, when a more long term and lasting change can be made by producing social and economic unrest and confusion?  I DO NOT believe that the outbreak was planned as it was revealed. There was a lab "mistake" as President Trump has affirmed through intelligence reporting and I believe the Chinese Government had to do some wrangling to mitigate the effect of covid 19 in China and abruptly change and alter its delivery method to the world.

OK, you're saying I am full of conspiracy.
I will only say...PIZZA GATE.
That is conspiracy!
This is not. 

The following video goes a long way to revealing what we are actually dealing with when it comes to the rise and treatment of covid-19. This is a devastating disease, not a hoax, but I believe that GOD has stuck his HAND in and has taken away much of the thunder that this disease was supposed to deliver, and even now, it is not social distancing or masks saving our nation, but God himself that has remembered this imperfect society, with all its faults, and granted mercy upon it so that the gospel can be preached and this world saved!

There is much more that will be revealed, however, in the following video, we will see that Chinese governmental and military officials KNEW of this disease long before it was revealed to the WHO or the United States and that as early as December 20th, 2019, knew that this disease was transmissible from person to person contact, which is something that they would not be revealed until nearly a full month later on or about Jan. 20th, 2020. This "cover-up" was done  with the WHO declaring that no country needed to implement a travel ban and that the disease was not as bad as it has turned out to be.

No, this is not easy and there will be much more revealed over time, and God give us strength, we will be there to say the Dunamis Word that the Lord has given us. Please take time to listen and take notes, comparing this to what we see and hear in the news.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

CHOP Broken As Marxist Inspired Violence Nearly Destroys Seattle

The CHOP Zone in Seattle, referenced in our article, St. John's Church Pt. 2 ~ MACN "Make America Communist Now" has come to a long overdue end.

Allegedly inspired by the brutal police murder of George Floyd and the demand for police defunding, certain "protesters" took over a police precinct and nearly 6 blocks of a great American City, Seattle, WA. and proceeded to make their own laws within the zone, demanding the city and state to negotiate certain "reforms" with them before giving up the territory.

This group was inspired by hatred for the police, and heightened rhetoric, if not directed and orchestrated by what I consider America's Black led anarchist group (Black Lives Matter ~ BLM) which seeks to embed themselves within the African American community preaching their version of Marxism and hate in the name of community reform and police reform in particular. Black Lives Matter (BLM), and believe me, there is a vast difference between the slogan or phrase, [which is certainly true,] and the organization; has not only inspired peaceful protest, which is good and acceptable, but also violence and loss of life both among protesters and police attempting to continue to do their job in keeping the community safe.

At least one of their founders/leaders is a self ascribed "Trained Marxist" and the BLM website, though scrubbed somewhat from previous versions, continues to assert the following under the tab "What We Believe":
"We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Further, one of their founders, Patrice Cullors, has stated the following in 2015:
“Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,”...“ (the founders of BLM) build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.” ~ Patrice Cullors in an interview with Morgan State University Professor Morgan Ball in 2015
In addition, a previous version of their website contended that this group was aiming to overturn "parochial values" in favor of community comprised values and value system. Parochial values are those developed as a matter of faith and within systems of faith which further reveals their disregard from the church and bible based moral values, which is also consistent with the philosophy of Marxism that they claim to embrace.

I believe that it was this group, BLM, which was the primary inspiration for multiple young people to violate the law and enter into sedition against the United States in Seattle and potentially other areas such as New York, and Washington DC. Their chants cannot be forgotten "What do you want? Pigs in a blanket. When do you want it? Now!" meaning that they want dead police! In other instances, leaders and members of these protests openly share their disdain for police by holing signs that say "F 12" and that they "want to hang a police, like they hang us". This is not a chant for reform and or freedom. This is a chant or murder. This is not a sign or message of peace and reform, it is a sign of hate and disregard. The Dunamis Word believes that BLM should be held responsible for the multiple killings of police and security personnel during this current round of anarchist actions. 

Seattle: BLM Democratic/Marxist Social Experiment Gone Wrong
BLM Guiding Principle 3 "Loving Engagement":
"We are committed to embodying and practicing justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another."
These marches along with other hideous sayings have taken place all over the country in the name of BLM. In Seattle they have taken place under the watchful eye of Washington's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee and Democratic Mayor Jenny Durkan who, against the police chief's recommendation. It seems that Mayor Durkan was complicit to allow this annexation of her city until this group, not satisfied by merely holding a community hostage, decided to march on her home, in her personal space and community, demanding her attention.

The efforts of the CHOP anarchists, have led to death, mayhem and now, multiple federal lawsuits later, filed by law abiding citizens, claiming that their government has denied them the rights and protections afforded to Americans under our Constitution, the Mayor has finally ordered the CHOP zone to be chopped off.

Among other things, the Daily Mail website reports the following regarding the CHOP Zone:
  • Mayor Jenny Durkan called the city's 'occupied' protest zone an 'unlawful assembly' in an order Wednesday
  • Seattle police confirmed Wednesday they would be 'in the area this morning enforcing the Mayor's order'
  • Officers in riot gear issued a dispersal order at 5AM and used bicycles to herd the protesters
  • Mayor Durkan said there has been a 525% spike in violent crimes, including rape and assault, in the area involving at least 2 teen murders one of a 16 and 19 year old, 1 rape and multiple other assaults. 
  • Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said: 'The CHOP has become lawless and brutal'
What is clear is that what went on in this CHOP Zone was anything BUT liberation and peace in engaging one another. They basically killed one another and then denied police help. This is what gangs do. This is what we find in organized crime organizations. There is nothing about what happened in this CHOP Zone that resembles "peaceful protests" or people standing for liberty or until the American Dream is realized. 

If there was ANY question over whether Democrat Joe Biden should be considered for the office of President, I believe the events of Seattle have more than adequately addressed that question. These events and his response, have proven that he should NOT be considered for the job! President Trump spoke up early against this unlawful occupation and offered the Governor help and assistance in shutting down this anarchist action, Joe Biden tended to believe that anarchy is/was a good thing and made no distinction between anarchy and peaceful protesters. If Joe Biden cannot identify the difference between peaceful protest and anarchy and unlawful assembly, after more than 43 years of political service, HE IS UNWORTHY of the highest office in the land. 

Violation Of All Covid 19 Guidance

What is so amazing to me regarding these protests and more specifically the anarchist actions that go on within some of these protests, is the complete disregard of all covid 19 guidance and or restrictions set forth by Departments of Public Health.

Allegedly, covid 19 is "spiking" in certain counties in about 6 states. If you listen to the news these spikes are sharp and dramatic and people are hanging out the hospital ICU's as a result. However the evidence does not match the prime time news hysteria.

Neither will you hear any association to these protests and the rise of covid 19. Example, recently it's been reported that there is a serious spike in Florida in covid 19 cases. This is true but especially true for Dade County (Miami) while most of the rest of the State remains stable in both hospital admissions and ICU bed count.

In West Nyac, NY in Rockland County, it is said that a "house party" and multiple house parties in one particular area, has been the common link in covid 19 cluster. However, this search has yielded a grand total of 9 covid 19 cases, and they say that hundreds must be tested because they could be infected.

All this effort in those cases, but nearly no effort to reprimand protesters who are openly defying covid 19 guidance.

Our prayer is that ALL protesters, both peaceful and non-peaceful, will be physically safe and secure. Sickness is no joke and because we disagree on issues, is no reason to wish harm or hurt on anyone. However, I am determined to fight for my country the best way that I can and stand for personal liberties and freedom and stand against Marxism and the reversion of our country to Communism.

Immigrants do not want to come to this country because we are Marxists. They want to come here because they have a chance at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. While American may not be perfect, I believe we all have an opportunity to change its imperfections and make it a better place every day without destroying it as the call from a certain far left corner of American calls for today.

What we can all do is pray that the church will engage itself in the healing and restorative message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though Marx considered religion to be an illusion, we KNOW that belief in Jesus IS the ultimate reality and that men everywhere, who have accepted Jesus and submitted themselves at the cross have been made much better for it.

BLM founders and adherents need that message now more than ever. I intend to preach like I've never preached before in my life. The TIME is now!!!

2 Timothy 3 1-5: 1-This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2-For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3-Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4-Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5-Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


    Wednesday, July 1, 2020