Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Even In Covid 19 Times, We Are MORE Than Conquerors. Rom. 8:37

As the world is in fear of what is "expected" as a result of this disease, we (Believers) are YET conquerors in all things and the PROMISE of God historically is for us today. 

Join me as I expound on this topic and more regarding our current state of affairs or condition. Welcome to The Dunamis Word! 

Presiding Bishop's Call To "Global Fasting & Intercessory Prayer"

As many in the public, as well as church leaders, continue to die from covid 19 infection, and now even some pastors and religious leaders fined or put in jail because of their conduct in violating orders of local, State and Federal leaders, recently Bishop Charles E Blake, Presiding Bishop of the Church Of God In Christ, spoke to the members of COGIC and believers everywhere regarding covid 19 calling us to observe a day of Global Fasting & Intercessory Prayer".

This is what he said and wrote:

The Bishop's Letter To The Church and believers everywhere:

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covid 19 ~ Can You Discern The Time?

In a recent Facebook Live Session, I took the time to address the current Covid 19 crisis and the church. Please feel free to respond with your commentary and questions as well.