Over the years I have written multiple articles on abortion and abortion rights, examining the issue in light of both biblical truth and societal results.
The Right To Live. The Ultimate Human Right
Resurging & Failing Arguments For Abortion
A Dunamis Word
In recent days I undertook to speak out on the issue on Facebook yet once again. Here is what I said:
became law in 1972 Americans have aborted an estimated 50 million babies and nearly an average of 1,400 children per day within the Black community alone. Not only has this decimated America from a Human values standpoint, it has also done the same from an economic cost as well. For example, although the Black community comprises only 13% of the US population, in 2014 Black women accounted for 36% of all abortions. Other statistics clearly point out that Black Americans are no longer the leading minority in the US by number, and strong arguments can be made that this is due to high abortion rates and low birth rate among Black families. From an economic standpoint, this suggests that wealth within the Black community in particular and ultimately within America is not being replaced at adequate levels to sustain the community. I think a brief look at most of our urban epicenters around the country bears out ample support for that argument on many different levels.
The arguments supporting abortion as an institution are nothing new. The arguments often confuse issues of human rights with issues of quality of life. For sure, the right of every human being to live, exist or have a right to life, is the #1 HUMAN RIGHT'S issue in the world. However, no liberal human rights organizations will undertake this argument, therefore displaying their absurd hypocrisy as human rights organizations. Where is the voice of the HRC, or GSLEN in the HUMAN RIGHT of human being to live and exist? Their voices DO NOT exist on the issue because they (the so called human rights organizations) are and have always been FAKE NEWS!
Seeing, feeling and hearing that the writing is on the wall, signaling the end or at least "modification" of abortion within America, the left has renewed the fight to kill babies under the law by mingling their arguments with chants of "women's rights", "women's health", a "woman's right of self-determination of her own body" and has further renewed the assumption that "no one wants a rapist's baby" or a "baby of incest". The fact is that the prior statements don't apply to the argument as they are "quality of life arguments" as opposed to "human rights" arguments as they have been applied by pro-abortionists (as I will explain later in this writing) The latter statements or sentiment is not accurate and further diminishes life. The truth is that it is estimated that less than 1.5% of all abortions are due to rape and or incest. So to use rape and incest as a "reason" for abortion is not only a spurious and dubious argument, it simply cannot be supported by the factual data that exists.
Simultaneously, the abortion argument has not changed as many of the same individuals who encourage it remain silent about late term and partial birth abortion which is a more visible forms of abortion that provide ample evidence that a human being is actually killed during the abortion process and through a process that has been ratified as being "legal", but yet barbaric and murderous.
In recent days I undertook to speak out on the issue on Facebook yet once again. Here is what I said:
"JER. 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
I will go more in depth on this but I was awaken early to share this tidbit of info. on the subject of life and abortion which has recently come front and center in this nation once again.
It seems to me that there are some things that everyone agrees on. That life is valuable, freedom should be upheld, a woman should have control over her own body and that the innocent and those who can't help themselves should be defended and protected from death.
The problem appears to be the application and point at which our values and closely held beliefs come into effect or play.
For example, is a fetus a part of his or her mother's body or a separate individual even if not so physically? At what point does that fetus posses human rights? Do the rights of a fetus include the right to live and if so when or at what point?
The Importance of Worldview
For sure the answer to these questions are more than mere matters of opinion. They center around what one believes about life and existence itself. So what one believes about what life is and why there is life informs one's opinions on this issue.
For example, if one believes that all existence is purely material, and there is no greater or higher purpose for human existence, one might claim that life is defined as being on the same par as animal life or even plant life with only physiological differences, and devoid of any essential purpose other than what it (the life) chooses to exercise. While there are many problems with this view, which I may point out, notions such as these sre rooted in existentialism. At the core of this rationalization of life is a materialistically centered reconciliation of existence with little to no acknowledgement of transcendent purpose, goals, values or higher existence.
On the other hand, if one's worldview is more biblically informed one may embrace concepts of a spiritual and essential nature of man, individualism and mankind.
For instance, in God's call to the ancient prophet Jeremiah HE outlines that before Jeremiah was "formed" in the womb, God knew him. At the very least this indicates that Jeremiah was an individual prior to his formulation...
A Little Science
While there is yet great debate within the medical community over when conception actually occurs, there is little to no debate that when an Ovum is fertilized by a sperm, all the DNA and other information necessary to create a human being is passed along. In other words, the process of a sperm implanting an Ovum by itself does not right away produce a fully developed human begin, however at that moment the developmental process aka: formulation, has begun.
Back To The Point
God's call to Jeremiah indicated that Jeremiah was not only a material being but also "something" that could be "known". Language of this sort indicates that apart from material creation Jeremiah had a substance about himself that could be "known" or reconciled in an intellectual manner.
This "substance" that can be "known" is what is called "spirit or soul". This is similar to the concept if "ensoulment" in which it is said that man "possesses" a soul or spirit.
While the bible does not teach "ensoulment" in the sense that man has a compartment within him that is spirit or soul, it does however teach that man, in his totality, is a soulish being or what is termed as a "living soul". This is described in Genesis 1 in the following 7th verse:
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul"
Man in his entirety consisted of not only material (dust of the ground) but also spirit (living soul). Transducianism is the teaching that since the creation of man as a "living soul", every being subsequently produced by men are also of the same composition and or nature.
Without a doubt we are influenced by our worldview.
In the case of life the choice is clear. Either one believes that a fetus is a sub par form of life undeserving of an opportunity to live and is devoid of human rights or one believes that prior to even formulation of a body that each being is an individual deserving of human rights, is full of purpose and not merely an accident or cosmic configuration of material pieces.
Abortion is a material process with no consideration given to spirit, soul, purpose or intention. At heart, abortion and it's premise is not about women's health, neither is is a healthcare issue. It is about quality of life and an individual's or being's right to life under what I believe is a properly informed worldview.
Therefore, to restrict abortion is not a prohibition of any human right. A woman's right of choice is in no wise inhibited, any more than a driver's right of way while driving is inhibited by a pedestrian walking.
When placed in proper context a woman's ability to nurture life is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind.
If contextualized in a battle of epic spiritual proportions, one can see why a strategy to kill or inhibit "living souls" from existence has nearly always existed especially since the destruction or subversion of the image of God within man is the goal of man's arch-enemy, satan.
So for the Christian, the notion of abortion and abortion rights is much more than about a law, civil rights, or some ethereal right enshrined or conferred upon individuals through law or societal norms. It is a fight for souls, values and human rights. Those rights include the human right of a pregnant woman to make a choice about her being, and also the human right of a baby to live and grow.
I think it is time to set the record straight not only regarding abortion, but regarding life itself and the very reason we exist as humans.
Pastor Harvey Burnett
The Dunamis Word Bethelburnett.blogspot.com
New Bethel COGIC
I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council
In Defense Of The Faith
The original article link is below for your review