It seems that there is a push in the Grand Ole Church (aka: COGIC) to maximize dollars through Church Mutual Insurance, through a church insurance program especially designed to cover COGIC churches at a group discount providing a 5% or 10% cash back in the form of a dividend or premium credit (whichever is allowable under applicable State law).
Church Mutual is one of the nation's largest insurers (among the top 3 generally) of churches, ministries and para-ministry organizations in the United States.
What I found interesting is that Church Mutual has many resources available to help church leaders and administrators assess and manage potential risks through both practice and insurance planning. According to the "Pastor's Letter" which is in a PDF in full below, Church Mutual plans to offer the church the following benefits at individual pastoral requests:
• On-site hazard identification/assessment • Ergonomic evaluations • Accident investigation training • Safety training and resource tools • Emergency preparedness and action planning • Loss analysis (identifying trending and root causes and offer solutions) • Review of programs/policies/procedures (specific to your ministry/operations) • Innovative property protection (examples – sensor technology, drones) • Accurate replacement cost valuations • Customized service plans • Safety Presentations • Security and emergency preparedness (workplace violence and armed intruder – incorporates ALICE and FIRESTORM concepts and training) • Severe weather preparedness • Protecting your youth (preventing sexual misconduct) • Slip, trip, and falls prevention• Online and telephonic safety support • Allergy and swimmer wristbands • Safety seminars, webinars, and videos • Risk reporter newsletter and risk alerts • Safety material (posters, brochures, checklists, safety programs, videos, newsletters, presentations, and webinars)
As you can see I have underscored part of this "plan" that offer benefits similar to a Safe Church Certification offered through I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council.
I also find it interesting that I personally contacted Church Mutual about 4 years ago asking for their help in developing such a program and they had no clue as to where to begin or what to do.
At the end of the day the suggestions and services of Church Mutual are a step in the right direction and are good supportive measures, but close attention needs to be paid to what this program really is and what it does not do.
What is the COGIC Church Mutual Insurance Plan?
- The Church Mutual program is a buyers discount club. The intent of the program is to "leverage the buying power of the 10,000+ locations in order to reduce premiums" This means that it is like buying insurance in bulk or at a group premium rate.
- The Church Mutual program is a premium dividend or premium credit arrangement. When fully implemented the participating churches will either receive cash back for insurance premiums or a premium credit.
- The Church Mutual plan is a voluntary plan with no upward or third party reporting or accountability. IMBKCAC has called for a MANDATORY plan for all COGIC churches in all jurisdictions. Part of the Safe Church Plan (SCP) includes not only "mandatory" participation of all churches at all sizes and levels within the church in the SCP.
- The Church Mutual plan does not encourage 3rd party independent oversight. IMBKCAC called for COGIC to provide and submit to 3rd party independent oversight in matters of sexual abuse. We have also consistently and unfailingly called for the establishment of the following supports:
- A national sexual abuse advocacy hot line
- Transparent annual reporting of church related sexual abuse, molestation, rape and pedophilia available at least annually through every Jurisdiction at the request of any individual or entity.
- The Establishment of a Victims Advocacy Department (which can only be done at the General Assembly Level)
- Regional abuse response advocacy teams coordinated by the Victim's Advocacy Department to assist victims and their families in each region in the event of church related sexual abuse.
- The Church Mutual Plan does not provide a path for victims advocacy. This plan DOES NOT lay out the rights of victims rights. such as to whom and how to make reports, (which may be covered in some brief detail in the church official "sexual harassment policy") nor does it deliver a timetable to resolve complaints, and standards of care during the time a complaint is filed until a case has ceased.
Why Can't IMBKCAC Just Be Happy?
Though, as stated, Church Mutual has done much internal work to help their clients, in this case COGIC, by making them aware of the level of review that is essential to address the issues of church safety, the Church Mutual plan is simply is not a Victim's Advocacy Plan nor a SCP and should not be mistaken as such.
The Church Mutual Program is what it is, an insurance plan aimed at mitigating risk, maximizing premiums and overall company profitability.
With that said, I don't quite know how we or anyone should feel about this program. Premium discounts are good. Information on preventing sexual harassment, abuse, sexual misconduct and rape, is good, however, it is misleading to think that this plan provides a level of safety or security and restoration of victims. Making that assumption could be a very bad assumption in the long run.
Most churches and leaders will look at the plan and choose the short path to say that the church has solved issues pertaining to sexual abuse, victimization and rape. Similar to the Catholic Church, COGIC, it seems, will view the relationship with Church Mutual as one in which all problems dealing with sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia and clergy sexual misconduct is satisfied.
While I can only hope that church will respond with a higher level of intent and integrity, I cannot say that this program will do anything to solve problems that have arisen over the years and yet continue to plague all of Christianity and religion in general today.
Below is a very good video by Church Mutual partners Godfrey & Kahn SC which deals with and addresses many aspects of church related sexual abuse and misconduct (aka: SINS)...I believe that will be a good starting place and churches should know that victims grow...they have memories...and one day, every story will be told!