Various Items Of Interest
Friday, December 22, 2017
Thursday, December 14, 2017
FIRE Tucker Carlson For His New Black Lynching
Lynch ~ to kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.
Back in June 2017, in this video, Fox News correspondent , Tucker Carlson, interviewed Lisa Durden, a person that he calls a "Black Lives matter supporter". Well, anyone reading this blog already knows what I think in general about BLM organization and if you don't please read this ARTICLE.
The most horrible part of this video, in my opinion, really is not Lisa's political, moral or ethical position. The MOST horrible part is that in the 5 minutes and 55 seconds of direct engagement, Carlson, a White man, insults Lisa, a Black women, 7 times, calling her "demented", "sick", not capable of having this conversation", saying that she had given a "dumb answer", was delivering "silly lectures" and that what she was saying was "crazy".
Now, NO ONE says anything about his leveling ad homonym attacks at this Black woman. No one calls for Carlson to apologize for his absurd handling of someone he "knew" would radically dissent from his views.
I'd like to know why? I'd like to see Carlson FIRED!
I'd like to know why? I'd like to see Carlson FIRED!
I would venture to say that IF this was a White woman, and IF Carlson was a Black man, I am nearly CERTAIN that there would be a job opening at his desk today! The White women, by far and large are the driving force of the "metoo" movement, exposing men and demanding their removal from the public square and nearly no one is questioning the narrative.
What am I saying? I am fairly clear...It seems that the Black women is open and subject to White abuse and the White man "thinks" that how he speaks to the Black women, not only privately, but publicly, is acceptable and above question. This is bias, hypocrisy and injustice to the highest.
Further, the media, especially in this case, has found a way to victimize Blacks by publicly shaming them and holding their carcasses up before the world in an effort to belittle or minimize them. This is the new media way to lynch Black people today...Shame, ridicule, and openly attack, and hang them up for the world to see...
Fox News will you FIRE Tucker Carlson for abusing a women publicly, even though she is Black?
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Neil deGrasse Tyson Genetic Predisposition Or Freewill STILL Sexual Abuse!
"He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today". ~ Tychia Amet
The rise of the "Me Too Movement" continues to allow women and men to give shape and voice to their experience of sexual abuse. Accusations against the secular elite in the political, business and even entertainment industry have not only rocked our society, but have displayed that money cannot and does not fix or correct hearts.
Neither position, titles, public accolades, or money can change the hearts of men and cause them to walk in integrity. You see, it stems from Adam, as we (the human race) were "ALL" "shaped in iniquity" and conceived in sin, or brought into a sin filled world (Ps. 51:5) With the exception of Jesus, (as he was sinless ~ 2 Cor. 5:21) there is no one born of a woman that escapes the sin of this world without the hand of sin having made its deep impressions on our mind, hearts and ultimately character.
Within the Christian worldview, we understand this. We understand that our enemy is sin and that what Jesus came to address was the sin nature by not only removing the penalty of sin, through and by the substitutionary atonement and redemption of Jesus on the cross, but by also destroying the power of sin through that shedding of blood and the resurrection:
1 Cor. 15:17 ~ And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins
As Christians we are constantly and consistently driven back to our savior as a result of the relationship that we have to sin. Although sin does not rule over us any longer, we have an "advocate" who continues to wash us with the water of refreshing by HIS word, (Ephes. 5:26) advancing us past sin's strongholds. For some this may take a lifetime, for others it is an instantaneous reversion away from the sins that we recognize as hindrances to our lives. No matter the theological view or technical application of Christ's works against the sin nature, we have an answer for sin and the evil that results from it.
Unlike the Christian, the atheist has first, no outlined reason to exist at all. Under a purely materialistic paradigm, where only current laws of nature exist, there is no reason for life in general. In fact, under even the most advanced scientific postulation, there is no reason for material existence of any kind from a state of non-existence when "nothing" actually means "nothing".
Secondly, under a purely materialistic paradigm, there is no reason to believe that free-will exists at all or that man has any control or power over his own decisions and invariably his own thoughts. Under materialism, all thoughts, actions and even behavior would be based on some form or variation of predetermined chemical, biological response, and that is the only degree to which a man could be said to be "responsible" for their own actions.
Therefore, according to the materialist, we are victims of chemicals, and biological chemical responses and products of our environment and predetermined physiological and genetic predispositions. We are hopeless to avoid what a predetermined materialistic response to conditions will do and there is no ultimate method available to "save ourselves" except for the advancement of science and self-improvement.
Even America's favorite Black atheist cannot escape his own biological predispositions. according to Patheos Blog nearly 3 years ago self acclaimed, healer, teacher and musician, Tchiya Amet spoke out on the abuse that she suffered at the hands of her former professor, the now renowned Neil deGrasse Tyson from the article:
"He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson…
How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less [black] female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?"
Evidently, Ms. Amet was victimized by Mr. Tyson while she attended the University Of Texas as an undergrad student with dreams of becoming an astronaut. Not only did the alleged unwanted advances of Mr. Tyson stop Ms. Amet from reaching her goals, but they also caused her over 25 years of trauma summarized by a diagnosis of PTSD.
It seems that although Ms. Amet now embraces some form of Rastafarianism, she was at one point heavily influenced and accepting of many of Mr. Tyson's activist positions and what would have been considered a break from a traditional understanding of man's role in the world, which, within the Black community, by far and large holds to a more traditional, religiously centered position and understanding.
While there are many lessons to learn here, I find that all men, religious and non-religious, suffer from the same plight of humanity and its evils and no matter what a man or person does to escape, finds that our natures are inescapable and incompassable without repentance and faithful adherence to God and HIS word.
Critical Assessment
Now, the critic will assert that we see priests, pastors and other religiously centered people engaging in sinful behavior every day, and observing their failures are ample proof that there is no difference in the ethics of the religious and nor the ethics of the irreligious.
If that were the only argument, we would have to admit that the atheist makes quite a point here. However, that is NOT the only argument.
The argument centers around the pure exercise of free-will. God has not destroyed free-will in the process of saving us from sin. He yet expects free-will agents to freely serve HIM and accept HIM and even follow HIM for what and who HE is. It is the exercise of free-will that makes the Christian uniquely different when all things are considered. The atheist only has what "appears" to be free-will. He cannot change (according to his beliefs) He can only act on what he is made of and is a product of chemicals, environment and genetics. Whereas, the Christian can decide, by an act of his volition, which path he or she chooses to follow.
Unfortunately, not all Christians maintain their choice or exercise their free will to pursue Christ and righteousness consistently. THUS, herein is the major difference:
The Christian has a solution to sin and evil that he or she can actualize, that is beyond self that can be accessed to superseded genetics, biology and environment. The atheist is left to a hopeless predeterminism rooted in all of those things, masqueraded as self-determinism. This is the ultimate delusion. The delusion that predetermined factors can somehow act differently than they are predetermined to act!
My Invitation To Every Atheist Confronted With The Limits Of Self
All the money, attention and accolades in the world cannot save Mr. Tyson, myself, or any man from their sins...ONLY the blood of Jesus and repentance and faith in that redemptive act can do that. HIS act of redemption upon the cross opens a door beyond materialism into a world where true free-will and freedom of the heart and mind from sin and evil exists. Certainly as long as we are here, upon this Earth, we will struggle. However we can overcome in HIM:
John 16:33 ~ These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome
the world.
As a Christian, I have certainly committed actions that I am not proud of. Every day has not been on the mountaintop over the last some 35 years of being saved...HOWEVER, I THANK GOD that I have an advocate who has redeemed me from sin and the curse of sin as I have committed to HIM my mind, heart and body! It is that GOD that I and countless other Christians turn to to find help in the time of need and freedom from the power and ultimate penalty of sin, guilt and condemnation of failure in this world.
I hope that Mr. Tyson and every other atheist can join me in finding that peace, because outside of that, is only the fictitious make-believe that man can redeem himself from evil and ultimately the evil of his own heart and mind.