Various Items Of Interest

Monday, May 15, 2017

Who Is Speaking To American Morals & Values?

Mt. 5:14-16 ~ 14- Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15-Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16-Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

According to a recent Gallup Survey on American views of moral acceptability, it seems that the only issues most Americans are morally incensed about centers around the death penalty and medical testing on animals. Otherwise Americans are more accepting than ever of certain social values than ever before. 
It seems that Americans are not only more accepting of constructs such as homosexual marriage, divorce, and even adultery, but Americans are also more favorable of Dr. assisted suicide, human cloning, gambling and even embryonic research. 

With that said and seeing that the trend towards liberalism is at an all time high, the question is who is informing the values of America?   

Is the church informing social values? If so, then why is America seemingly more liberal in its values construct than ever? 

Is the church a light of the community and world any longer? Or is this simply an inevitable trend in morality that cannot be avoided? 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Joel Osteen, Jude 3, & The Acceptance Of False Doctrine

"I'm not one to judge the little details of it (Mormonism)"

In another interview, referenced in my FIRST ARTICLE on the subject, Pastor Osteen states that "Mormonism is a little bit different, but I still see them as brothers in Christ" ~ Pastor Joel Osteen CNN Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer

A Brigham Young University Professor says this:
“Cherry-picking similarities while failing to mention major differences is a powerful way to misrepresent and mislead.” ~ Peterson, Daniel (Professor at Brigham Young University) "Focus on Similarities Can Prove Misleading,” Mormon Times, November 6, 2011, 8.
Pastor Osteen says that he sees practicing Mormons as "Brothers In Christ" This means that he believes that one can believe in and practice Mormonism and yet be saved. However, individuals commissioned to teach Mormonism contend that it is misleading to speak of similarities between Mormonism and Christianity while looking over the differences as noted above.

So let us examine what the leader of the largest Christian church in America simply doesn't have enough time to distinguish. Let us look at what the pastor calls the "little differences" between Mormonism and Christianity and see if these issues are important enough to distinguish the difference between Mormonism and what we know as Christianity.

The Examination: What Do Mormons Believe?

The Mormon Church:

Officially founded April 6th, 1830, the Mormon Church in belief and practice actually began 10 years earlier in 1820 when two angelic beings, claimed to be God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) appeared to one Joseph Smith, claiming that the beliefs and practices of all churches in existence at that time were corrupt and that it would be Smith's job to restore the church back to God.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

110th COGIC Holy Convocation or Apostasy? You Decide...

Go HERE for an indepth look at what Pastor Osteen calls the "little differences" between Mormonism and Christianity and decide if there are really "little differences" and whether Mormonism is of the Christian faith. 

The lineup of speakers for the 2017 Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ has been announced. Of course, the announcement has not only left many with questions, but has also stirred emotions especially with the Wed. evening choice of speakers.

The controversy seems to center around the selection of the pastor of the largest Christian church in the United States, Pastor Joel Osteen of the Lakewood Church in Houston, TX.

To be fair, COGIC has embraced speakers that are not a part of the organization for many years. So the fact that Pastor Osteen is controversial because he is not a part of COGIC can hardly be supported by any evidence. 

For example, Bishop TD Jakes, Bishop Noel Jones, & Pastor Dewey E Smith to name a few, have all spoken at recent Holy Convocations to greater or lesser approval or disdain of rank and file COGIC members. 

Every year there is an "ecumenical" night in which a speaker that is not COGIC is asked to speak. This appears to be in line with a standing tradition of the church to be hospitable and inviting to those who are not of the organization in effort to extend the "right hand of fellowship" which countervienes what happened to our founding Bishop, Bishop CH Mason, when he was dis-fellowshiped from the Baptist church for preaching and teaching the message of holiness and eventually pentecostalism.

While the effort of inclusion is commendable, it seems that the mission of presenting a sound and uncompromising message of Holiness is getting lost in the shuffle and is the source of any controversy or dissension on the issue. 

What Do I Mean?