Various Items Of Interest

Monday, April 27, 2015

Hillary Says Your Religious Belief Must Change

From the woman who once said that that the bible is the biggest influence on her life:
Q: " If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?"
"At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement.
~ "
NY Times Sunday Book Review 6/11/2014 HERE
However, it seems that the former first lady of the United states, senator, Secretary Of State, and 2016 Presidential candidate, says that "beliefs", some of which she learned and held dear, many of which come from the bible that she reads and "religion" have to be "changed" especially when those beliefs conflict with so called women's reproductive rights (better yet, the right to kill babies by means of abortion or abortion rights)

Mrs. Clinton says this in the enclosed interview:
"Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."~ Hillary Clinton, Women In The World Summit 4/23/2015
The question is, why and how does one "change" from "beliefs" or faith proposition that are based and rooted in the bible or biblical understanding? I mean the critic can assert all they want that all kinds of biases can be based on religious "belief". However, they are hard pressed to make a successful argument....

Slavery...hardly..."endorsed" in a biblical paradigm. The fact is the abolition of slavery in the modern era came about by the faithful adherence to the bible and its message.

Racism...YAWN!...not endorsed in any manner in a biblical paradigm.

Polygamy....Think again...the biblical prohibition for the Kings was to NOT multiply wives as heathens practiced (Deut. 17:17) , but that ONE man and ONE woman would be the foundation of the family. (Gen. 2:24, Mt. 19:4. Mk. 10:6-8)

Here is the part of her speech under review:

Is this much to do about nothing? Or is this an issue of importance? Does the radical left feel that religious beliefs and values are up for compromise? If so, then how does "freedom of religion" exist?

If religious beliefs can be compromised, then how are they true? Are they only relatively true, or are they absolutely true, or does it simply depend on what "beliefs" that we are talking about?

One thing is for sure, if this lady becomes President, we are in trouble even more than we are now....OOOHHH Boy!!!!!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

When "Gay Day" Comes Your Way ~ Results Of The Homosexual Rite Being Law Pt. 3

Freedom Of Speech, Religion & The New Gay Rights

Aside from the NCAA final Four one of the most hotly contested situations in Indiana this weekend is the states position of the intersection of freedom of speech, free exercise of religion and values, and the implementation of gay rights as defined by gay advocacy groups including Lambda Legal, GLAAD, the HRC (Human Rights Campaign), and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

In short, the Indiana legislature took it upon themselves to look back nearly 22 years into American history adopting their version of The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) which reiterates policies that both political liberals and conservatives all agreed upon at a time in American history...that No one has a right to infringe on the closely held beliefs and religious freedoms of anyone else in America, nor does anyone have the right to force another, through law or otherwise, to set aside their religious freedoms and values in order to satisfy the whims of another group or class of people without "compelling interest".

Indiana Governor Mike Pence
Before the ink was dry, the Indiana law was was under attack. Indiana Governor Mike Pence was denigrated and the legislative efforts of Indiana Lawmakers was touted by gay advocacy groups as racist, discriminatory, archaic, and insulting to the gay community. The misrepresentation of the law was so fever pitched, that major corporations threatened to boycott the NCAA basketball tournament, (which has nothing to do with the laws of the State).

Governors of other states, in efforts to look good, cancelled state sponsored trips to Indiana for bona-fide business purposes, and major news organizations, whose correspondents I believe purposely misreported the law(1) as being bigoted, placed all their efforts on examining the law with over the top skepticism, un-objective journalism, and rank criticism. The governor of Indiana, looking like a rag doll caught by the cat, was overwhelmed trying to balance his political career with his moral values. At times seeming to explain that the law really meant nothing... In all, it seems that anyone, who voiced their opinion in support of the law, was met with public shame, wrath and indignation sparked by false reporting, misrepresentations and an absurd view of closely held American rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Due to this confusion, the State of Arkansas, before they could even roll out a similar law, began to backtrack and modify its position due to fear of continued media backlash, and because Arkansas corporate giant Walmart, said that they were displeased....WHAT???