Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

McCulloch, STUPIANI & HOW!

Rudy Stupiani on CNN New Day
Partner In The Firm McCulloch, Stupiani & How!
The former Mayor of New York, Rudolph William Louis Giuliani better known as Rudy Guiliani or Rudy "STUPIANI" on this blog until further notice, not only inserted his foot in his mouth and ate crow with his over the top, ignorant and racist rant against Michael Eric Dyson over the weekend, but continued to display his complete arrogance and utter ignorance through cunningly and meticulously devised fables aimed at appealing to the White "power right" base which were eager to hear him lie, and deceive in effort to get Black people "told". 

Ooh it was easy for STUPIANI to do this because he had an audience ready to swallow his racist, ranting and insults. I mean paint the picture, Blacks in America are out of control...Blacks can't obey the law...Blacks kill one another at epidemic rates...all of which demands that White man, along with tax dollars, have to rescue the world from Blacks right? 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

An Official COGIC Apology...Sad Day For The Church!

UPDATE: 11/26/2016: I would like to say that we are certainly not pleased with how this disagreement from Elder Carter toward the actions or non actions of Presiding Bishop Blake has taken place. Carter had a right to ask for a clarification, which he and we all did. Once that clarification was delivered, as it was, then what should have happened was that we walk away from the issue and certainly avoid personal attacks upon character. Carter was wrong and remains wrong for how he continues to characterize Bishop Blake. Further, others, with whom Carter fraternized, have also proven to be no more than sensationalists, turning on Carter and others to gain information by which they "think" they can extort money from our leadership. They are vile, evil deceivers, seeking to subvert minds and purses to them and their cause. Certainly these individuals do not march or walk in accord with the Spirit of God. There are many things that the church should do better. I and the Dunamis Word will continue to hold up a standard and push for and promote holiness, renewal of faith through a higher standard of moral and social values, change and improvement of process at all levels of the church, but we will continue to do so in a non-sensational manner, reserving the right to call sin sin, and sinners wrong, even if they wear a clergy. We will continue to do so in a manner in which we can stand before all men unashamed. Do not be deceived, there are men who, in order to avoid claims of defamation, they have called themselves "investigative journalists" and claim that they are reporting "news". However, they are no more than gossipers, reporting lies seeking money and claiming to have received money. Do not believe those lies. Ask them to show you copies of the checks or the bank currency transaction reports which are essential to deal in cash transactions at $3,000 and $10,000. I continue to stand by the statements made in this article, but this is not joke and should not be used to simply make fun and gain as Carter and some who have followed him have. The story cannot be rewritten. From the beginning, Carter was about taking down Bishop Blake as the lead homosexual character of the church.  Those that joined him were clearly in accord with that mission. For the enlightened, repentance is in order. For those that continue, do so knowing that the God observes the good and the evil and rains on the just as well as the unjust. May God continue to bless all of them that wish this church to return to the foundation of holiness in all of its manner, both public and private. ~ Supt. Harvey Burnett

In addition to the statement that was released from the church regarding the 107th Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ, Presiding Bishop Blake decided to take things to an all new level or should I say and all new LOW for the "Grand Ole Church". This short excerpt from from the West Angeles Church service after the Convocation has more than burnt up the internet and especially facebook. The statement is resoundingly clear in uncovering what the Bishop was trying and endeavoring to do...Primarily: completely distance himself and the church both from anything that was said during Dr. Carter's message and anything that happened afterward by way of claimed deliverance by Andrew Caldwell, the person who's testimony is at the heart of the controversy.  

Bishop Blake read part of the initial statement and added some additional information for context. Here is the Bishop's statement: 

The Bishop's Assertions

Presiding Bishop Blake concluded that the speaker, Supt. Dr. Carter, had "used terms and spoke in a way that was offensive and inappropriate". To remind you, Dr. Carter called gay men "sissies", called the Bishops responsible for the proliferation of the gay agenda within the church by allowing them free reign, telling them that they were going to be held accountable for what they had allowed and called into judgement, and also at one point wished, that since gay men wanted to be women, that they would regularly "bleed from the butt" crudely referencing the monthly menstrual that a woman has as a sign of womanhood.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Marc Lamont Hill's COGIC Examination: "Look at This Fxxxed Up Church"

The FALLOUT from preaching HOLINESS and condemning the sin of homosexuality has reached epic proportions and criticisms. Not only has the testimony of a man named "Andrew" been on late night TV shows, mocked and ridiculed by society, because he declared his "freedom" from homosexuality, but but in an interview conducted by Dr. Marc Lamont Hill of Huffington Post Live, Dr. Hill says that the criticism, which should have been leveled, should have been directed towards the church (Church Of God In Christ) instead of being directed towards the young man, by saying that under the right circumstance an examination that people should have been saying, 

"Look at this Fxxxed up church, instead of look at this fxxxed up kid" ~ Marc Lamont Hill (48:16 mark of video)

Although COGIC has tried to lay low, I know of no one in COGIC that has criticized the "kid" However, that has not stopped COGIC from playing the "good guy" role by placing all the "good things" that it has done and continues to do in society on top of and over everything that it does. Yet the "educated" elite and in some cases the not so educated, elite, pious, and worldly, have arisen to examine the church, its ministry and its service and criticizing the church as being patriarchal, misogynistic, hateful, full of brainwashed individuals and out of touch in the 21st Century. 

For anyone wanting to see the complete interview, they can go HERE

Before I get started I would like to say that the testimony of the young man named Andrew, whether authentic or not, is not the real issue. People lie in church all the time and from the looks of it the panelists can relate either by personal experience or observation to that truth. So those who choose to condemn and theorize conspiracy or that Andrew was not real, are free to do so. For me, my examination, the issue was

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Nations Largest Pentecostal Holiness Church DISTANCES Itself From Deliverance From Homosexuality

Well, this is something that you don't see everyday Chauncey!

When Dr. Earl Carter preached at the 107th annual Holy Convocation, he did 2 things. First he called the homosexual, participating in the church, a "sissy" and said that they need to be delivered. This is not unusual. The late former presiding Bishop LH Ford called homosexuals "sissies" regularly. In fact a HOST of Sr. bishops can be heard referencing homosexuals in the same manner. Some even calling them what the bible calls them, effeminate, or Sodomites (both of which the liberal religious crowd try to reject)

Secondly, somebody came up and "claimed" to have gotten delivered as a result. A young man who declared that he was "delivered" and that he "loved women" admitted the error of his former homosexual lifestyle and not only he but many others came forth seeking to be free and seeking deliverance. Whether his claim was true or not, remains to be seen, but it seems that COGIC...Yes, the Grand Ole anything but glad to be associated with either happening. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Lion Hath Roared! Reflections Of The COGIC 107th Annual Holy Convocation

Amos 3:8 ~ The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?

New, New, New 
Can You Ride A Donkey Pt. 1 ~ Supt. Earl Carter
Can You Ride A Donkey Pt. 2 ~ Supt. Earl Carter
New, New, New

Normally, I do an article prior to the annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ outlining some points of interest and some fairly hot issues that the Saints, in general, should or could address in their largest annual meeting of the year.  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Praying For The Family & The Ministry Of Dr. Myles Munroe

"The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” — Dr. Myles Munroe

With deep sadness it has been brought to our attention that Dr. Myles Munroe along with his wife Ruth, and his daughter, have gone before us into glory after a plane crash in the Bahamas today, Sunday Nov. 9th. 

Sources report that the crash occurred when the plane, a Lear 36 executive jet, malfunctioned for some currently unknown reason, hitting a crane on its final approach to the Grand Bahama International Airport.

Charisma News reported the following:
"Dr. Myles Munroe, internationally-known author, bible teacher, governmental consultant and leadership mentor, was one of nine passengers on a plane that crashed in Grand Bahama on Sunday afternoon, according to multiple news reports.