Various Items Of Interest

Monday, November 25, 2013

Special Upcoming Radio Appearances

There are 2 upcoming radio events that Dunamis Word readers are invited to be a part of. 

1- On Saturday November 30th, 2013 at 11:00 AM (CST) Pastor Harvey Burnett will be one of the special guests discussing "Christianity Today: The True "Reality"" on AM 1140 WVEL Peoria, IL. This program can be heard on an analog signal in Central Illinois and on a live internet stream by clicking HERE and further clicking the "Listen Live" tab.

Jittaun Wilson-Woods
In what promises to be a lively, and fast paced hour, topics will include the church's relationship and response to crime and violence within the community, the expected challenges due to the recent passage of homosexual marriage in the State of Illinois and other topics such as the secularization of the church through entertainment. 

The host is radio DJay, Jittaun Wilson-Woods who is a long time WVEL and local radio personality. Please call in with your questions or comments during the live airing at (888)673-1011. Readers of the Dunamis word, please say so. 

2- On Monday December 2nd, 2013 at 8:00 AM (CST) Pastor Harvey Burnett will be a special guest of Star Parker's CURE America Radio Program which airs on Urban Family Talk Radio, a division of American Family Radio Network. This program broadcasts on over some 300 stations throughout the United States and is also live streamed. One can hear the live stream by clicking HERE and further clicking the "Listen Live" tab. 

CURE (Center For Urban Renewal And Education) is dedicated to delivering a message of hope and renewal to the Black community which has been devastated by misinformation, inept social and political policy and inaction of the church. Through its national network of thousands of pastors and churches, CURE seeks to bring wholeness and healing to the community by delivering solutions to the problems facing Black America and the Black family in particularly.  

If you aren't able to tune into the live program, don't worry, the program will be rebroadcast at 3 PM and 11 PM (CST) on the same station and will be available at the same links.  The host for this program is CURE Director of Outreach and Education Mr. Lonnie Poindexter who is also an experienced radio and outreach personality.

Once again, phone lines will be open. Questions and comments are welcomed during the live airing of the broadcast. Please call (866)963-2037.  In addition, please state that you are a reader of The Dunamis Word.



Click Here for the link to the Cure America Broadcast from Dec. 2nd. 2013.     

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fornication & Pre-Marital Sexual Activity. The Bible IS Clear

1 Cor. 5:9-11 ~ 9- I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 10-Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11-But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

The TV show, Preachers Of LA has given rise to many conversations among believers. The show has also detailed conversations that many believers have been having for quite some time. One such conversation centers around the relationship and eventual marriage of Deitrick Haddon to his current and new wife, Dominique (Mctyer), with whom, according to THIS ARTICLE, Deitrick had a baby before he was divorced from  his first wife Damita. In fact Deitrick and Dominique had a baby in early 2012. (So his relationship and infidelity with Dominique began as early as 2011) His divorce was said to have been finalized in August/Sept. 2012. Deitrick then went on to marry his current wife, in July 2013, preceded first in what appeared to be a fake wedding ceremony (with a string for a ring) carried out on Preachers Of LA and then in an official ceremony sometime in July 2013. 

It was plain to see that Deitrick, according to his own confession, not only fell off the wagon, (ie: Backslid, as we call it in Christian circles) so far as his salvation was concerned, but was also was an adulterer and a fornicator according to the biblical definition of the words.

Reinterpretation Of The WORD

One scene that caught my attention was when Bishop Ron Gibson was speaking to Derick and Dominique about marriage and living together, or what we often call in the Black community, "Shackin' Up". Interestingly enough Deitrick's claim was that "Shackin' up" wasn't in the bible. In fact Dominique would go on to claim that they (Deitrick and she) were "already married in God's eyes" because they had already had sex.

Friday, November 15, 2013

In The Matrix With Stephen Hawking

The one thing that we are sure of is if people want to make up excuses to not believe in God, they will go to the limits of craziness and strange assertions and "pretend" that they are being rational. One of the modern atheist "heroes" is no different. Here is a part of Frank Turek's examination of Stephen Hawking's book, "The Grand Design" and the philosophical metaphysical naturalist conclusions and presuppositions that he makes. 

If you liked that you may also like these articles I did on the philosophy of science and other modern novel speculations as it pertains to science.


Monday, November 11, 2013

"SAINTS", Not Merely "Christians"

Thankfully, I have been blessed by God to have known and served under some of the greatest leaders in the Church Of God In Christ. Long ago I would hear the late Bishop Dr. T.T. Rose formerly of Illinois Central Jurisdiction COGIC say, 

The Late Bishop Dr. T.T.  Rose
Springfield, IL. 
"I would rather be called a Saint any day than a 'Christian'." when I asked why? He would respond by saying "Saints, live right. They are the one's that God has called. You are subject to find a Christian doing anything...I don't want to be called a Christian, I want to be called a Saint!"

On Thursday night 11/7/2013 at the 106th Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ, Bishop Darrell Hines (see teaser video below) picked up on that same sentiment and theme and began to explain what Dr. Rose knew and was convinced of some nearly 70 years ago and I thought I should repeat this for all those younger individuals who don't know or have not been taught why we call one another "SAINTS" in COGIC as opposed to calling one another fellow "Christians" as is commonly done in many if not most Christian churches.

Slight Western History

In 1897 when the Church Of God In Christ was first formed, through its first reorganization in 1907 when it became a Spirit Filled and Pentecostal church, the believers that followed the teachings of Bishop C. H. Mason, were quick to call themselves Saints. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Illinois Approves Gay Marriage By False Parallel Of Race

Job 12:25 ~ They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.

Rep. Mary Flowers (D) 
"I really did not appreciate race being injected into this conversation. When I was discriminated against, it was not because of who I love, but because of the color of my skin.”...“Homosexuality has nothing to do with race,” ~ Rep. Mary Flowers (D) Chicago
The Illinois Legislature, making news for all the wrong reasons, decided in a 61-54 vote late Tuesday night to affirm gay marriage in spite of strong and vocal support against the measure by both Republican, Democrat and politically Independent citizens of the state. 

In what was building as a fight since a late last year's rejection of the measure, in what has become known as "President Obama's State", House Speaker Mike Madigan (D) along with other supporters were able to convince legislators to approve the measure by means of what he deemed as the "art of persuasion"  That "persuasion" included doing what gay marriage advocacy adherents do best, create a totally FALSE argument to promote their agenda and shame into submission all those who disagree. 

Such tactics were clearly seen as more and more representatives were convinced to relate the struggle for homosexual marriage to the struggle for civil rights. To highlight the utter confusion as it pertains to this issue, in my own back yard, Representative, Jehan Gordon-Booth (D) in The Peoria Journal Star News Opinion article entitled "Equality Under The Law Is The American Way" stated:
Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth (D)
"My thinking on this matter has been deeply influenced by the heroes of the civil rights movement. Congressman John Lewis of Georgia is the former chairman of the Student nonviolent Coordinating Committee. a Freedom Rider who had his skull fractured on the march across Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge, and a man of strong faith who graduated from the American Baptist Theological Seminary. He supports marriage equality."..."Obama wrestled very publicly with his views on the issue, ultimately realizing that his Christian faith is fully compatible with his endorsement of equal marriage rights." ~ Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth (D)11/5/2013 Peoria Journal Star
To which I simply say, what does any of that have to do with the price of tea in China? This sort of sentiment is not uncommon among politicians and Mrs. Gordon-Booth is certainly not the progenitor of such thinking, but it must be noted that there has never been a more inept, invalid and totally false correlation and relationship to facts and the struggle for human rights than the correlation of the fight for sexual preference to the fight of basic human dignity.

Utter Presidential Liberality & Confusion

First, President Barack Obama espouses ultra liberal Christian views and values. He doesn't believe in the inspiration or infallibility of the scriptures and believes some scriptures are valid while others are not based on his own guidance. Therefore to base one's decision on how he has come to reconcile "faith" with homosexuality is very shaky ground upon which to build  especially considering such a very important issue.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The COGIC 106th Annual Holy Convocation...A Time For Reconciliation!

Theme 1: Discovering The Power Presence And Person Of Jesus Christ

Theme 2: Experiencing The Power Of Jesus Christ, Pursuing His Mission & His Righteousness

Although I really can't say that I know exactly what theme that the 106th annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ will be, (click HERE and read the banners for yourself) either theme sparks much fruitful and spiritual contemplation and is painted on a ripe canvass of both victory, mystery and even further controversy.  

The 2013 Holy Convocation promises to be another in which COGIC will have the opportunity to address many issues and hopefully take the opportunity to set the pace as it pertains to standards of safety and integrity within the modern Christian church. However, they are starting from a deficit. There are some serious problems that must be dealt with including lawsuits, abuse, and unresolved ongoing personal conflicts and issues. 

COGIC Victim's Advocacy...The Need STILL Exists

The wonderful part is that COGIC now requires background checks for all new clergy coming into the organization and a thorough and extensive training program for all clergy licensees. In addition, we have received certain information that there is a counseling plan or program that exists, whether officially or not, for victims of sexual abuse in some areas of the country. That's the GOOD NEWS! 

The BAD NEWS is that sexual abuse within the church continues to occur and that COGIC has failed to implement a true Victim's Advocacy program and plan that will effectively minister to the needs of victims and their families. There is yet no clear "bill of rights" or path to recovery plan as we have proposed and recommended within the IMBKCAC plan. There is yet no organizational system of accountability on the issue of abuse in all forms. A solid advocacy plan, will meet the needs of both victims, the public, and the church insuring that COGIC is a safe and family friendly place of worship which embraces safe practices that not only prevent sexual abuse from occurring, but also affords victims the very best care, compassion and concern as they place their lives and families back together. An solid victim's advocacy plan is of essential importance if the goal and aim of the church is to be relevant within the community in which it exists and all around the world.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Arsenio Hall..."LA Preach Off"...Should We Rejoice Over This?

Phil 1:15-18 ~ 15-Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: 16-The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: 17-But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. 18-What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

I'd like to hear some input on this one. 
